In the true BLF spirit, the 1000th post is a time when a member gives back to the community, & comes up with an idea for a "Giveaway".
This Giveaway is more suited to someone who is just getting into the hobby, and/or does not have the tools/ability to mod a light.
Lately, member's have been coming up with interesting ways to participate, so here is my own take on it.
Rather than just ordering a stock light from a seller & having it shipped to the winner, instead, I'm offering to mod a light for the winner; ie - the winner orders/sends to me a light (& any major components), & I'll mod it, & do a build thread for it, & then post it to them.
So, if you want in, you must post what light you want modded, & how you want it modded.
Example; I'd like to have a Convoy S2, modded with triple Nichias, DD driver, four modes.
In this example, you would have to order the light/host, triple Noctigon board, & LED's.
Example; I want a fully modded Courui thrower, with de-domed XPL.
In this example, you would order the Courui, 32mm Noctigon, & XPL.
* One post/entry per person.
* Any one who doesn't read the OP & just posts something along the lines of "I'm in" will not be eligible.
* Must be a current BLF member as of yesterday, & not associated with a commercial seller(ie; work/employed by/for them).
* Contest will be open for the next week from the time of posting, & the winner will be picked randomly shortly thereafter.
* I reserve the right to add/change the rules if deemed necessary, & have final say in what is "do-able".
* Due to the ridiculous price of international shipping from AU, please try & keep your choice of light, errr - light. :)
If you are not sure what's required, or whether your idea is "do-able", feel free to ask about it in your entry post.
Ok, the giveaway is now closed.
A winner will be drawn, & the result posted tomorrow (my time).
After filtering out the chatter, each valid entrant was assigned a number in the order they posted, then put into Random.Org.
The winner is; MauiSon!
Congrats, MauiSon, I will PM you shortly.