How do you lock your lights?

Perhaps this type of situation is relative. Someone buying their first may find these changes illustrious and dive right in. But for those having multiple lights dating back to the origins, changes of this magnitude are at the very least frustrating. How many generations of change can most people keep track of, and in how many lights?

I must just have too many.

Sure is interesting to put em all in lightning mode though. (Providing I can remember how)

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I have 28 Anduril powered lights. Just took a video with all of them running simultaneously. From 800 lumens to 25,000.

How do I post a video here?

Now, to lock em all out again…

( my eyes hate me )

A photo…

2 Thanks

Gotta love it! :sunglasses:

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Yeah, having the interface change a bunch of times is really frustrating. So I’ve tried to keep that to a minimum.

In this case, for lights with only one set of primary LEDs, nothing is changing. That covers most of the lights out there.

It’s looking like the only interface change will be for lights with multiple sets of primary LEDs… like tint-ramping lanterns, adjustable flood/throw lights, RGB lights (aux LEDs don’t count), items which can switch between infrared / ultraviolet / white, etc.

I’m trying to make it easier to access all those channels, without having to go through an arcane menu. Like, at the moment, if someone wants to switch between “tint ramp” and “tint toggle”, they have to turn the light off, press 9H to enter a global menu, release at the first blink, click 0 or 1 time, wait, then turn the light back on… and then 3H can do the tint changes they wanted. And tint-toggle is on 3H, which feels weird since it’s not the type of action which needs a “hold”.

Instead of that, the plan is to make it so the user can just press 3C to toggle the tint, or 3H to ramp it. Much, much easier.

The downside is, for lights with tint features, it’ll become a bit harder to change the smooth/stepped shape for the brightness ramp. That’s 3C on most lights, but on multi-channel lights it’ll get moved back to … 4H maybe? I’m not super happy with that mapping, but it seems like the least-inconvenient option.

If not 4H, it could be 4C… but then the shortcut to lockout is gone. Could be 5C, but then the shortcut to momentary is gone. Could be 6C, but that’s long and eliminates the intentional gap between regular UI functions (5C and below) and config menus (7H and above).

The 2 least-disruptive options are 4H and 6C. They are the 2 shortest mappings which aren’t used yet. … which I suppose leads to a question that I should probably make a poll for. More on that in the next post.

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On single-channel lights, the usual mapping is:

  • 3C: toggle brightness ramp shape (smooth / stepped)
  • 3H: momentary turbo
  • 4C: lockout mode
  • 4H: (unused)

But on multi-channel lights, the plan is:

  • 3C: next channel mode (like “flood / throw / both”, or “white / red / UV”)
  • 3H: ramp channels (like warm-to-cool tint ramp)
  • 4C: lockout mode (?)
  • 4H: ?

So how should the regular 3C/3H functions be remapped? Which seems best? Mark all options you’re okay with:

  • remap shape (3C) only
    • 4C: lockout mode
    • 4H: ramp shape toggle
  • remap both (3C+3H)
    • 4C: lockout mode
    • 4H: momentary turbo
    • 6C: ramp shape toggle
  • remap both, and remove lockout shortcut
    • 4C: ramp shape toggle
    • 4H: momentary turbo

0 voters

Personally, I like the last option best since I don’t use the “4C from On” shortcut to Lockout Mode. I also don’t really use momentary turbo, and had kinda forgotten it existed. But some people do use those, and I don’t want to clobber features people care about.

I voted for remap both and remove lockout, but actually I’d just place lockout at 6C because why not? Id rather do 6C than 1C, wait, 4C.

On my lights, I moved smooth/stepped ramp selection to 9C, as I barely ever use it. That might be good for the subject of another poll - 9H is probably too high for most people but I need room for other custom shortcuts as well, but I’ve been entertaining the idea of moving it entirely to the 9H menu, but even just moving that to something like 4C frees up space for features that will probably be used more often, but has the breaking-backwards-compatibility problem…

In general, if I was giving my opinion on the options posted, remap both and remove lockout shortcut would be what I would go for, and “remap shape only” second place.

At the risk of some people going “more options bad”, there’s always the possibility of having a 9H menu item that lets the user select from a few different combinations. That way, based on principle of least surprise, have an option (the default?) that replicates the old layout with the new functions on 4C/H as well.

Moving lock to a higher number is also fine.

1 Thank

The 9H menu is a last resort for things which can’t fit anywhere else… generally things the user configures once while reading the manual, and never touches again. If a function gets used more than, I dunno, once a year… it probably shouldn’t be in the global 9H menu. I’d like it to not exist, if possible… but sometimes it’s unavoidable.

The jump-start level works fine in 9H, since it only needs to be configured once, on only a specific subset of lights, by only a small portion of users who actually care, and it can’t be set at the factory. However, the ramp shape toggle is meant to be used by pretty much everyone on every light, every time the user goes outside or comes back in… and sometimes even more often than that. It gets used enough that some manufacturers have even insisted on enabling it in simple mode.

One thing I can say about moving it to 9H though… that would guarantee virtually nobody ever used it again.

Customizing it locally is totally fine though. :heart: Different people want different things, so I tried to make it relatively easy to change stuff, or to even make completely new interfaces. I just don’t plan to include that particular change in Anduril in the official repository.

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to catch @containerfan attention
( hope he is the same who does the UI diagram on reddit)

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Is there a way to have an “Andúril Two Button” version?
Many new lights use an AT1616 there should be an i/o for a 2th button.

There isn’t code for it right now, but attiny1616 and attiny1634 have enough free space to add support for a second button. It won’t really fit on attiny85 though, at least not without removing other stuff to make room.

The biggest change needed is … the way events are encoded would need to use a 16-bit integer instead of 8-bit. Because all 8 bits are used and there’s no bit left to indicate which button was pressed. It needs a minimum of 9 bits total, to fit all the current events plus a second button. Plus, it would need some other changes to listen on a second pin and process that info and debounce it and stuff.

Anyway, it could be done, and most of the chips currently in use have enough pins and enough ROM.

Then, if the UI code wanted a single click of button 1 to turn the light off, and button 2 to change channels, it could do something like …

// event names start with "EV_",
// and "1click" is the name used in current code
// for a single click on button 1
if (event == EV_1click) {
// the 2nd button would need a 2nd set of event names,
// probably starting with a prefix like "B2" or something
else if (event == EV_B2_1click) {

So it wouldn’t really change the UI-level code much. Just add handlers for a few “B2” events, and … that’s it. The big changes all happen in the FSM code underneath.

There’s also an older “2nd button” thing already implemented… but it’s for a clicky-switch, not an e-switch. On lights with both types, the e-switch does normal Anduril stuff, while the clicky switch is basically an instant momentary mode.

2 Thanks

I actually use 4c from on. It’s a nice indicator sometimes to have the light turn off.
Not all of my lights are updated to have auto-lockout and I can’t remember how to set it at this point. Nor remember which lights have it as a feature. There are enough flashing adapters out there that I don’t even have the ability to update over half my fsm lights now to even get consistency.

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My opinion, for sure the 4C from on to lockout can gtfo. I hardly use lockout anyways, there doesn’t need to be two ways to do it. You can get rid of that.

You can crank up the number of clicks to change ramp style too. Do people change that a lot? I feel like you either like the light ramping or you like it stepped and ppl kinda just leave it there. You can make that more clicks IMO. But for channel switching you would want that to be quick and easy…just my guess tho

On momentary turbo I’m conflicted. On one hand, I’ve accidentally blinded myself with momentary turbo maybe 400 times and I’ve only actually intentionally used it like 5 times. So making it more clicks would blind me less. But it would also probably make me intentionally use it even less than 5 times. And it does have some purpose.

1 Thank

I think lockout is useful independently from what number you choose.
If I unscrew tailcup I interrupt also the aux led and is not good.
A number for lockout is a good function.
Turbo for momentary is cool and i use in some situations.

From ON

3C - toggle smooth stepped
3H - Tint 50/50 for double channel immediately
4C - lock
4H - ramp config (also less clicks for configuration)
5C - momentary
5H - sunset timer
7C - nothing
7H - nothing

You know, it’s funny you mention that… Anduril 1 had the ramp config on 4C, and the natural equivalent with an Anduril 2 style menu would be on 4H.

However, there were numerous complaints that the ramp config was too easy to access, and people kept getting it by accident. People said there should be a gap between normal light functions and config menus… so I moved configuration from 4C to 7H. And secondary config stuff went on 10H. Again, because people wanted gaps between, to avoid accidentally getting the wrong function.

So… that’s where things are now.

I think overall it was a good change.

You are right…
What is Anduril 1? :joy:
I am joking

You think is possible to insert “turn back” function in some menus?

by accident
i only know when it won;t come on any more
then i start pressing the button :slight_smile:

[[4 C is all right though ]]