GB FINISHED: Panasonic NRC18650B 3400mah Protected button top for $13,80 a pair.

I would like 1 more pair but my bank account says no-no, only 5€ there :_(

Something odd tho. I couldn’t click the BUY or BUY NOW buttons using Firefox 22.0 or Seamonkey browsers. IE6 wouldn’t work either. Ended up using IE7. yukkk Any ideas why?

I put in an order for 4 pairs. I’ve always had pretty good luck with WB stuff - no bad orders so far.

I’m going to put in a special request that they wrap my batteries in silicone Samsung Galaxy S II i9100 cases for this order. My last battery order came wrapped in a couple of iphone 5 cases which I had no use for.

Not sure, I ordered via Firefox. Something with your local settings though. My order seemed to go through fine, but I didn’t post it, so nobody knows how many I bought…except for the NSA… and I was going to look for backpacks today too :frowning:

Check that you don't have any plugins/extensions that are blocking you being able to click things.

Check for viruses/malware.

Speaking for myself, I find that most of the time it's something else that I'm running that's blocking me.

got 3 sets back when it said 92 sold. thanks for the heads up.

Can someone please start a new group buy for this same battery? I tried using wbqymonster to buy 3100mah protected cells but it does not seem to work anymore.

highly unlikely to happen since there was a group buy for protected NCR18650B (with limited quantities) and then again group buy for unprotected NCR18650B batteries…

Hopefully there are enough members like me who want the protected cells but didn’t know about the earlier group :frowning:

See this yclongthrow ->—10049
although, they are unprotected…

I think this wouldn't be so easy. We need about 50 pairs for the firts protected battery group buy. Without this number the group buy would not take place.

It started and in many flashlight forums of the world the infomation was spreaded (here, in CPF and I know a big german flashlightforum. I think someone has posted it in fonarevka and, too) - at the end they sell about 120 pairs. I think a new group buy will not enter the 50 pairs, because many members do not buy only one pair and do not need more at the moment. I bought 3 pairs and would wait for these, use them for 1-2 weeks and then I would know, if I need more.

Hopefully people will demand some soon, I would be willing to buy 5 sets myself. I have a lot of new high-draw lights and only blue trustfires to run them.

Well instead of waiting for a new group buy I went ahead and bought 4 pairs of Panasonic protected 3100mah 18650s from Wallbuys. I got 8 cells for about $49 dollars with the volume discount and a 10% coupon code. It was $12.32ish per pair which per mah is actually a better deal then this group buy. Just thought I would let everybody else know of an alternative.

The GB was for the 3400mAh batteries, not 3100mAh.

Never said it was, all I intended to do was pass on a good deal, and I just stated that per mah of capacity my purchase was a better deal and that it was a suitable alternative for those who missed out on the 3400mah group buy.

On a per $/mah ratio the Sanyo 2600mAh batteries would make even more sense.

I was comparing Panasonic cells as I am led to believe they are more similar in characteristics to each other than to other brands. If you have a bone to pick with me please just private message me as there is no need to spam the boards with your trivial comments which add very little to discussion and seem to just be a means to discredit my posts. The snobbery from CPF seems to have leaked over.
Thank you

My goal is not to offend, nor do I have a bone to pick with you. If anything it feels as if you have a bit of a chip on your shoulder from your time on cpf... which I can understand.

I've simply pointed out first that the batteries you ordered, while a great deal, are different from those in the GB, and then that there are other even cheaper options of similar quality, and better $/performance ratio.

The central image is blank on the site. I see only images at the bottom.

My ncr18650s came today, wrapped in iPhone cases without additional battery case
Initial voltage was 3.6 on all four, I have them now in my i4 for charging.