Group Buy Feeler: SupFire M6 XML-2 - [CLOSED]

The unwilling-to-omit-the-Loctite thing puts me off. I don't believe for a second that they can't, they just don't want to, for whatever reason.

Thanks Mike! Please put me down for a M6 with the custom 4 mode driver without the blinky’s. I will do my own resistor mod. Thanks again for trying for us.

Come on people! This one is a serious no-brainer! :bigsmile: Nows your chance to get in and own one of these fantastic lights. This is how the SRK should have been designed and built to begin with. The M6 has a superior thermal path for heat sinking, threads are better, the contact plate on the driver is THICK and it has more useful modes. IMO, Supfire makes some of the best bargain lights you can buy, and this one is probably their best bargain. The XM-L2 and custom driver mode upgrades for this group buy make it that much better… and only available here.

Check out some of the other M6 threads:

Language challenges aside, Supfire has been pretty easy to work with and they seem eager to accommodate our special requests. I would guess the bodies are already assembled and they need to sell their existing stock.

In for one light, depending on the final details of the custom driver.

Been reading up on these lights and it looks like a winner, except for two point:

- The stock UI is just not very good

  • The price is kinda steep compared to the last group buy ($35 including shipping)

For 40 bucks including shpping and 4 mode driver, I’m in.

Btw, are they going to put them in somewhat better packaging. Seen pictures of the last GB, just plain awfull.

The modes were a huge gripe for most with the M6.

A few thoughts for the new 4 mode driver: if they cant give us a moonlight mode, perhaps just giving us a lower low for the first mode would serve us well. Then followed by the L/M/H they already use.

So: LL/L/M/H.

Maybe ask them what drive current they use for low and how low they could go for the new LL mode. This would give us a good idea if the 4th mode option would be worth it, or to just give us a 3-mode by omitting the strobe & SOS from the firmware.

The other gripe for us was the long +2 second button press to turn the light off. 0.75 second would be much nicer.

While writing them about driver changes, you could also ask them to change the resistors as per Pulsars spec. Tell them this would increase interest greatly for the group buy and that it is already a well proven modification.

What do others think?

Lower low should be as low as they can get it, even if it's not moonlight.

Them doing the resistor mod as part of the price would help a lot.

But I am in to give it a shot. How about some free engraving? That looked exciting to read the treads on that last group buy! Hallelujah! S)

I can ask, but I am not sure if they will even understand what I am asking for...

Engraving is not available.

Those types of questions being communicated across the language barrier have usually taken me several attempts. But then, bilingual people that speak English are said to be fairly common amongst the Chinese. I know thats a relative generality…

Does anyone know of a BLF member that can help with translation? (Mandarin? Cantonese? Something else?)

I love the looks of the Supfire M6. Looks like a $300 nitecore flashlight. Much better looking than the SRK. I’m surprised that other chinese manufacturers didn’t copy this design and start using different drivers and logos engraved on them.

This would also be an interesting design if it was shrunken down and took 4XAA nimh.

Maybe better off working out a deal with these guys for 50 units.

That simply puts you in contact with the manufacturer who we are directly working with already.

hmm… I got a feeling this group buy will end up like their F9 group buy feeler… dead in the water, lukewarm interest :frowning:
such a shame, as it is one of the nice quality light out there.
if Supfire sales people any smarter… they wants to get rid last year stock inventories before the new year come
and make a deal with us flashlight enthusiasts.
if they can sell that old one for $29.82 each on the website phsinvent posted, why can’t we just get the same deal then?
we paid $35 and free shipping last time and now for the same light albeit it’s with the new XM-L2 T6 ( the lowest )
they want $48.50? I can see some people will pay this price if they put in XM-L2 U2 in it.
sigh… look like we’re not going to save any money with this deal.
although I still want another Supfire light but maybe I should reconsider other options. :~

Last time they probably did not make much. I had already said at least once that I am pretty sure we will never see that price again. It was quite a lot of negotiating that kept the price so low. If you message them on that website, they will quote you probably $12 shipping at the minimum.

Everywhere I have seen these listed for sale are $60+ and I am not sure if thats including shipping or not from memory. Thats with the last gen emitters and stock driver.

A solution to the 2 sec hold to power down, Gords had came up with a great solution. Slight turn of the battery carrier and lock it out. No parastic drain, no long press. Though, if possible I would like to see it be changed to a second or less to power down.

I am thinking modes could be 0.5%(16ish lumens) - 5%(165ish lumens) - 33%(1090ish lumens) - 100%(3300ish lumens)

I'm not going to compare an old deal to this deal. That's not fair. This deal stands on its own merit. I'm hoping they can do the resistor mod because it'll make this light much more attractive to others. There that many $50 flashlights that put out 3000+ lumens otf, and even fewer with side clickie, good build quality, tailcap lockout, XM-L2 and good thermal characteristics. Output is what I think will really put it over the top. 2200 lumens otf isn't all that impressive anymore.

Your analysis is flawed. $29.82 per light is based on a single order of 50 units to one address. Then you must add in payment, shipping and custom fees to get a true accounting of the actual cost. Now consider the expense of repacking and shipping 50 individual orders. Add another 3.2% of the final sale price for Paypal fees. The M6 without packaging weighs 15 oz. That means priority mail at about $6.00 per shipment for US Domestic orders. International shipping would add $15-20 to the final cost. Of course we have not discussed what your time is worth for organizing and executing the project.

Just heard back from Supfire and they are not interested in offering a resistor mod. I have forwarded them the relevant thread links to show the performance gains so they might be swayed but it seems unlikely. The engineer did say he would redesign the modes but that process will take time, although no timeline was given. Finally they will not offer the option to purchase just the driver.

Nice, if they will take our input for mode spacing and potentially PWM modifying, it ups the my likelihood of purchasing one.