hello, my name is graham and i'm flashaholic...

on this light with about every link known to man on it? I’m trying to keep up on all the interesting threads coming out on this suckah. Ok what the heck. More the merrier. Except everyone’s gonna run out of stock before X’mas. 8)

Oh, there’s plenty of threads, but their not MY threads… :bigsmile: 0:)

The Linky was just to avoid people asking where I ordered.

This is more a “woe is me, for I am undone” thread. :bigsmile:

Sorry Gary, I don’t get my stuff delivered elsewhere - PayPal…… Besides, the postman would have to hunt my van down, I’m not based anywhere other than home. :wink:

how sick I am to be around all these sick people. :open_mouth:

Sniff, you can handle it man, sniff, sniff. Just a touch of the , sniff, flu, man :bigsmile:

This more than just man flu, it floored toni and my two year old for three days, think of your worst hangover, now imagine that two codine, two 500mg paracetamol, a cold can of coke and a face cloth out of the freezer won’t shift the headache, and your stomachs doing cartwheels for fun.

THEN add man flu…….

Oh man! That does sound bad! I think you need to order another flashlight to compensate for it. :)



I would Gary, but I might find it becoming a source of constipation, or another blunt _ing instrument….

Just don't end up like trooplewis!


I’ve already been told not to buy anymore lights. This one is going to be one of those “delayed in the post, I’ve been waiting AGES for this….” 0:)

Garry, just admit you have a problem just like the rest of us, and you're half way to.......I'm not sure. lol!

That photo was troops problem, not Gary’s. Still find it funny to be honest. :bigsmile:

I don't have a problem! I mean, c'mon, you guys are the ones with the problems, not me! I'm totally fine, I mean . . . ok, well maybe I have a slight problem . . . just a slight one . . . I mean I only buy X many flashlights per year month week . . . OK! I admit I have a problem! (But at least it feels better being the company of so many others with the same problem!)


Sounds like your only hope would be an intervention.

Soon you will be flashing in dark corners, closets and alleys. There's not much hope from here and the only way is down to your bottom. Many don't ever make it and when they die of Li-ion poisoning, (from licking batteries to get their fix, when they can't light up), they come back as fireflies.

It's sad to see a fellow member go down the dark tunnel of flashaholism, carrying a dozen lights and a hundred batteries in their poke, but there's not much to do about it, so buy a round for all of us and light up another one!Tongue Out

Old-Lumens, I thought I was the only one licking and sniffing my Li-ion's. Glad I'm not alone!

Well, my wife is a mental health therapist! She'd be glad to head up an intervention (if she know I had a problem that is!).


That’s hysterical right there.

My wife collects kidrobot art toys. As much as they annoy me sometimes, it does help balance out my flashlights and knives. We all have to hoard collect something, right?

Well I must be a "collector" of tons of different things! Ask my wife, I don't like to let go of anything! Just a week or two ago I threw out some old PC parts - were talking Cyrix 686 133Mhz CPU's, old Pentium 1 motherboards, etc . . . Finally just came to the conclusion that I'd never use it for anything.


Tell me about it….

In my desk drawer I have some old 5GB [HUGE! lol] hard drives. Not sure whats on them. Can’t be bothered to check, or pitch them either.

In the garage I have car parts to cars no longer in my possession, or even alive. I would actually gladly sell for loss or give away many of them and have tried for some time on other forums. Hate throwing away functioning parts.

On my bookcase I have at least 6 or 8 CD spools of 50 or 100. Mostly old burned CDR’s, some going back to about 98. I have digital copies in triplicate and I’ll bet many of them are degrading and may not even play anymore… but I just can’t bring myself to pitch them.

Its a sickness.