How did we do? (

The UltraFire wrappers, IMO, should not be sold. It only invites fraud and potentially sets up a hazardous situation.

Also waiting to hear if you will get any Kindle accessories…screen protectors etc.

I am extremely satisfied with fasttech, last night I contacted them about a faulty/ badly designed charger that can short out the Lu-ion battery. As of this morning I have been sent a ML-102 as atrue placement and the product has been removed.

I know, a bit OT, but how is the G301 compared to a Leatherman?
My Leatherman recently got stolen an I am in the market for a replacement.

Can you tell which charger was that?

Now that I see the fake wrappers I think I’m going to go check the capacity of the 3400 mah 18650’s I just bought from them

It was a metal tube that contained a 2600mah 18650 li-ion, this was then hooked up to a micro-usb port to charge it with and a usb port to power phones off of it.


Its not good at all to sell those wrappers, it's full of fake batteries around the net and selling branded wraps only encourages fraud (wrapping recycled laptop cells, then reselling for new, anyone?? )

I can't believe a shop trying to be considered serious and reliable to risk loosing it's integrity and reputation for the minimal profit of those wraps.

Branded rewraps (of any brand) should be banned.

What's your thought on them?

Hey Jasmine,

Get those cell wrappers out of your website as fast as you can. FastTech is rapidly gaining good reputation because of your excellent service. Selling these wrappers will certainly bring you down faster than you can imagine.



+3, I agree.
Good reputation is worth more than small profit from some wrappers.

+4 Selling knockoff wrappers is a terrible idea, and it makes people immediately question if the products you sell are genuine or not.


I wonder why FastTEch has not replied until now, which is uncharacteristic of them. It might be a good sign after all, removing in their website what we are complaining about. I just hope they recognize by now their moral obligation and social responsibility of selling such ‘unpalatable’ Ultrafire wrappers.

I believe those are too strong of words, but to each their own.

Probably true, but with these numerous safety and quality issues of cells dressed in those wrappers, IMO it not too far off. There are a hundred other items they can have their business out of us, why would they unnecessarily put their name on the line with these.

In fact I am awaiting delivery of Panasonic NCRs and 18650 colored shrink wraps from them, shipped last January 3, one day after my order, with tracking number. Impressive, to say the least.

No problem here with wraps, I like the idea of pecuted wraps.
You can’t fake ultrafire batteries because they are always crappy fake.
Would be fun to have custom printed wraps….

Was it that thing?
I have one on my wish list as well.

Yeah it's that one. I thought they removed all of them, but apparently they only removed the sku i ordered. (DIfferent color)

Ah that’s why blue isn’t available anymore.
What was the problem?
I talked to someone here who has a similar one without problems.

When I plugged a iphone cord into the USB port that applied pressure to the pcb which pushed the positive connector onto the negative wire. You can see my album of pictures of this thing here.