Interested! Please put me down for one SST20 4000k and one Nichia 4000k with pocket clips.
Please add me to the list, this looks great.
Interested in 1. 219c 3000k
Freeme, thanks for updating us with these important pictures, measurements, and details. I want to confirm that the 15.9mm diameter is for the MCPCB or the opening ?
It will sure
And that combo you have there is also sweet :sunglasses:
Would be nice if it was for the PCB, then it would be possible that a 16mm single led PCB would also fit without major moddings :innocent:
Which is why I ask. I mean in reality sanding 100 microns of the diameter of the the mcpcb isn’t the end of the world, but is just a frustratingly close fit.
E21As or 219Bs are what this needs btw. I’d so much rather see this as a single emitter though. Anything other than the best Nichia bins are going to be above BBL at the currents this host/cell can sustain for any reasonable time. I think I’ll plan on SW45Ks sliced to eek out whatever cd/lm I can get here.
Freeme: Please ask Neal/LT about the possibility of a single emitter version and a triple mcpcb for Nichia E21a/E17a.
Also, the optic isn’t protected by a glass lens, which honestly I prefer in this case, but please pass on the interest that many here will have in acquiring spare optics to replace as they get scratched/dirty over the years.
Lastly, I wonder how the Ledil optic would work in this for a single emitter swap/mod. Can’t recall the model name, we discussed it in the D25 headlamp thread…
My MCPCB measured at ~15.7mm. No modification was done.
As others have said based on size comparisons this thing’s gonna be tiny. Explains why they decided to offer the optional gripping ring, The most likely way to activate a tail-switch light this small is with the “cigar” grip.
A slightly longer FW1AA (~84mm) might be more functional.
Thanks, just wish the A24Ti was a warmer tint. I’ll probably swap to a Nichia at some point.

A slightly longer FW1AA (~84mm) might be more functional.
I’d buy one of those too lol.
Interested, please.
Yes please!
Interested. Will likely try one of each LED type…
I’m interested in the Nichia version.
Is the driver actually FET+1+7? Struggling to imagine that many 7135s in there