Anyone who was wanting one of these GB lights and missed the GB, Amanda (Maxtoch) has just informed me that there are 7 of these lights left , they have the normal M24 tube but the same inside as the GB lights, and they are on the aliexpress site now. ONLY 7 of them them left though and when they are gone there will be no more.
Beamshot comparison pictures added of my Old M24 vs The New GB M24 in Post #1008
A big THANK YOU to Amanda and all the others at Maxtoch for working so diligently on this GB and making it happen in such a short time (compared to the usual GB times) especially considering this was a custom light and not an off the shelf item.
Anyone who hasn’t made the payment already needs to do so today.
Maxtoch WILL NOT be taking payments once they have the final numbers for the engraving to be put on the GB lights.
This means if you do not have your light (s) paid for TODAY you will not be able to get it.
Group Buy OFFICIALLY CLOSED. No more orders will be taken for this GB sorry.
Anyone who hasn’t received an invoice or payment request please email Amanda and let her know as per her request. (Use the email provided in the group PM) or the PM I sent you if it was the last 2 days and you were added.
EDIT: Please double check the amount of the purchase BEFORE you pay
ALL Payment information and orders MUST ne turned in by 11-8-15 in order to receive a light.
There will be no more added and lights will only be shipped to the ones that are on the list and have ALL information turned in by the 10th (GB closing 8th to give 2 days to complete everything) Anyone added to the list will receive instructions on payment and so forth at the time I put them on the list (I will send PM)
If your Paypal address is different than your email please check both for an invoice from Maxtoch.
I have just gotten information from Maxtoch………
They are getting all the information provided by everyone for payment and shipping done as it comes in.
Everything should be done and ready to go for them to start shipping about the middle of November (CONFIRMED this month 16th Nov) this should have the lights to us before Christmas as we have hoped it would.
The official close date (for good this time) will be November 8th 2015 at 9 PM CST
Date was moved back by 2 days to the 8th to meet the deadline and ship on time.
Post 593 A couple of new pictures and an update on output.
Maxtoch informed me that due to the success of this GB, they are making up some extra lights for this buy.
The number of extra they did not give me a number on yet.
If you missed this GB or want 1 of these M24 lights, it will be a first come basis , and if we have more sign up than the number of lights remaining, then only the ones who signed up first will get them, and this will probably only last a short time.
I will be keeping everyone posted as I get more information.
10/27/15 GB OFFICIALLY CLOSED as of 10/27/15 at 9pm CST.
Anyone who does not want to pay the $2.00 for a holster, that you have ordered already, let me know if you need/want only 1 (free) holster (per light ordered).
We have reached the 80 needed to get a free holster now, and if you do not wish to buy one, I need to get your holster removed from the list.
Anyone who has ordered a light please check beside your name to confirm I have the right number of light(s) you want, the # of lights will be beside your name only 1 time, and if you have more than 1 then these will be beside any duplicate name, and the number of lights you want listed by your name 1 time. Also be sure your name is on the list if you have ordered. Just double checking to be sure. If there is any error please send me a PM (robo819) and I will get it corrected, thanks.
—PLEASE DO NOT reply to the group PM I sent requesting information,REPLY IN A SEPARTATE (private) PM TO ME ONLY as the information goes to everyone if not.
I know it is not a lot, but if we happen to reach 80 by the deadline, everyone on the list gets a free holster with the light.
Also a (limit of 3) pressure switches, per light purchased at $5.00 each, this is about half price, for those that want them.
GB closing on October 27th at 9 PM (central standard time) so anyone wanting one of these lights MUST have your name on the list before then.
IMPORTANT UPDATE about payment information, POST #333/ PLEASE READ IF YOU ARE ON THE GB LIST (or if you are planning on getting on it)
Minimum number has been reached to get the lower price of $58.50 as of today.
I will let everyone know, when I get all the information needed, when we can start ordering.
THANKS to everyone for helping make this happen.
$58.50* * /// Matoch has agreed to lower the price from the original $63.50, but ONLY if we can reach the 50 minimum.
It has taken some effort but I think it is about as low as it is gonna get for this great thower.
Beamshots added (XM-L2 U2 dedomed) stock driver, in thread (post #213)
Ok there have been a number of you asked for at least 4 amps in the GB light, WE GOT IT!!!, at least a 4 amp driver will be in the light maybe even 5, if minimum number reached.
The holster will be available for $2.00 and also the remote pressure switch for $5.00 with this GB
It was brought to my attention some of you may be wondering……
1. Does Maxtoch accept paypal? / YES
2. Will the order have tracking? / YES / (included in listed prices in the post)
3. Any extra accessories with the light? / YES / A carry case, lanyard, a spare switch, O-ring’s, and tailcap boot.
Holster can be purchased for $2.00 and/or Remote pressure switch for $5.00 if purchased with the light in GB.
Just be sure to put which (or both) in the “remarks” section if you want either once the GB is active.
Pictures and a link to beamshot slideshow added below.
Hey Guys,
I know the Group Buys have been going hard and heavy lately and I keep thinking they would slow down but it doesn’t appear it will any time soon so here goes………
I have been talking to Amanda at Maxtoch (also Kronological said he will help me if I need it) and I am sure I will as this is my first time to do a GB.
With the thought of a BLF thrower in mind (although not a real small one) IT WILL THROW!!!
What I have got is the Maxtoch M24 Sniper with the XP-L HI emitter in it, using the already tried and proven Maxtoch Copper board (DTP) with it. The battery tube (flat area) will have BLF SE (Special Edition) or BLF TE (Thrower Edition) SET (Special Edition Thrower) depending on which the most preferred who wanted one of these lights. The price would be $58.50 including shipping and free tracking, if we reach 50 units.
I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the Maxtoch brand, but I can tell you as the owner of one of the M24’s with a dedomed XM-L2 U2, these are some pretty awesome throwers. They are also some extremely well built lights, for a fraction of the cost, of anything else I know of out there with the build quality.
A Few of the things I know are in (or will be in) the light….
Of course it will have the XP-L HI emitter (neutral tint)
Driver 4 amps minimum
Copper Board
AR coated Lens
Well spaced modes HI/MED/LOW (no blinkies)
1 inch tube (scope mountable)
Double O-Rings (helps waterproofing)
Excellent threads (well cut)
Forward clicky/ Momentary On switch
The carry case included with light (although I don’t know if it will come in green or in black) the extra switch, O-rings and tailcap boot are also included…….
L to R// Convoy C8—Convoy L4 (W/ext tube)—Maxtoch M24—SmallSun ZY-T16
Reflector/Head Comparison—-L to R// Maxtoch M24—SmallSun Zy-T16—Convoy L4—Convoy C8
Link to video review here: (best in full screen) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjIT5Mg0F-U&feature=youtu.be
Link to Beamshot Slideshow here: (best in full screen) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfBBNefmIWY
This is with the dedomed XM-L2 U2 emitter in the one I already have.
Anyone interested please let me know, and please try to keep discussions to a minimum in this thread if you can, as I will already be having a hard time keeping up as is.
Thanks everyone and hope we can get the numbers needed for an awesome thrower.
Please Put “SE” (Special Edition) or “TE” (Thrower Edition) to follow the BLF, if you have a preference of lettering on the light.
And the most votes of the two will be what we go with.
Interest list
/ BLF SE or TE Engraving (np=No Preference)
1.robo819———————–1————— TE
2.Wrathbringer27———–1————— np
5.archimedes——1————————— np
7.Mitko ———2——————————— SE
8.magnet——1—————————— np
9.Beachlogger——1————————- np
10.Frankie Baby——4———————- np
11.SawMaster——–1———————— np
12.mattlward———1———————— np
13.Rusty Joe——1————————— np
14.-clagged——1————————— np-
15.MaleNurse —–1————————— np
16.banker——3—————————— np
17.n1e103——–3—————————— SE
18.Tom E ——–1——————————-TE
21.Gj——–1————————————— SE
22.DB Custom——1—————————np
23.Slim Pickens——1———————- np
25.THAO916 —–1——————————np
26.n1e103 SE
27.Sparkey762 —4-----------------TE
29.Frankie Baby -np
30.uqs1000 ——1——————————-np
31.1dash1 ——–1——————————-np
32.willey91 ——–1——————————np
36.Evilc ----1-------------------------np
37.thestug ----1----------------------np
38.KiwiKane —1---------------------TE
42.dthoang ----1--------------------TE
43.TheBo ----1-----------------------TE
44.Abqjohnny —1--------------------np
47.emarkd ----1----------------------np
48.Gerrit ----1------------------------TE
49.Tete ----1--------------------------SE
50.Tarvos ----1-----------------------np
51.monanza SE
52.Sparkey762 TE
53.G0OSE ——1———————————TE
54.djburkes ——1——————————TE
55.xed888 ——1——————————-np
56.Easyrr——1———————————-np………voting ended here as production started
61.Frankie Baby=
67.duffman —1
69.gleamer ----2
70.Tricycle Assassin----2
71.Tricycle Assassin=
74.1million_Lumens —1
75.Aspire7 ----1
76.Double G —1
77.tebeve —1
78.RustyShackleford —1
79.MauiSon ----1
80.bakalakos ----1
81.strangern ----1
82.Hairy_Steve ----1
83.Aardvark Spleen—3
84.sameusernewname ----1
-85.ToastOnFire ----1-
86.Intracloud ----1
87.adrianlights —1
89.arvid ———–1
91.darkpenguin ——1
92.Aardvark Spleen =
95.Frankie Baby=
98.qandeel ----1
99.Shadowfax —1
100.Teracis —1
102.Nagamee ----1
103.Far Thrower —1
107.Aardvark Spleen =
108.Gavstein ——1
109.Rex Block——1