GB BLF LuckySun D80-SE Need long tubes? -3/3/16

Another vote for 1/2 second.

1/2 sec is definitely better. ;)

All the talk of Turbo makes me snicker.
If you think about it, Turbo does not really exist. It is really just the highest level and then everything below that is labeled less.
There is no extra boost of voltage, amperage, etc. it is just Direct Drive, whatever the battery can supply, less any internal resistance of the wiring/electronics.

In other words, “These go to eleven.”

Leave the EcoTurbo as is, saves battery and heat, always a good thing.
The original LuckySun D80 always comes on at High, which is not very much less than the “turbo” so it is effect an EcoTurbo.
That is the mode that I always use with that stock light, it is so close to ultimate high but doesn’t waste amperage turned to heat and still is dang bright.

Nigel :slight_smile:

I also vote for the 1/2 second. I wouldn’t even mind the H-M-L order if it set last mode that quickly. :slight_smile:

How about…Mega-Turbo :wink:

Between 1/2 and 1 second is good. My perfect world would be 750ms. (I’ve done other types of UI programming with similar needs, and this seems to be about the sweet spot.)

1/2 second would be horrible for Grandpa Joe that can’t figure out how to half press the button.

I say, “Suck it, Grandpa Joe!”.

Thanks Kronological!

Grandpa Joe here,

You would be surprised what I can do, you young wipper-snapper, you! :slight_smile:

1/2 second will work!



D80— When the bezel ring+reflector/glass is removed, what does looking down at the LED PCB look like, photo anywhere?

I’m wondering, does the MCPCB sit flat at the bottom of a cylinder, is there an ID taper making it conical inside, and what’s the inside diameter of the area very near the LED PCB?

I am curious if the LED chip has much room around it or not. Thank you very much.

Or you can do one of THESE

I did one with an old AK-47A I had recently. The convoy S2 I have it in with an XP-L HI, it is pulling 4.6A on a Samsung INR18650-20R. I used THIS FET

Easy and budget fix with less modes…

Interested in 2 of the 1A

Unless you look at the data sheet where 3.0A is max recommended. High pretty much does the Cree Max Amperage, Turbo exceeds expectations. :wink:


He’s out playing with his 21A Ti X6. :stuck_out_tongue:

I will be posting more photos in the OP. Check ’em out!

+1 :slight_smile:

3D tint :heart_eyes:

Put me down for 1 3C

Pics, or we don’t believe you… :wink:

0.5 to 1 sec maximum Please.

This poor tree, I just can’t seem to let it sleep at night. This is a different angle, looking down our 300yd long driveway from what would normally be in the middle of my usual angle. There are vehicles in the way for that view….

The ReyLight Ti II , or Ti X6 with Quad Nichia 219C emitters and CUTE-4 optics on an LG HE-2 cell. I used it some today so it wasn’t fresh, probably wasn’t making but about 3800 lumens here. Freshly charged it does 4278 out the front at start-up pulling 21.30Amps.

Edit: It occurred to me that some may wonder why I posted this here, since it’s not the D80. Well, other than that I was asked… this could be built in a D80 as easily as this light. :wink: