Groupbuy: XINTD X3 for 24,99 available AGAIN!!

Dear all,

For the switch issue and feedbacks we have communicated with the suplier, and they said they will try to improve and they can offer the original switch for replace, so if there are someone who bothered by the switch you can PM me with your order number, we may send you the switch which suplier offers for replace, the shipping cost assumed by us.
We had try our best and hope this will make everyone feel better :wink:


I have just pmed gearbest about this AA carrier, i hope they will respond in this thread, i think they may need to know if there would be at least 50 willing buyers….( Or if they can sell 50 units…)I know i would be in for a few….

I have just pmed gearbest about this AA carrier, i hope they will respond in this thread, i think they may need to know if there would be at least 50 willing buyers….( Or if they can sell 50 units…)I know i would be in for a few….

Hi Flitsmal & antiparanoico,

As we have announced that we could make a deal for the battery carrier, but because of some affect we have failed with the suplier and we had to change another suplier, which may make the price a little higher, we have no idea if there is still many guys want the battery carrier, we’re prepairing for the stocking and we’ll up the battery carrier on our site, and we’ll also make a new announcement for this deal.
Thank you for being interested in this battery carrier deal we’ll make it soon :wink:

It would be great if you could stock these. I would pick up a few to have 'just in case'.

I am in for at least 2 :P

I’m in for 2 carriers and 6 extra switches.

I’d buy a couple carriers if they were high quality like the one pictured

Just wanted to report, that my XinTD X3 arrived today.

Maybe i’m just lucky, but my X3 is in perfect, flawless condition without the tiniest dings, glass and reflector clean&clear, switch working as expected and the tint of the XM-L2 T5 5B emitter is near perfect! I really like the 18650 adapter which is of high quality and fits perfectly and thanks to the O-rings doesn’t rattle a bit.

Bang4theBuck-factor = 100%!

If i would go nitpicking for flaws, it would be the 3xAA carrier, which is of inferior quality but i don’t need it anyway, the LED is only 99.5% centered (;)) and the tailcap has a little different colored anodization (slightly cooler grey), which can only be seen in daylight or if illuminated by Nichias. And… if only protected cells would fit… :_(

All in all this was a hell of a deal - thanks Gearbest and M4D MAX for making this possible! :slight_smile:

it took how long to arrive ?

I had a brief discussion with GB about this a while ago, to see if a group buy could be arranged.

The problem is that the carrier most likely has to be made to order. Also the carrier has to be slightly smaller than normal 3xAA/4xAA in series to D adapters. It may then look like the one on the pic, but still be even worse than the normal plastic carrier. Or perhaps be better. No way of knowing in advance. So I backed out... Sorry.

You are asking me?
I ordered on 5th of July, X3 was shipped on 10th of July via Singapore Post and arrived here in Germany on 8th of August actually, but i got it today from a neighbor, who had taken it for me, cause i was at work yesterday.

Thanx for the information, i guess i will have to wait at least 10 more days ( shipped : 22th july ) banggood is really faster .

My advice: Expect 30-40 days, and be pleasantly surprised if it arrives faster.

They already make a carrier made just for this light, GB checked on it and said it was about $4 extra, they just have to order them. Comes with the X3 from here.

I haven't followed this thread for a while, but when I had contact with GB they said that they would have to have the carriers made to order, and couldn't just order the same as supplied by or even from the same manufacturer. And to have them made to order they would need at least 50 committed to buy. This would mean that we would be expected to commit to buy without knowing for sure if it is as good as the other carrier, or even better than the plastic carrier. Sketchy...

Do you say that there is other information about this in this thread?

I believe this was the only post from gearbest about the carrier. Groupbuy: XINTD X3 for 24,99 available AGAIN!!

There was interest, but nothing came of it.

Just to confirm, a 3 AA battery carrier I got from BLF member Hikelite fits and works fine. Theres slight rattle sideways but no movement lengthways when shaken. Not sure where the bits come from, but it came flat packed ready to assemble. Its quite sturdy.

Maybe give him a PM if youre interested in a 3 x AA carrier.

Member Hikelites profile to PM -

How sensitive is the switch on these? Mine which arrived today, is so touchy I need not half, quarter or even 1/64 press it. I just brush against it and it changes modes. Its the most sensitive switch Ive come across.

Yes, it's a reverse twitchy.

Appropriately lol