Well, in this thread I will show some experiences I made with my FW1A and with some lenses and bezels!
However, feel free to show the mods and experiences you’ve done with yours too
Short Intro
I ordered my FW1A from Neal. It had a XPL-HI 3D, a beautiful Neutral White tint.
When I got the flashlight, I decided I wanted to open it to eventually change the LED. However, awkwardly, the bezel was glued so I had to use some force and pliers that damaged the knurling.
To make it even again, I decided to file all the knurling , making it look bare aluminium. I like the way it looks.
After I opened the bezel, I started playing with different lenses and reflectors and meanwhile I ended up damaging the original LED
I replaced it by a Luxeon V 4000K, but I noticed it was also damaged, as there was a darker “stain” in the die. So, I replaced it again by another damaged-but-working XPL-HI U6-4C (not so neutral as the 3D)… Yeah, not good, not perfect, but it works
After putting the light back together, I decided to make some experiences.
Here’s my report of them. IN THE NAME OF FLASHLIGHT SCIENCE, of course
Materials you find in this photo:
FW1A with XPL-HI U6-4C
FW1A bezel
FW3A bezel
AR Coated Lens
Sapphire lens (single dome)
Convex Optic (from a zoomie)
FW1A OP reflector (w/ Black Gasket)
Acebeam H20 OP reflector (w/ White Gasket)
1st EXPERIENCE FW1A bezel + FW1A OP reflector + AR Coated Lens
2nd EXPERIENCE FW1A bezel + FW1A OP reflector + Sapphire lens
The sapphire lens produces a side reflection of the OP, in the outer spill, due to be convex and non AR Coated. The hotspot gets larger but well defined.
3rd EXPERIENCE FW1A bezel + FW1A OP reflector + Convex Optic
Worst scenario :person_facepalming:
4th EXPERIENCE FW3A bezel + AR Coated Lens
Wall of light, the widest beam! No hotspots, just a very wide beam
5th EXPERIENCE FW3A bezel + Sapphire lens
Wall of light, but not so wide as with the normal lens. The slightly domed sapphire lens narrows the beam a little more. The due to the height of the lens vs space between threads and o-ring/reflector, the lens rattles a little. Another o-ring should be used in case you wanna use this configuration.
6th EXPERIENCE FW3A bezel + Convex Optic
One of my favourite beams produced. It loses distance range, but gains focus and is still very clear. The side “artifacts” are barely noticeable in a non-white space or outdoor.
7th EXPERIENCE FW3A bezel + Acebeam H20 OP reflector + AR Coated Lens
The only small reflector fitting this light with the FW3A bezel. I had to give it a try. It is overall floody and has a floody but still noticeable hotspot
8th EXPERIENCE FW3A bezel + Acebeam H20 OP reflector + Sapphire lens
With the sapphire lens and this reflector happens the same as above with the regular FW1A reflector: the hotspot is more massive, and there are side reflections of the OP. Maybe a SMO reflector would be different…
9th EXPERIENCE FW3A bezel + Acebeam H20 OP reflector + Convex Optic
The beam is much narrower in this configuration, but it has less artifacts (a lot less!) than with he FW1A reflector, specially in the centre. In the side. It has some reflections. It you can ignore the side marks, this is a nice and more focused confirguration.
NOTE: The initial beam photos were all taken at the same distance from the wall. The second ones, when registered, they were taken closer to the wall!
And this is it! Post your mods and experiences too