GB Interest ///OFFICIALLY CLOSED 11/8 @ 9pm CST/Maxtoch M24 Sniper with XP-L HI /// 250K lux @ 4.3 Amps!!!

No problems, list updated.

I might be in for one.
Would really prefer to up the current to at least 4 amps though.

Gonna see what we can get done, it may take a little doing but gonna try.


Leaning heavily toward ‘yes’, but I can’t commit till closer to the “sell by” date. Being self-employed has it’s downside and I can’t predict my budget too far ahead.

You got quality, form-factor, and price nailed. And throw looks good (my main concern). I’m OK with either emitter and tint if we get only one to choose from.

Watching and hoping- I need something like this and if the money will be there I’ll be in.


OP updated…….4 amps minimum!!!
A number of you asked for 4 amps or more, got the OK just a few minutes ago.
The light will have 4 amps MINIMUM and possibly up to 5 if we can get the minimum number reached for this GB.
Everyone get to signing up, the more we get on the list the better chance we have to get more in the light.

Add me for 1. 4700 to 5000K for tint.

I will add you, but at the moment we only have “neutral” (not sure exact numbers) but should be in that neighborhood I think. As we get more I think we can get more tint options also though.

4amps? XP-L HI cool white? Ok, I'm in! Put me down for one.

I will put you on the list, but at the moment “neutral” is the only tint, think I can get more though once numbers come up.

count me in

Got ya, thanks

At 4 amps I’m officially in :slight_smile:
Logo doesn’t matter much to me.
I would prefer the tint in the neutral to slightly cool range.

For some odd reason I seem to prefer the neutral-cool spectrum for throwers,
but neutral to warm for flooders.(?)

Added you, ATM neutral is the tint we have

I would like mine to have the Factory M24 sniper lettering on it. Is that Possible?

So does that mean you want on the list or you don’t?
I think the whole GB batch will have to be the same. Unless we get tint options, but then only the tint, not lettering.
One of the guys that has done these buys could probably tell you for sure, but as far as I know when you do a GB it is all the same stuff, unless it was negotiated for like they did on one of them with serial numbers I believe it was.

5 amps, XP-L HI, price below 64USD, am in.

Got ya and thanks.

The head diameter of the M12 and M24 are identical, not sure bout the reflectors but guessing they are the same.

M12 reflector I.D.: 56mm (pic in OP here:

It would be great to see #'s on a ~4.5A XP-L HI mod in either light to guestimate what the throw of the target GB light would be. I have an M12 now with a FET driver and U2 domed that does like 130 kcd at 6.1A, so de-domed would get 240-260 kcd (post #88: Think'n to upgrade it to an XPL-HI V3 2B that I have laying around - probably would get in that range of 4.5A-5.2A or so. Either way, I could use a cell to achive the 4.5A in order to get a measurement.

Would like to know what you come up with just for justfer’s if nothing else.