This is a work in progress at the moment as the final led I will be using, U2 1A is still in the mail (I hope). The flashlight itself was bought from DD and is a Tangsfire.
The original spring in the tailcap was a disapointment as it was dry soldered on only. This is the furtherest thrower I own and so far like it a lot.
The mods were done for no other reason than it could be and I dislike no memory and flashy modes drivers. It will not be driven as hard as the standard flashlight but in the end I dont think this will have much effect.
This is a work in progress at the moment as the final led I will be using, U2 1A is still in the mail (I hope). The flashlight itself was bought from DD and is a Tangsfire.
The original spring in the tailcap was a disapointment as it was dry soldered on only. This is the furtherest thrower I own and so far like it a lot.
The mods were done for no other reason than it could be and I dislike no memory and flashy modes drivers. It will not be driven as hard as the standard flashlight but in the end I dont think this will have much effect.
Some people have recorded really high amp readings on this flashlight and if someone can tell me why I should not I'm really tempted to try one of these or similar driver and see if anything fries.
If anyone has some home brewed ideas about coloring aluminium please let me know, though in the skin it looks pretty good in its raw state.
The pill is made from copper bar. I have increased the dimensions as much as possible to help with heat dispersion away from the led.
The driver was from Lightmalls and I think it is similar to what e1320 uses in some of his mods. Very similar but not the same one as in the above picture.
The spring was added to stop damage from dropping batteries in and allow the use of protected and non protected batteries. I will have to source a blow torch to solder onter this pill as it just sucked the heat out of my large soldering iron.
To stop the reflector from shorting on the led I have cut a plastic washer from a hard plastic fruit juice bottle sitting on a piece of baking paper cut to size. The baking paper is there as I'm not sure if the plastic will melt. I have some Insulators on order form IOS.
The temporary led in it at the moment is an XML U2 2S tint. Light throw appears to be similar to the standard flashlight at 100 meters.
Using 2 x King Kongs at 4.05 volts output is 1.44 amp high, .1 amp low and .48 amp med. All measurements were taken at the tailcap end.
The tube.
Here's a couple of other flashlights for size comparison. Left to right.
Ultrafire 504B, modded JM05, modded HD-2010 and Trustfire TR-3T6 3 cell format. The modded JM05 can be found in Foys review of this flashlight.
I will do beam shots when the new led turns up.
Comments, criticsm, and new ideas welcome. Thanks.