Group Buy Cree XP-G3 <---Yes three! GB closed, some emitters still available.

I contacted Mark over the weekend to see if he had heard anything about the rest of the shipment. Here is the reply.

“Hi Matt

XPG3 in HI CRI is on a bit of a lead-time right now, we expect these in stock early June”

Just thought I would let everyone know :slight_smile:


Hey guys I’m a little confused and need help.

Have any of the 90cri emitters been shipped from the groupbuy? I’m asking cause I received my order of 3 bin 90cri emitters from VOB a couple of days ago and thought I just got super lucky. I’m a total noob at modding and made my first light using the xpg-3 emitter in a tube light host.

My first reaction was “oh God it actually turned on!” then my second reaction was… “oh this tint isn’t as nice as I hoped…”

Basically the xpg-3 looks colder than my neutral lights and doesn’t look as “nice” cri wise as my BLF 348. But I don’t have a lot of experience with high cri tints to know how things should look.

So do you guys think I received cold white emitters or is it just that the tint of these new xpg-3 hi cri’s is not that great to my eyes?

Hi Hiker,

I may be able to help. I think this may be my fault. There were 2 different 3 bin emitters that I had listed for the group buy. The ones I received were the top flux bin S5 in 3 tint. If you were suppose to have the hi CRI then I must have sent the wrong ones.

Just shoot me a PM with your your info and how many emitters I owe you and I will get them out once the 90+ arrive.

Same goes for others. There were a handful of packages I sent out so if you were suppose to have the 90 cri 3 bin and not the S5s just let me know and I will make it right :slight_smile:

My apology.

Hey VOB,

No worries! I am brand new to modding so I’m sure I can find a project to make use of the top bin xp-g3s. Unfortunately, that means I now need to make a build that will push the xp-g3s I have a little harder…

PM sent and thanks for so quickly setting things right!

Have a question VOB,

For those of us that ordered some of every tint are you going to hold the shipment until the High CRI emitters arrive?


ill have to check tint on the 10 i received, 5 of which were high cri ones.

That was my plan. If you like I can split your order. Send whats here now and then the rest when it arrives. :slight_smile: $3 would cover the extra shipping and envelope.

That’s ok, wouldn’t want to start a chain reaction and you end up with even more to keep track of. Didn’t want to rush you, mainly just wanted verification. Appreciate the offer though.

If it looks like the other bins will be a while getting here and you decide you want to do it that way then I’m definitely in, but it’s entirely up to you.


I still have not heard from Cutter about the shipment yet. Hopefully soon though :slight_smile:

In other news I did some testing with this emitter for those who are interested.

Ok, thanks for the update.


Anymore news on the shipment yet?

Still nothing yet. I’ve not had a shipping notice and a look at their website is still showing “backorder”.

I asked Cutter about my order of the 90CRI XP-G3’s and 5 days ago I got an email from Mark with the remark: “90 CRI version of XPG3 wont ship from Cree until early July”

I now wish I had added a couple more 10mm sinkpads… :frowning:


When I emailed them in May about it the response I got was

I had deleted the email so I wasn’t sure if perhaps I had misread the month. Then I found where I had cut an pasted the a quote from the email back on post #61

Any word yet?


Still nothing yet. Maybe when Mark spoke with Cree he should have asked early July of what year? :student:


I’ll shoot him an email and see if he’s got any updates regarding timeline.


No news about my order either.