FREEME ✌ ASTROLUX FT03S SFH55 9300lm & FT03 SFT40 2200lm 1300m NarsilM v1.3 USB-C - ALIVE

Using a 20mm board should be fine but you will have to center it proper your self. You could always drill and tap new screw holes if you wanted. The reflector base is fairly big ill check clearance now. Okay so the reflector hole is huge lol if you use the stock gasket it fits all the way around a 20mm board so that will act as electrical isolation

Gasket size is 23mm overall
Reflector is 62mm (outer ) Looks almost 60mm inner
Bottom opening in reflector is 18mm
MCPCB is 28mm
Lens is 65mm
Driver 30mm

Bloody hell.

Might just be easier to get a 28mm pcb and reflow it.

Got the sst-20 DA L3 (5000K) in mine, used a unmodified maxtoch 26mm mcpcb. It netted exactly a 25% increase in measured kcd.

Today I will pick up my CW from post office. And then I can compare with the NW. Later I will put in a White flat in the CW version.

Wonder why they made the reflector so large at the bottom? At least you can fit a MTG2 in there no worries lol.

I ran some more numbers i got about 2230 lumens and 230kcd from my cold white stock. My cd is always low but lumens seems fairly right.

How did you get it to fit? The 28 mm barely clears the solder pads. What are the exact throw #'s? My 2nd NW does about 230 kcd, my 1st one after the mods actually seemed to drop throw to 238 kcd. I'm not too surprised because any fiddling with LED/MCPCB, etc. can change things slightly, enough to make a difference. The modded one though has a better centered beam pattern.

Well I blew up that de-domed emitter. Must have nicked a bond wire. I had to reflow it from the 20mm over to the 28mm; still had to cut the gasket because I obviously can’t solder well. Light went white, then blue, then purple, then nothing.

Oops! Lessons learned. Although I’ll most likely need to try and get another gasket somehow, sigh.

Delivered :+1:
April 16, 2019 at 10:21 am

Delivered, Front Door/Porch


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Ordered. 14th February,2019
Received: 16th April 2019

Duration: 2 Months and 2 days!

Shipping time= Only 12 Days[April 4th to April 16th],Not bad :smiley:

-LED seems perfectly centered :+1:

-Bezel and Body NOT GLUED :+1:

-AR Coated Lens :+1:

-I disabled step down. Popping/clicking noise started after 1 minute of turbo.It was sporadic and Not too annoying. More than 5 minutes after turning off to rest, still making popping noises!,a few per minute!

Ran on turbo for 10 minutes/tail stand/no fan/Loft Temperature was 68F/20C. I was able to easily hold handle of light after 10 minutes of Turbo. NO RED HAND EITHER!

I look forward to using it tonight. So far I am pleased w/Lens/LED centered and NO glue! :wink:

Next is Turbo run time test. After this I know my light and batteries Very well. :smiley:

Comparison/Line up from Left to Right.

M25C2vn T———FT03———M2Xvn———U21vn

How could I forget!

10 minutes is pretty good - what cell?

The one I modded gets really hot on a good cell now, hotter than the stock one.

Orbtronic 26650 5750mah.

When I can run MAX output tail standing on my loft for 10 minutes,I easily surpass that[usually double] on the trail,regardless of which light it is. :+1:

I will be doing my Turbo run time tests w/ my Brand new.

The 26mm fit no problems, had to mind how I ran the wires to the pads but nothing special to get it together and to clear the reflector.

My <10 year old meter reads low so the numbers themselves are for direct comparison only…
Stock NW = 198KCD
SST20 NW = 248,400Cd
For consistency readings were taken with the same cell fresh off the charger for each test.

On topic, this was the worst maxtoch mcpcb I’ve ever received! Its back side was more wood grain like than the stock one was, had to spend 20min with it getting it lapped smooth. There was actually a lip around the entire edge of the thing that prevented 99% of it from touching before hand!

Just completed my TURBO run time tests.

Battery: Vapcell 26650 5500mAh 20A BRAND NEW
Starting Voltage: 4.19V
Test: MAX[Turbo] run time test-Incremental
Rest: 5 minutes
Loft Temperature:68F/20C


The batteries will likely Never see anything over 20m[3.75V] of use. Plenty of fresh ones to enhance the hike with constant turbo!

**For my MAX run time test the clicking noises werre not as loud and seemed LESS frequent. Maybe[?] whatever it is will wear off with TURBO use! :+1:

Are those measured voltages DURING the test or did you have to shut the light down, remove the cell and then test?

HKJ has shown how inaccurate that method is. Voltage recovers in under a second or less… To get the 30min run-time readong of 3.59v the cell was likely actually at or below ~3.2v during the test (unless you were measuring cell voltage during).

I clearly state-: 5 minutes rest and Incremental.

I understand that. I saw HKJ’s test and realize the the voltage is lower under a load.

My simple tests work for me and that is all that matters.

I know my lights and batteries very well and have predicted EXACT voltages[after light is off!] when I get home.

Are you sure you measured the 10 minutes in turbo? ramping to the top is not turbo. It is about half output of turbo. No way it was run 10 minutes without stepdown and 2020C temperature after 10 min turbo. Something doesn’t right. Mine was 52C after 4 minutes. then it stepped down. If you run it to the 10 minute mark maybe it cooled back down.


I disabled the step down,no doubt like any other light it will slowly lose output.I understand that.

Double click from OFF gets turbo. I turn it on Turbo and leave it on for 10 minutes. Was it MAX output after 10 minutes……….doubt it very much.

When I use it tonight I will see if I notice a drop in output after 5,7, 10 minutes.It may not be noticeable by eye.

EDIT: Who said 20C/68F was the temperature of the light?!! That is the LOFT temperature where I am testing the light!

Ok,just did another simple test. Put my sun glasses on and went in the bath room!!! White Tile and white walls,very bright w/ FT03 TURBO on.

Double click to TURBO and held light in hand for 10 minutes,now ROOM temperature is 70F/21.1C.

After 4 minutes, yes, the LED/Neck/Switch area is starting to get hot,I do not hold the light there.

After 8 minutes the handle is starting to get hot,no biggie for me as you can see in the picture below from another much more powerful light[TN42vn 90] last summer.I hold the FT03 for 2 more minutes[10 total].

Twice during the test I quickly turned on and off[5 min. mark and 9 min. mark] to see ramp MAX output,back up to turbo was clearly noticeably brighter. Again, I do not know what the output is after 10 min. consecutive turbo,but it is clearly and so easy to tell that it is MUCH brighter than MAX ramp output, even after 10 minutes of turbo.

Your dealing w/ a turbo freak who is not afraid of a little pain!

Just a reminder,PHOTO below is NOT from today,i have posted before. 20 minutes later when I got home after LONG turbo runs w/ TN42vn90 in the summer time.

Sorry my native language is not english. I did not know what LOFT means. I thought you measured the flashlight temperature.

A loft = home/apartment without any significant walls.

All good, a simple misunderstanding :slight_smile:

Swapping back to stock emitter tonight. Oh well.