I wasn’t trashing Andruil, just asking why people seem to be so gaga over it, vs Narsim and the like (which seems to do like 95%+ of what And’l does).
The only answers I got were along the lines of “It’s got candle mode”.
Mmm, okay, that’s kewl if you’re into it, but… that’s it? What else differentiates it, and what’m I missing?
Same with discussions about the SP10. Mention it might come with And’l, and everyone starts getting moist. Okay, great, but why?
Like the “cronut”(?) craze? People would wait on line for hours to get one. Was it that good? People could be genuinely curious about it, wondering what’s the buzz all about, and not getting substantive answers. It’s NOT the same as trashing ’em, saying “Feh, they ain’t so great”. It’s being curious what’s driving people to crave ’em so badly.
Okay, that (which someone mentioned in passing before) could be useful. I’ve had to go up’n’down on my ’micro when not (as usual) starting on moonlight or floor. (I did tweak moonlight to be 1 vs 7, so they’re quite distinct now.)
Y’mean And’l is easily messed-up, or is relatively immune to it?
I agree completely on the blinkies and novelty modes being unnecessary for most people uses but I MUCH prefer the click-and-hold + double-click-and-hold options for ramping up/down vs guessing the direction, and also having the stepped ramping with configurable ceiling/floor and # of modes. I run just about every Anduril light I have or had in stepped mode and much prefer it. It’s feels like a far superior version of the Armytek UI to me.
Anduril is a lot of fun. It ticks many of my desired feature boxes while also allowing for playtime modes.
Shortcut to moonlight
Shortcut to turbo
The ramping is so well done that it's a very effective way to change brightness
This is NOT the case, IMO, for most ramping interfaces. Even my EX11.2 is too slow to ramp.
There's a lot of configuration to be done when you first get the light, but for me, I leave it alone once I set it (which has its ups and downs, I can never remember how to do it since I almost never do it).
I'd love a more usable way to do blinkies. My LT1 stays on candle mode most of the time, but if I want to move to lightning (or back from lightning to candle, forget which) I'm going to get some sort of strobe mode, and it's going to hurt. But so far it's the best I've used that gives so many features. Of course improvement is possible - TK would definitely agree with that, I think - but also "improvement" at some point starts to transform into "customization to individual preferences". And unless I'm going to write my own firmware, I'm not going to expect that.
Mmm, I can see the advantage to 2H to ramp down, but I almost always start at the bottom and ramp up if needed, then just click on/off as needed. Even lights with memory, I always set ‘em down to minimum so I don’t get blinded at night. So it’s not as important to me as it would be to someone else, but I can definitely (or “defiantly”, as peoples’ spell-checkers seem to insist) see the advantage, and could even get to use/like it, too.
And I have a bunch of lights that have ramping which I keep on stepped-mode, too. Usually those with painfully-slow ramping, and/or equally-distressing nonlinear ramping (zip through the lower end and linger forever at the upper end).
My Q8s and ’mini/’micro ramp quite nicely, and even my DC7 (Airpro’s own UI), so those I let ’em ramp.
Whoa. Yeah, that’d drive me buggy. I like 2click for turbo, 3click for battcheck, 4click for lockout, and 5click for momentary.
I can just imagine trying to lock it out and going into config mode.
Addendum, I don’t like having to memorise a flowchart just to be able to use a light, and 99% of the time don’t even bother to read the inserts that go-with [my electron-microscope is in the shop anyway], so for me to be able to memorise the above and use them readily is a huge plus in my book.
I dont think its Anduril per se that is popular, it is the lights it comes in, that are popular, so when someone likes a D4 or FW3a… they associate the experience w Anduril
if those lights had come with Narsim… but they dont…
dont underestimate the sales appeal of the aux lights and flicker mode
more fun than a barrel of monkeys
for not much money
where else can you get a Ti triple or quad with aux LEDs, for less than a Benjamin?
too bad Anduril will Not Run on AA, and wont go below 2 lumens without the PWM flickering being visible.
Is any light or interface capable of pleasing, and meeting all the needs of the very diverse field of flashlight users?
You all know the answers to this.
Having special modes in a light doesn’t require the user to implement them. Some users will want to implement special modes and some won’t. Doesn’t hurt to have them under the hood, even if all you typically do is turn on, ramp up, ramp down, turn off.
Excellent point, Jon - it isn’t Anduril alone that draws people, the lights themselves have much to do with the appeal - and introduces people to Anduril. That’s how I came to use Anduril - I wanted the light: FW3A. Anduril came along as a package deal and I discovered, incidentally, how much I love the interface.
Re: ramping - I like the speed with which the FW3A ramps! My D10’s ramp speed is slower than I prefer and unfortunately, requires a VERY strong pressure on the switch. I love how light the FW3A switch operates. But again, some don’t want a switch that light - others do want it.
Re: massive turbo power - this isn’t a feature that I need, but I enjoy having the capability. I use lights indoors about as much as I use them outdoors. Indoors, jeez, 150-200 lumens is plenty of power. Outside, with acreage around me, I can use 1500 lumens, which is plenty to serve me well. But it is nice to be able to kick into turbo at 2300+ lumens briefly, on occasion. Generally speaking though… for my needs overall, 1000 lumens definitely does the trick.
Re: Candle mode - I love this feature and use it. Sometimes, relaxing in my study at night, surfing the web, I employ a number of digital candles in the room to create a flickering warm glow whilst I read or watch Netflix on my laptop. Great feature that I love. I’d enjoy Anduril’s Candle-mode even more with a 3000k emitter in my FW3A.
Re: FW3A as EDC - I don’t consider the FW3A an EDC light at all. I use an EagleTac D25A with 14500 cell for EDC, and it’s quite sufficient in that role for me. I like the FW3A as an around the house and property light.
Why Anduril? Not that it is so different from Narsil (and its derivatives), but because it is so similar. I switched my BLF Q8 and the older Emisar D4 to Anduril to avoid the confusion with very similar interfaces in newer lights that come with Anduril. The switch might have gone the other way if that was easier and hex files were available.
If only I was brave enough to open up my older Emisar D1.
Does Narsil/NarsilM UI have ability to speed up or slow down strobe? I love Anduril UI because I can speed up or slow down the strobe for motion stopping, kinda like a timing light. I use it for my job.