Guns you regret buying

Has anyone been looking at the prices on "assault" rifles lately on gun broker? Anything that even looks tactical is going for 3-4 times it's retail price ever since that shooting and the inevitable excuse it's given the left to legislate them out of existence. God bless those that can afford to shell out $2400 for an $800 rifle. I sure as hell can't and it pisses me off. All I ask is you fight, fight, fight to keep your right to bear arms and never forget the reason our founding fathers wanted you to have that right. Bearing arms is not just for hunting and personal defense. It was designed to enable you and I to overthrow our government should they get out of hand like the British did back then. The first thing a regime does do suppress a people is to take away their guns. People that cannot fight back are easy to enslave.

Countless soldiers and civilians have died and/or suffered for your rights during our country's 236 years of existence. Don't be so quick to throw it all away and make their sacrifice for naught!

I have definitely noticed this as well. Predictable and sad. So stupid to waste our energy on inanimate things instead of human behavior and mental health awareness. WTF.

I joined NRA and GOA last week because I got so sick of the media demonizing guns and misinforming and spreading ignorance. Every time I hear idiots talk about semi-auto ARs & AKs like full auto machine guns I want to scream. So ignorant.

I have also been posting on websites of news channels, newspapers, magazines, blogs, twitter, etc. I also email the president and congress about once a week. I encourage everyone to do the same.

Agreed Johnny. Luckily I'm done building my AR, because parts are very hard to find as well. Now I wish I ordered more lowers when I could get them for around $60.


Picked up another Bushmaster AR15 this past weekend, arrived at store an hour before they opened and was number 11 in line, by the time they opened there were about 35 to 40 in line, only had 28 to sell.

Hint to those wanting an AR15 now, go to the chain stores where prices are set at the corporate level, they don’t want to gouge customers that they could loose for future purchases. Independent stores are gouging now and selling at 2 to 4 times the original selling price.

I have traded guns for many years. When the PX-4 Carbine 9mm, first came out I fell in love with the look. I have owned Beretta products many times and been pretty happy. Well I traded a clean, tastefully modded out Ruger 10/22 even for it. Man was that a mistake. The PX-4 felt great, looked great, pointed great. It shot horrible! Nothing but issues. I tried everything to save my love for this gun.
I changed springs, magazines, ammo and lubricants. Nothing helped. I almost changed out the barrel too. It was sadly inaccurate at 50 yards and would stove pipe casings at a unnervingly random rate. I was getting 3 inch groupings no matter what ammo I used from a bench rest. The same rest, the same day I was shooting <dime groupings at 100 yards with my .17 HMR.
Being too honest, I lost money when I sold it. I couldn’t bring myself not to tell the guy what it did wrong. He said he was ok with it? Its one of those things you almost feel bad selling someone. I think he thought I was just a bit off mentally. I took my loss and bought back my 10/22 a few months later! lol

in a Remington 700. Classic,ammunition costs a arm and a leg and it only likes 180 grain and heavier projectile,I coulda bought a .300 Remington ultra mag same price and ammunition is a lot cheaper!

No rat or squirrel safe from massive 22 @30ftb. I’m too lazy to pump so fill the screw on tank/butt from SCUBA at 2900psi. The barrel is shrouded. I added baffles and drilled frame to further reduce noise. Un- baffled sounds almost as loud as real 22 in my urban back yard.

To target shoot my powder burners, like my 50 cal TC, takes a ¼ tank gas each way when time permits :weary:

This gun is made in Dallas…

Wheelgun fan here. Loved my little Ruger SP101’s, had a good bit of fun with a Taurus 5 shot .45 Long Colt as well with it’s polished stainless finish and 2” barrel. Yep, also love snubbies. :slight_smile: Full house snubbies. .45 Long Colt at 1100 fpe from a 2” barrel. Also had the Taurus Titanium 7 shot .357, with 1040 fpe handloaded Hornady 140gr bullets. Light as a feather, ported, loved shooting it, BUT, they should have made the Ti gun a 5 shot instead of a 7. The walls between charges were too thin, the cylinder would heat up after the 2nd or 3rd cylinder full and then it wouldn’t eject cartridges. Sent it to Brazil where they did nothing, so I honed it and had it working pretty well.

Shot competition with my custom ported Glock 23, very nice gun when modded. I learned how to make a 3 1/4 lb trigger on my Glock, worked out really well in Good Guy Bad Guy shoots. :wink:

The little Beretta 94 .380 I shoulda never let go of. It was accurate with every round, even a magazine full of different rounds, it didn’t care.

And the Vaquero in .45 Long Colt, with those beyond .44 Mag level rounds, oh yeah! I ported it, made custom grips for it, did a trigger job, man it was like a Swiss watch. It liked a 240 gr bullet from Norma and the XTP from Hornady. 4 5/8” barrel. One of the most accurate I’ve ever had.

Divorce made em all go away. :frowning:

I got completely out of it, but sometimes miss it. Miss tuning a round to the gun for accuracy. Miss bangin out a box of full house .357’s at 600-800 fpe through a Ruger SP-101 with custom 2” barrel. Even miss cleaning em. I was a stainless nut for the most part, polished em inside and out, cleaning em was a breeze.

Now if I want to shoot, I get out my 3” bore tube and go to town. Canon 1DsMkII, EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS. :slight_smile: When I’m done shooting my “targets” I blow em up! lol

The thing with quite some anti-gun activists ist that they are not driven by reason, but by emotions and/or ideology.
While there surely are some limitations on private fireams ownership that might be (arguable)reasonalbe, those people will never get enough, They will find another little thing to take away, step by step. (Come one, Who needs full auto? Who needs big mags, laser sight, ammo with too hard core, semi- auto . .? You get the idea. We call that pepperoni tactics - take it slice by slice ;-).)

Back in the early 70s, one could go to a gun smith here and buy a nice rifle or even black powder without any trouble. (which you ned a special explosives license and storage room for today. )
Then came a time of political unrest and they pushed through new gun regulations because of to much poaching. Yeah, right . . .
But that wasn’t enough. Laws got stricter and stricter with time. Nowadays you have to either spend a couple thousand € on your hunting license or sport shooting career to maybe some day get a gun. (And they can take it away if you don’t train enough in the first years ) And that’s still not enough of course. Their next goal is to ban anything bigger .22lr for sports.
Will they succeed? Maybe, people are brainwashed enough.
Along the way they took care of other things you can’t trust your citizens with:
electric stun guns, telescopic batons and most switchblades (ownership banned)
most useful knifes including one-handed locking (carrying banned)
. . . which - you likely guessed it already - is still not enough.

You know how many people get killed here every year with guns?
<20, sometimes <10. That number includes misuse of legally owned guns, all illegal owned guns, suicides and misuse from law enforcement and military personnel.
Extrapolated to the population of the US that would make ~75 gun deaths per year.
But for those people still enough to run very emotional anti-gun campaigns and hate campaigns against gun owners.
No gun owner in the 70s would have dreamed of that in his nightmares. The law changes weren’t that severe every time, and the explanation sounded somewhat reasonable. They wouldn’t go to far eventually, would they?

Please don’t go that way. :wink:

I wonder for how long they let me do archery . . .

Regretted: Oh, yeah! The Yugoslavian, Czechoslovakian (Pick one) .22 LR Training rifle. Wouldn’t feed from the magazine, or eject fired brass. If you left the magazine out, it would drop them through the mag. well. A buddy of mine at work wanted an extra magazine for his, so I told him the Mag was $35, and I’d throw in the rifle. It gathered dust in the closet till I finally sold it to a local gunshop for $30.

Interesting factoid: IIRC; the U.S. is in like 4th place in the world for the number of gun deaths. Funny thing, though… if you eliminate New York, Chicago, Los Angeles and New Orleans, the ranking drops significantly…I believe to somewhere near 90th place.

In 2011 and 2012, there were about 11,100 deaths by firearms in the U.S. Gang violence was responsible for 8,900 of those.

2200 deaths by firearms are too many, but you can’t fix stupid.

If the “gun question” could ever be debated with facts and logic, instead of “thoughts and feelings”, which have no basis in truth or fact, it would cease to become an “ISSUE” in about 2 weeks or less.

Good thing the left never looks at cars like they look at guns, we’d all be walking to work.

Personally, I think it’s the air on this planet. Think about it. Every single person that ever lived, in the history of this Earth, has breathed the air….and died or will die. We should ban air and this would be a safer planet by far.

I bought a Remington 308 semi auto once on the spur of the moment. Turned out it had messed up rifling. I was young and didn’t know jack then. Now I take a flashlight with me. :slight_smile: I got it cheap so I didn’t do too bad after trading it in but I was really bummed out. I ended up with a 30-06 742 woodsmaster and loved it.

I do a little restoring and like the old bolt actions the most.

It’s the ALIENS (See U.S. Congress) who are poisoning the air, water, earth, sky, and causing small amounts of saliva , swallowed over a long period of time, to cause Cancer! :wink:

Of the 12 I own(d) I only actually purchased 4 and only regret buying two.

One was a daisy pellet pistol that I bought from wally-world when I was in my teens. Talk about a heavy useless piece of metal, but I didn't know it at the time and it wasn't really expensive enough to seriously regret.

The other was my big regret. A limited edition Taurus Tracker in .44mag with a 6.5" ported barrel. It was a great gun, my only qualm with it was that it couldn't shoot a shot cartridge because of the porting. Loved that gun. The reason it's my biggest regret is because it's tucked in some low-life's waste band right now waiting to shoot someone. Hope it blows up in the bastards face, I'd also accept an accidental discharge that blows off something else while he's drawing it. Same for who ever has the other 7 that were stolen from dad's house at the same time.

The mention of a daisy pellet pistol brought back memories of a similar hunk of junk I bought in my teens as well. Who knows what brand that pile of crap mine was. It worked crappily for about 30 plastic pellets and then couldn’t even pierce a piece of paper, pellets then stopped loading, now it sits in some dark corner of who knows where in this house.

The other was a more recent purchase which was more a disappointment price wise rather than functionality. It was a Colt M4 .22; I always wanted an AR-15 style rifle chambered in .22 for plinking, but the whole gun scare about a year ago popped up. Ammo availability dropped to near 0 and it looked like I wouldn’t have the opportunity to get one. The price went up about $100 during the scare, grabbed one, now the price is back down to normal. (recently grabbed 4k rounds of .223 at Cabelas for near pre-scare prices, $225 per 1k).

I would like to know firearms law in your countries…
In here, very strict law. its almost impossible to buy legal firearms.
Getting license is a dream unless Im politician or very rich.

homemade firearms… it make me a sense

In Michigan (USA) where I live you need to get a license for fully automatic weapons and they must be made before 1985 these are an expensive process to get but can be done if you want. For handguns you just need to get a permit but it’s very easy. No permit needed for rifles and shotguns. To carry a concealed weapon you also need another permit in Michigan this is very easy as well.

It varies from state to state. In some states they have more strict laws than others. Michigan is easy compared with most states. There are also national laws against some weapons and to be honest it’s pages and pages of laws and for the most part we have a large political divide in this country with the Left (Democrats) generally in favor of strict laws and the Right (Republicans) in favor of less gun laws.

Maine is almost the same. I think it is a $1000-1500tax stamp to own a pre 85 full auto, $400-500 for a tax stamp to own a suppressor (silencer). Handguns, they just need to contact FBI and clear your name. If you can legally own a handgun, you can legally own a machine gun

Full auto deal is nation wide in the USA, though prices may vary by state. Of course some states make stricter rules.

My state goes pretty close to federal law. If federal law does not require a tax/license/peit to own, then state doesn't either. Usual hand guns, rifles, and shotguns only require the standard background check per federal law. Pay, wait about three days for check, pick up gun.

We also have a concealed weapons permit. If you want to carry concealed legally got to have the permit. It also allows you to speed up the purchase and take the gun home same day. I work on a federal installation, no guns allowed so no concealed carry. I also don't mind waiting the three days, and can't justify the cost of the permit.