Ok, thanks.
Every datapoint helps, if for nothing else than softening the blow knowing others are in the same boat, and that our situation isn’t an anomaly.
Ok, thanks.
Every datapoint helps, if for nothing else than softening the blow knowing others are in the same boat, and that our situation isn’t an anomaly.
Yup, no word from Matt either… I hope these show up, want one for the Lumintop Copper Tool and the Rey Titanium Tool.
Shipment notice from DHL arrived! It says led emitters from Cutter, and the only emitters still on order there are the 90CRI XP-G3’s. Should arrive friday (29th).
I got one today too, but there’s no indication of whats in the package. I have multiple packages with “back order” items in them. Hopefully this is the one were looking for.
My 90+CRI XP-G3’s came in today, 4000K and 5000K, and I did a test on a 4000K 90+CRI one: Cree XP-G3, testing a R3 4000K 90+CRI emitter
I need to update my shipping address. Should I send PM here or at AS?
Hi everyone,
My internet service has been down for two days. Total zero. I did revive the package of hi CRI led from cutter. This morning I went to my brother in laws house ( about 20 miles from here) so I could at least access my email. All of the LEDs have are now on their way!
Pilotdog, I do apologize, I did not see your message until just now so your package will be on the way to your old address.
Mine came in the mail yesterday, thanks for putting this together vestureofblood.