Groupbuy: XINTD X3 for 24,99 available AGAIN!!

please pm me the order numbers with them you got bad units and I ask my contact what went wrong…

Agreed. Their CS is fast in respond but useless.

thank you

but I am on my phone - I take a closer look when at home…

but maybe some more experienced member can share his thoughts?

I will take one with tracking number.

Regarding the driver:
Here we have 2-Group Driver (L-M-H / L-M-H-Disco-SOS)

And IOS has these:
2 Modes: Low (15) - High (100)
3 Modes: Low(2) - Medium(25) - High(100%)
4 Modes: Firefly(5mA) - Low(2) - Medium(25) - High(100%)
5 Modes: Low(5) - Medium(30) - High(100%) - Strobe - Beacon


is this about your opus?
as far as I can see you got one out of nearly 480 sold units…

but please send me your numbers and I will try to forward the problem to the sales people…

thank you Tomas!
so ios kind a assembles the lights on customers demand…
maybe they use same components as the manufacturer gearbest gets their units - but who knows for sure ?

The length of the space for the battery is 67.3mm
Unscrewing the head you can get about 2mm more

I’ve always wanted to go to Australia 0:)

BTW, are the 7135s the 350mA ones or the 380mA ones?

They better put a lower value on the package than the last time, my F13 package said $25 even though I paid 9.99. For some people that would cause unwanted taxes from customs.

@ Major:

@ ohaya:
question forwarded

@grumpycat (scnr ;))
i will mention that !


I’m in for 1

Put me down for one.

My Cons: I hate the cell length restriction, the fact the handle is too fat for just a plain 26650 and needs an o-ring on the battery, rather have a side switch, and it's heavy...

My Pros: this light is gorgeous, feels like quality in your hand, nice SS bezel, incredible pill built like a tank - great heat sinking, modded up this thing cranks lumens

For $25? It's an excellent deal...

The thickness of the pill walls, the pill top is also super thick, uni-body style for better heat management:

The KK is made for this light with 4000+ mAh:

IOS version has options for different tints, moonlight mode and higher quality battery carrier. The rest I assume is the same.

In fairness to GB, they underdeclared the vlaue of my OPUS charger in the shipment declaration.

I’m in for two. Thanks

Ill take one, maybe two depending on if my GFs dad wants one too

Thank you Tom E, that’s all I needed to know. As a new guy in the flashlight game, this is one “to have”. And I plan to mod the hell out of it.

okay guys!

14 more needed!

gogogo! :smiley: