Who makes the best one? What site has the best deal?
FandyFire HD2010 from LightsCastle - $29.90. Review here. Watch out blowing it up over-driving it with a 26650 though.
Just ordered one!!!
Congrats Dale, You will love it!!
Dude, I lost my mind on smaller lights this week, I have purchased a HD 2010, C8, G5, & 3 Sipik 98’s… A 200 lumen & 2 T6 versions…
It’s cheaper at Fasttech, if you use the BLF code.

It’s cheaper at Fasttech, if you use the BLF code.
Now you tell me! LOL

Just ordered one!!!
Congrats Dale, You will love it!!
Dude, I lost my mind on smaller lights this week, I have purchased a HD 2010, C8, G5, & 3 Sipik 98’s… A 200 lumen & 2 T6 versions…
I know what you mean, you just want to have more and more!!! It never ends….
It was 3 Sipik SK68’s… I think they are cool little lites… With the T6 & a 18650 it should be a awesome little lite.

It was 3 Sipik SK68’s… I think they are cool little lites… With the T6 & a 18650 it should be a awesome little lite.
the 68 is the small one, the 98 is the 18650

It was 3 Sipik SK68’s… I think they are cool little lites… With the T6 & a 18650 it should be a awesome little lite.
the 68 is the small one, the 98 is the 18650
Thanks! They look very similar thought right?
You had this happen to your 2010? I’ve been running king kongs from kumabear without problems. I ran my 2010 from Tmart for about an hour but not on high the full hour before the battery stepped down to low.

FandyFire HD2010 from LightsCastle - $29.90. Review here. Watch out blowing it up over-driving it with a 26650 though.
i got mine in 2 days with free shipping for $30 from tmart
mine is currently en route from a “modification” from a fellow flashaholic ill post pics when i get it
whoops- didnt mean to hi-jack your thread dale! you will enjoy this light i promise

i got mine in 2 days with free shipping for $30 from tmart
mine is currently en route from a “modification” from a fellow flashaholic
ill post pics when i get it
whoops- didnt mean to hi-jack your thread dale! you will enjoy this light i promise
No worries paul! By all means posts some pics

i got mine in 2 days with free shipping for $30 from tmart
mine is currently en route from a “modification” from a fellow flashaholic
ill post pics when i get it
whoops- didnt mean to hi-jack your thread dale! you will enjoy this light i promise
No worries paul! By all means posts some pics
its an xml2 neutral mod

i got mine in 2 days with free shipping for $30 from tmart
mine is currently en route from a “modification” from a fellow flashaholic
ill post pics when i get it
whoops- didnt mean to hi-jack your thread dale! you will enjoy this light i promise
No worries paul! By all means posts some pics
its an xml2 neutral mod

i got mine in 2 days with free shipping for $30 from tmart
mine is currently en route from a “modification” from a fellow flashaholic
ill post pics when i get it
whoops- didnt mean to hi-jack your thread dale! you will enjoy this light i promise
No worries paul! By all means posts some pics
its an xml2 neutral mod
are you doing the same mod?
I wanted to say Tmart US warehouse but you already ordered
However, I have no idea if there really is a “best” one from any particular shop
Hopefully it ships before China shuts down