Well, our secutiry guys here wanted new flashlights,so i `ve decided that they need C8, they liked it( the sample from FT), and since i got those LOVELY banggood EE X6 special edition torches
i contacted Banggood for Convoy C8, U2-1A emitter, with a 30 pcs demand- just wanted to support them you know
Firsly, i spoke with Anny, she said they they have 30 pcs( u2 1a ) READY to be shipped, and if i pay for 30 pcs, they will be shipped via DHL, cause that was my ultimate demand, i had a deadline: 22 of december…
I must say that i didnt used ANY discound codes, since they were so kind to provide me fast with the tin i demanded, the quantity and a DHL shipping…
And ofc i payed for them(friday, 28.11.2014), then the problems started!
The next morning when i opened the mailbox i had 2 mails from them :
“For your order,we are so sorry that only 26 Design;XML2 U2-1A in stcock now.Would you please change it into the other Design with the rest four? Hoping your earlier reply.
If you have any puzzle, please don’t hesitate to let us know.
Best regards,
Anny ”
And another one!
“Thanks for your order.
We are very sorry to tell you that your order 3775118 had been processed and is over our limit of 2KG so is classed as overweight. We have divided the order into two shipments and they will be sent as separate sub orders.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience caused, limits like this are to keep shipping at optimal speed and price.
Kind regards,
The they provided me with a CHina Air mail shipping number!
Not even a word of a DHL shipping……
The post will beecome too large, so here what had happened next:
I instantly contacted them via phone, but the number provided is dead, then came live support and Lean….it seems thay they somehow forgot about the DHl stuff, and sent 4 pcs via CHina air mail, and since i needed all 30 ungently, i have to buy aditional 4 pcs
just look, its copy/paste:
Dimitar: Pls, take back those 4 pcs, they will be here after 30-40 days, its too late for me
Lean: sorry, we couldn’t stop the order now
Dimitar: But Anny promiced me something else, how can you not stop it?
Dimitar: I dont want it to be stopped, i just want
Dimitar: for those flashlights to be shipped fast
Dimitar: as promiced, not via china post
Lean: yes, we are so sorry for this inconvenience cause
Dimitar: If i have to pay aditionaly i will, but PLS, i need those flahslights shipped via DHL, or other express courier
Lean: because the order is too heavy , then our colleague split the order
Dimitar: Okay, its not the problem, the problem is that i need 30 pcs to get here asap
Dimitar: you sended 4 right?
Dimitar: Cant you send 30 now with DHL, Fedex?
Lean: sorry
Lean: you will pay the money for 4 peices ?
Dimitar: Ofc, i dont have any other choice
Dimitar: BUT i need to be sure that they WILL be shipped via DHL, or any other EXPRESS courier
Dimitar: And i need to know when
Lean: ok, wait a moment
Lean: then you don’t mind the design ?
Dimitar: Well, i prefer U2 bin, bu tpls be so kind to tell me what the options are
Dimitar: t6 4c, is it 6000k?
Dimitar: ot 5000?
Dimitar: i checked, its 4500k
Dimitar: .
Lean: we have only 17 pieces of XML2 U2-1A] in stock now
Can you imagine? Not 30, not even 26, but 17……and that:
Dimitar: Ofc, i dont have any other choice
I wont even comment
So finaly i bought 17 u2 1a plus 13 t6 4c….and aditional 4 pcs u2 1a sent via Chian Air mail….
After i payed for aditional 4 pcs, came this:
Thank you for your reply.
For your order 3775118 with 30*SKU106113,we will send you by DHL.But we are so sorry due to the Design;XML2 T6-4C is more expansive than XML2 U2-1A,so would you please pay 10USD at payment@banggood.com ? And please tell us the transaction ID.Thanks for you understanding and support in advance.
Could you please check it on the website?
XML2 T6-4C US$2.50
XML2 U2-1A US$1.50
What can i say here ? :)…… payed those too of course…
The DHL parsel is here now , they even didnt put the lights in a cartoon box, but in their white default cases, badly smasched of course, even so they are in relatively good
And of course i bought 13 pcs u2 1a emitters localy…
This is how Bangggood treats their wholesale customers folks
And i was going to order and 30 pcs of Nitecore I2s( for those flashlights)……God Bless that i didnt do that!