Hey all,
I have been thinking about this for a while. I am curious to hear your thoughts on it.
This one is about what it would take for an extra 26650, but about any size would be possible.
Hey all,
I have been thinking about this for a while. I am curious to hear your thoughts on it.
This one is about what it would take for an extra 26650, but about any size would be possible.
@ VoB - I think you should go ahead and set up the Anodizing station and make that extension look like the rest of the body.
I think there are already a lot of two cell lights on the market with the same or better capabilities, and the pill is driver limited. Would want one that accepts various sized buck drivers.
+1 - whole different ballgame - pill size for drivers being a big issue, unless the cells were parallel, but not sure how a parallel converter would fit in there.
erm…….vesture of blood does pills…….
so offer it as a package, sleeve and pill cut for popular driver sizes, the main advantage for me in running two cell is its easy to stay above the vf of xm-l2’s at high current, two trustfire flames will do it, so you can use cheaper cells and still get longer run time at high current.
that would be my plan with this anyway, and as I have an hd2010 inbound……
I’ve been toying with the idea of an mt-g2 hd2010 conversion and was trying to find an extension tube just like this!
If you could do a matching black/silver anodize that would be even better.
The guys before have made good valid points in terms of standard XML/XPG 2s options regarding driver limitations, for an mt-g2 conversion that can run on 2s and 7135 drivers though this is quite interesting. Especially when combined with the copper pills that are available!
There’s probably also better hosts out there for this purpose but that would be getting logic and reason involved in the modding process…can’t have that can we…haha
Edit: I had this type of thing in mind when I was pushing for a copper pill design that would also take ~20mm drivers when Ryan did his run.
The space is there for bigger drivers it just needs a matching pill as Gord points out.
I'm a fan of the HD2010 running 2 x 26650 batteries. I'm not sure what driver you would run but with your machining and as according to OL anodizing abilities the sky's your limit. If you machine up a new pill for a larger driver and without any more effort a new battery tube altogether your not limited so much with the 17mm driver. Heres a picture of a one made earlier.
On my pill I had to machine the inside diameter of the battery tube to fit over the outside of the driver when the tube was screwed into the body, Iike this. https://budgetlightforum.com/t/-/9637?page=1#comment-215270
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with.
Here are my main ideas on it.
1. A short extension ( aobut 1/2") to allow use of Moli 26700 cells with all standard applications.
2. The 2x 26650 cell app with a buck driver. Its true I could make pills to fit that, but what I was thinking is to offer a boring service for all of the existing pills out there to fit a buck driver of the buyers choice.
3. A longer version could be made for use of either 4 C nimh cells or 4AA cells so that the limits of the 7135 based drivers could be further pressed.
EDIT: Just for the record I dont own anodizing equipment. All of the lights I sold on CPF with the Type III hard ano were done in a large batch I had done by another company :)
the boring service would be good for US members, but cost prohibitive for international members.
plus, if I could figure out a way to make focusing easy (yeah I know, good luck on that) I would prefer to have two pills set up myself, one for two cell, one for single cell.
good thinking on the 26700 extension though, I’d definitely be in for one of those as I already have a few of the molicells.
VB - Why not offer a replacement body instead of an extension? I think that, appearance wise, it would probably look better with a stock head, new body and stock tail cap, than having the extension. Bodies could be made to order for length, just like the extensions you are talking about. I know that would increase the price, but it would probably be worth it in the long run.
Just a thought.
Very Interesting, especially allowing for even a 23.5mm driver:
Even a 26mm driver:
So, what would a kit of the Large Pill, and extension tube be for us envious droolers?
I would favour this driver myself
I’ve used a few now and slow mode changes is a much easier pill to swallow than strobe. plus, it might be easier to fit in there
Good thought there …
I'd probably buy one just because I like the HD2010, but...
That would be expensive, but it would vastly increase modding potential. Build it with an integrated pill and put LOTS of room in the pill for stacked drivers and whatnot, plus a flat spot (or drill and cap it) on the side for a side clickie, and I'd be fully onboard. An extension would be the perfect followup.
2x 26650, buck driver, copper pill
could we see 6 amps regulated?!
I thought I read somewhere here that this extension fit most 26650 bodies. I've been meaning to order one when the terrific members here slow down finding super bargains that need immediate purchase.
Anyone have one?
Funny you should ask that question. I tried those very battery tubes this morning but alas no good. Different threads.
I like it! Make me one, I’ll add it to my HD2010 and put an MT-G2 in there and live happily ever after!
Of course, what some are saying is true, a single tube that holds 2 cells would be a nice option. But hey, I’m easy, I’ll take all the anodizing off the existing light and polish the whole thing so it is uniform.
Now, if you were to offer a custom pill that had plenty of room for stacking chips on the inside, mated with a 2x tube, I’d be all over it! What else can we do to make a $30 light an $100 light? Isn’t that what “budget” is all about? See how many cheap parts can fit in one light to make it an expensive part?
Make that single tube out of copper, to be the 1st tube (head tube) with the HD2010 tube coming behind it with the tailcap on it and we’re talking a big Oh He Yeah!
Moli cells fit in my Tmart unbranded and TangsFire HD2010's fine, which ones need an extension?