FREEME ✌ LUMINTOP FWAA Andúril 2 14500 Flashlight Deals - CL2 Bundle Deal

Just reporting what I’ve seen posted about Andruil, Toykeeper has said multiple times it requires lithium cells. It might depend on the version of Andruil, not too sure.


Anduril doesn’t care about the power supply, it never did. It’s just the MCU that needs at least 2 V. You could easily boost the voltage up.

A boost circuit powering the MCU seems like a recipe for high parasitic drain. But I could be wrong. I would love to see any ramping UI running whatever MCU necessary for a NiMH cell to work with low parasitic.

Bare bones, watered down Anduril Ramping UI

From off:

1H moon (pause for 1.5-2s then continue ramping)
1C memory
2C high (current chosen which naturally stabilizes at ~55-60C tail-standing w/o any airflow)

From on
1H ramp up
2H ramp down
1C off
2C turbo (timed step down for simplicity - another 2C returns to previous mode - manual restart if desired)

No other fluff. It’s an AA light, so no blinkies of any kind make sense. No aux LEDs draining the small cell. I can’t see how this UI couldn’t be written to fit within even the smallest of MCUs

Please add me to the list,i want one either way it comes out sins sofirn is taking forever with the sp10 anduril

It's here!

How do we buy one now, never having been part of a group buy here?

I will put your name down on our list later. Deal information will be forwarded to all when preorder starts in about 1-2 weeks time.

Neal will discuss with LT.

Will be interesting to see how they fit a FET+7+1 on a single sided 17(?) mm driver(!). Stacked 7135s? Or the specs are wrong…

Seeing this image, it seems that the FWAA will be even shorter (although larger in diameter) than the DQG Slim Ti AA :o


Interested, SST20 4000k if it exists, otherwise 219c 4000 or 5000k

Taller than DQG @74.1mm.

In the photo it seemed smaller than the RovyVon A23, and I put the A23 side by side with the DQG Slim Ti and this one was bigger by 1 or 2 mm.

In any case, it will be quite small :wink:
And I like it :smiley:

I have a feeling we won’t know that until someone gets one and takes it apart. My money is on it being a FET+1 instead of a FET+7+1.

If that’s the case the FWAA will be TINY. The A23 is the same size as the A24, it’s next to an FW3T in these pics.

Interested. Nichia 4000K.

Interested in the Nichia 4000k + 3000k

Interested for SST20 4000 if that’s available. If not, Nichia 4000