FmC's Hand Made DIY 2015 comp entry; "WW2 Searchlight". Finished!

I think we have some SikaFlex at work - that stuff is pretty good.

The bottom of the bracket is welded - it's not going anywhere in a hurry :)

Update for today's work at the end of post #4.

What a lot of work. Its good of your friendly neighbors to be doing a bit of aluminium work and have giveaway scrap leftover.

The two bits of flat on their edge that are curved, did you cut them out of a flat piece?

The braces? That strip was a long off cut from the guillotine.

The main mounting plate I was looking at. lt appears there was a lot of cutting and filing involved.

Ahhh, yes, cut from a flat sheet with a jig saw. It was a neat cut, not too much cleaning up.

Jack has a future as a worksite supervisor, he’s very good at standing around looking preoccupied.

I am Jack's inflamed sense of rejection.

It might take less time to turn his head around than to swap hands. Hmm, but then he’d have to change his clothes around and it would be hard to see the buttons with his head on backwards.

Great thread by the way, extremely entertaining, thoughtful, and persistent.

I like it. For that matter a manger comes to mind in a BBC (big bastard company).

On second thoughts we should not speak badly about Jack as he may be tens times more helpful than the above mentioned people for a few reasons, he will not interfere, get in your way, report you to higher management and will never speak back to you. Maybe we should all have a Jack.

Saying that the wife just brought me out Barbie to help me.

I don't know about Jack being helpful....

I heard a heap of noise in the shed last night - I'm about to go out & see what he's been up to...

He probably called Woody, Buzz, and the rest over for a Pahtee! Jammin’ in the round a la Circle Star Theater.

Update at the end of post #1.

Bit of a setback - this was my worst fear of using the plaster.

I thought if I gave it enough coats of paint, it would be OK, but no, it peeled off like a huge scab...... :(

Anyhow, it's "Bondcrete" to the rescue now....

Bugger. I bet Jack had his mate Daniels over for a dance party last night and danced a little to hard. The good old Bondcrete aye. We have used that in some odd places as well. l hope it sets ok.

Thats awesome work. Love watching this.

Might have better luck with casting resin.

Fore sure, & it's what I will have to use if the Bondcrete fails (Still spinning, 28 hours & counting...)

It's formed a skin, but is far from curing in the middle.

The plaster was $3.50 for a bag, & I learned a lot using it in this scenario.

The Bondcrete was $30 for the tub, & I hope it's not a more expensive lesson.

For the same amount of resin, it would have been over $80.... much was the pre-made reflector again? :~

Yes but think of all the fun Jack has had watching you learn thus stuff.

I found a local seller who has the casting resin + MEK catalyst for ~$50 for a 2L kit.

I should have it by the weekend, if the other stuff hasn't set by then. far as Jack is concerned, I don't want to see his face around here for a week or so... ;)

Update for this weekend at the bottom of post #1.

Finally got the reflector sorted.