Group Buy-BLF X6-SE OP update-GB over.

I wonder how long it’s going to take to process 800 refunds lmao!

Could we have an update in the OP on what the agreed upon driver should have for the sense resistor?

It appears that the agreed upon driver is not being delivered…….I’d like to easily be able to adjust it when mine arrive.

Hmmm. I wonder if they stuck 8.4V drivers in them, resulting in lowish current draws with one cell.

They couldn’t screw up something this big could they? Would they? Are they trying to go out of business? How stupid do you have to be? :weary:

I don’t know, but I can tell you this much… if these readings are confirmed by any others, all 4 of mine will be sent back for refunds and I will never do business with banggood again. This is my first time buying from them, and if they screwed up this bad, they don’t deserve my hard earned cash.

Not trying to defend them at this point, but remember Banggood are the retailer, not the manufacturer.

That’s like being served rancid chicken at a restaurant, and the chef blames the chicken supplier. It should never have been sent if it wasn’t as advertised.

Efest still not charged yet, but some pics.

AR lens:

We can’t get a refund directly from the manufacturer, has to come through banggood. Banggood is free to try to pull a refund from the manufacturer.


You need to have good batteries to pull 3.5amps.

Everyone should state which battery and meter they have, then we cab find out what the cause if any.

This isn’t 100% true though is it. Most reasonable batteries (Sanyo/Panasonic, etc.) will perform fine. Also if the SAME battery and SAME DMM read much high readings on other torches only 20 seconds later, you can pretty much rule out the battery and DMM.

Seems Old Lumens was right in his assessment of Chinese business ethic.

Panicking? Who's panicking? No one is panicking.

I’ve tested it on 3 different types of batteries and it’s almost bright as Convoy M1 XM-L 3C @2.8A

I’m disappointed :~

That is just not true.

This will not pull 3.5 amps unless using a low internal resistance battery. Even then it will be under 3.5 amps.

Same battery and same dmm could pull higher amps in another light simply from other factors.

If you all state which batteries and meters you are using and also have a control light to test it against, maybe one with a nanjg 2.8 or 3amps driver. Then you can get accurate readings.

I have not purchased the X6 light, I have nothing to gain or lose.

I have asked Neal to look into the amp issue. Please continue to be patient everyone…we’ll see how all this plays out.

Thanks also for everyone posting pics. Light looks very nice with the gift box!


Why does the driver need that big coil?
Is there a extension tube available or what?