Guess s1mp13m4n's Anonymous Friend and Win an Ultrafire UF-T50

Anytime Rez!

I know who this isn't ...

It can't be me since I don't know who this is either .....and they don't use enough punctuation .....:P

I think as flashaholics we all were fully impressed with the generousity of "the shadow"..why?? Because of the lights's not like any of us couldn't or even wouldn't give away lights ..In fact i don't doubt we all do to some fairly large degree ,usually to those closer to us and then usually not the cream of the crop .The caliber of the lights is i'm sure what got our attention did mine . having said that I rule out Foy since his lights aren't that nice :P (and no signature foybezel)

I have a few ideas who this is and wish I had a couple guesses ..I might actually nail this one ..

I would like to say that IIRC, in the original, original post there was more lead in before the rules and I could have sworn the shadow said he/she would divulge his/her real identity after the winner was announced. Since then it has been modified and based on the rules it truly is anonymous. It could be Boaz after all. ;)

Edit: I'm glad it will remain anonymous. I like a good mystery.

100% FOY

I narrow it to two members, Don or E1320.

My guess/entry is E1320

No way. Foy is from a generation that would know of The Shadow but would never call someone an infantile troll. That's not like him at all.

No, it’s not like foy, but it could be like his alter ego he is using in this thread to fool people.

There is a thread on this forum that lists people that own the light being offered up in the giveaway.

I can't image Foy or any of his alter egos making a comment like that.

Yes, and I am one of those that owns it. Well, owned it, not anymore due to a modding attempt gone awry. I have one coming still, in New York at the ISC step as we speak, can't wait to get it, honestly probably my favorite light.

The shadow had better be really sneaky and not talk too much or he'll say something or get caught signing in and out ...don't forget mr shadow there are times last seen under your name ....just sayin..

I have like 4 really good guesses of who this is ..

it isn't edc ..why would he bid on his own lights

it isn't anyone who placed a bid ...that just doesn't make any sense.

It isn't gcbryan either... he wouldnn't have any 26650's

i'm guessing it's no one in this thread >>

like Boaz said already, some of the drama could be a ruse to throw us off. threatening to leave, disqualifications... can't think of a regular member who would do that.

hmm... there couldn't be that many people that owned a Maelstrom X10 and a Eagletac D25A, right?

Could it be someone from "the other side"?


Foy, I reckon...

I always thought Foy but there are many other generous people on here so if I am wrong apologies to the correct person. If I win- there will be a cash giveaway as my wife will not believe I won another flashlight. edit (I will keep the light but do a cash giveaway) I've used that excuse a few times already and everytime I get a parcel she jumps on ali express and buys something. I will have to discuss my recent "auction" purchase as I told her about bidding but said don't worry someone will outbid me- lol

Damn that is one fine looking light.....Damn

I now think its Chicago X

don't put me in the drawing. when I first saw the thread when there were only like 5 posts, the first thought that popped in my head was "iseethelight" boasting: look at me Im so generous and everybody should follow my lead because everybody's a troll... etc etc. don't mean to insult anybody, but this tone by the OP does seem to insult the rest of us. the "im outta here" just confirms the notion that this forum is below the so magnanimous donor. we're not worthy. hope nobody got offended, just a curious observation on the irony of this thread. s)

I opted for the admin to be disqualified. Not because I dont trust him, more because he would never have entered this giveaway anyway and I thought "simpleman" as the only disqualified person looked a little lonely.. :)

So he's in the USA or has a US accomplice

It's not foy , he gave away his Xtar Meteor to the member light of day and the serial number is different too so it's not light of day