I ordered on February 14th,around #260,you are definitely Not in the first 500. Although mine is NW. I do not know if the first 500 is inclusive to ANY tint,I think it pertains to CW or mine would have been shipped March 9th as original shipment date,then again[!] their dates of shipment do not matter too much! :smiling_imp:
Yeah, NW got left behind. Would have been nice to be officially told - something like “there have been difficulties in getting the NW emitters, so your order is delayed until they arrive, however CW is available”.
Delays can be due to a manufacturering problem, quality control problem or a parts supply problem.
They really do want to get them out to buyers to protect their reputation and keep sales, but sometimes things don’t go perfectly.
I remember when the GT was coming out, the first few hundred had a bug in the firmware. They didn’t flash it correctly. They had to halt production, unbox and reprogram all the lights. This caused a delay, but it could have been much worse if they had rushed the lights out.
Sometimes a supplier might say they will get you a part by a certain date, but don’t. You have no choice but to delay production.
This is all common stuff for a brand new light. I’d rather they delay release and get the bugs worked out than stick to a predetermined deadline and send out a light that has an issue.
I also wish they would communicate better, but sometimes these Chinese companies, and other countries as well, don’t want to admit they had a problem. It’s a pride thing.
We just have to be patient. They will ship eventually.
Oh absolutely, I can totally understand things go wrong. But as you’ve mentioned, it’s potentially a cultural thing with not wanting to admit fault, even if it’s not something in their control.
I messaged Ben (Mateminco over at the Aliexpress store) He says they do have neutral white available but have a 2,000 light paid list they have to ship
Has any one got there hands on a NW SST40? I have not seen one tested yet? I have not as of yet seen a build with a NW SST40 is there a thread with a build?
If no one on BLF can find them i think Astrolux was probably having an issue sourcing them. Its not uncommon for a company to say yes to some thing before even acquiring the parts needed.
As for whinging i have learnt my lesson about delayed group buys i have learnt it gets me no where. That is why i waited this one out!
I am keen for the FT03 you get what sounds like good quality parts for a good price if it works out okay. The margins on the light are probably not that big considering its a new driver and a new LED.