Group Buy-BLF X6-SE OP update-GB over.

The problem with what you are saying is that it is not what we asked for or were told we are getting with this light. “Other factors” should have been worked out by the manufacturer, in order to give us what they agreed to give us. I can understand a difference in the battery used can cause a difference in output, but it at least shouldn’t be less than 3+ amps, especially if the same battery shows itself capable of much more in a different flashlight.

The donut shaped component that is wrapped in wire is a toroid. See here.

No extension tube available, at least not yet.

And it looks like the AR coated lens is there too, even if it does only 2+ amps it’s still a great deal at 20$.

Thx for the GB.

i hope mine turns out being what I ordered. This is bg’s last chance to make good with me.

In specification, voltage range is 3.0~4.2v
Could I use 4.35v cell to this light?

Yep a 4.35V cell will be the right one to get the max amps squeezed out.
You all have to consider that we all do always spring mods to get a driver to perform good. If this light is powered with 3.5A@4.2v but the driver always sees just 3.9V…than this is it.
On the other side it’s not so easy to check and lead with another driver to confirm that they are okay, stock leads are always under reading current.always.

You have to remember - it’s a BUCK driver. Tailcap amps are not the same as emitter amps.
post #2428
If I understood the sample review correctly it was doing 3.2A-3.3A at the emitter on IMR cells. Based on it I wouldn’t expect to see over 3A at the tail. 2A is still way too low though.

Right Efest charged.

This is the battery used:

Reading 4.11v hot off the charger (which is about right for my charger and DMM):

To prove it’s not the battery or the DMM I tested my XM-L2 ZeusRay:

It got 3.74amps on high.

I think this is enough to prove the battery and DMM are capable of reading a 3.5amp draw.

Now for the EE X6 SE BLF Special Edition (this is a NW one):

Low (0.01amps):

Mid (0.52amps):

High (1.32amps):

TURBO (2.36amps):

Still a long way off what was expected. :( :(

Just received mine.

Tried to do tailcap readings, but I’m not sure about the quality of the test. It’s a cheap tmart multimeter with stock leads.
Test was done with an EVVA 10A protected, not freshly charged so it’s on the charger right now, but it was 4.12V
Got 1.6A.
In comparison, convoy 1.4A measured 1.38A and convoy 2.1A measured 2.0A and dropping. Used same battery, tested the X6 first.

Aside from this, and since I’m not sure my measurements can be trusted, I still like the light. Quality seems fine, like the logo, came in a nice box. But if it’s not what is promised, it’s again a bad move from the manufacturer and outcome of this will decide if I will buy a second one (if it is still possible by then)

The driver that was approved (page 80) would only push 2.85 amps on a Sanyo cell. IMR was higher.

With that in mind, most will see less than 3 amps.

I think 2.4A at the tail from 4.11v cell is reasonably close to review sample unless someone measures emitter amps same way as DBCstm and finds out they are too low.

I have a DMM /shunt setup that can measure current to 20-30 amps reliably and also a homemade integration sphere to measure OTF lumen

you can be sure this one is getting tested! :slight_smile:

Maybe orders from second batch (501-800)will have 3.5A driver?

Here’s hoping you get yours soon!

I think 2.4amps seems very low. The battery on a Qlite 3.04A driver with a Nichia219B pulls 2.76amps using the same DMM.

The same DMM on my “900 lumen” Lumintop pulls a steady 2.56amps with either the Efest or a 2600mAh ICR Sanyo.

At the end of the day, no matter how you slice it, this X6 SE is not making the rated numbers, either in amp draw or lumen output and it’s by quite a LARGE margin.

Chicken Drumstick, if that’s a new cell and it’s fresh off the charger, you need a new charger. That’s an IMR cell, it should be coming off the charger at 4.21 or 4.22V. You’re only getting around 90% full on the charge at 4.11V. Good for the cell, not so much for testing lights and usage.

Can you check at the emitter with your set-up? Remove the negative lead and use your dmm between the star and the lead. Tricky, but the most accurate. Be careful not to short anything if you decide to try it!

What post number? People use different settings for number of post per page.

post #2428

Okay, battery is of the charger, 4.22v. Measures 1.78A
Again, don’t take this number for real, since I cannot reliably test the accuracy.

Qlite is alinear driver, X6 has a buck driver - you will see lower tail amps for same emitter amps.
You should be getting 3.2A at emitter from fully charged to 4.2v cell, 2.4A from 4.11v at the tail is within reasonable margin.