Guess s1mp13m4n's Anonymous Friend and Win an Ultrafire UF-T50

What a nice giveaway, I lolled at nightshift when I read this with my phone :D

Really good idea.

I will guess the person was ChicagoX.

Do you need a hug?

It appears I'm late, but I would have guessed shicklebritches, or simpleman.

Take my name and guess out of the pool please. If I won I was going to re-donate it as I already have a T-50.

I was more intrigued by the guessing aspect. I also like the suggestion that someone made that we explain our reasoning.

I think it is Chicago X for several reasons and have eliminated some others for several reasons.

Chicago X has this light. The writing style is in keeping with that of Chicago X and the detailed, logical thinking behind this whole thing certainly doesn't eliminate CX.

Regarding giving away a bunch of lights and being "out of here" that would indicate someone who is getting a little tired of flashlights for the moment and who wasn't going to be as involved in the board for a while anyway and so said the "out of here" in a moment of being a little too sensitive :)

By the way, please stick around whoever you are :)

Foy has given no indication of being tired of flashlights, the writing style isn't that of Boaz.

Trust me :) it's Chicago X. Definitely a nice guy and someone who should stick around even if you are getting a little bored for the moment with flashlights (I'm in the same boat myself).

I hope some of the other "guessers" will post the detailed reasoning behind their guesses as I think that's the best part of this contest!

After the overly sensitive I'm outta here comment, there is no way it's ChicagoX...

My guess is ChicagoX.

Aww, let's keep this light . .

PS - Is that the new original or the previous original . . oops, I mean can't we all just get along?

+1, It is not Chicago X, nor is it foy, but since the OP is not going to disclose their real user name. It’s really a mute point now and was one since the beginning.

Hope it levels back out.

E1320! I will tell why after I win.


That aspect made me question my guess as well but we all can have a sensitive moment where we push the "send" key before we have time to think it out. This is the weak link in my guess however :)

You're disqualified for being an infantile troll.

How am I disqualified? I didn't make a guess.

OK, definitely not Chicago X.

It's definitely not E1320. He doesn't call people infantile trolls lol.

Whoever it is could just be putting on an act to throw us all off the trail.

Damn, now I need a hug...

I smell a rat here ..Did he just disqualify himself to thow us off the scent ?..

Did GCbryan decide not to participate because he has a Ultra-fire UF-50...any he's giving it away ?

I do have a big heart but you have to pry flashlights from my greasy lil fingers and I give them away one at a time , not in bulk :P

Exactly! Playing mind games with us to hide his identity.

Ty :)