How do you organize your keys, keychains, keyrings?

Never on their own, no.

I have a couple times opened the clasp and not paying attention, let the spring tension pull the free end out of my hand, scattering the keys all over the floor.

They make two different lucky lines, red 81101 and blue 71101. The blue is easier to open by bending it inwards at a sharp angle. This one is better for lots of keys. The red one is very secure, requiring you twist the ring in a sort of figure 8 shape, which could be impossible with a full load of keys. I use the easier blue one day to day, with no issues.

The mantaring uses a threaded barrel nut to join the two ends together. This is easy to operate and the constant tension keeps it from self loosening. The nut is considerably larger than the cable however, and keys can’t slide over it.

I didn’t look in to it much but just searching now THESE all say they are titanium alloy in the description but they do look like coloured aluminium ones.

The only ones I can find that appear to look the part are various aftermarket car keys, perhaps they are harder to come by than what I originally thought.

Found THESE for $8 :stuck_out_tongue:

Also Fancy Flashlights and CNQualitygoods has got THESE in for $3.50

Looks similar to the TEC P-7 but nearly 1/4 of the price.


Lots of other designs here too:

Some guy at the EDC forums made a post asking for cheaper alternitive to the TEC P-7 suspension clip (posted above) so I mentioned the one at FancyFlashlights and CNQualitygoods because he didnt want to pay $12 for it plust $5 shipping where as the one from Fancy Flashlights is $3.90 shipped.

My post was deleted, so I asked if I’m not allowed to post links because I replied with one to buy for less than 1/4 of the price but the post was gone.

No one answered but then today I noticed that post was deleted too and I had a PM saying that I’m not allowed to recommend/suggest other items because TEC is a forum sponsor and that the guy asking should support the forums and buy one from TEC (also the mods were heavily pushing the TEC ones in the post even though the guy specifically asked for alternatives).

Anyway thats the end of my interest in the EDC forums.

I couldn’t imagine if BLF was like this and you could only suggest lights from forum sponsors or your posts will get deleted and perhaps even get banned for multiple offences.

It really makes me realize and appreciate how relaxed this forum is compared to many others.


Wow, didn’t know EDC forums was like that.
Willing to post that PM (while removing the names of the guilty)?

I sent the PM, its not much more in it than I already put here.

Kind of sucks that people aren’t free to talk about what they want on there.

I’m not that mod over at EDC forums who has the same avatar by the way. Mine is slightly different tho. Colors shifted to make the eyes stand out more.
Somehow I missed that you provided a link to the thread… Now I see that mod with my avatar posted in it too!

I’ve become fond of my avatar but kinda of unhappy it may make people think I’m a mod of a forum that operates like that.

Most of the posts in the thread read like complete shills. “Get five!”, “Yes, and order several”

I’m going to PM that guy directly with the links, maybe I can save him some cash and he can get what he was asking for in the first place.

For small EDC & prepper stuff that WORKS—and the aircraft cable keyrings—I usually try

Mention to him what kind of place EDC forums is and invite him over here. :smiley:

They have a lot of stuff that I have wanted from there in the past but at first (about a year or more ago) the shipping was way too expensive and now they don’t ship to Australia at all because they don’t accept payments from non-US PayPal accounts.

Too bad, cos they have nice things.

Unfortunately I think CountyComm are no longer selling to resellers due to some of the items they stock being government surplus.

Wow, thanks for sharing. I was thinking about joining there but I won’t now. :zipper_mouth_face:

I’ve been meaning to try a couple of those.
A little drop of blue Loctite would stop it coming apart, and it’s designed to come apart with some force i.e. not by accident.
It’s good for holding the position of pivot screws that you’ve got just right as well.

New edition to my keys DQG AAA.

Still need to get the 2 keys on the left cut so they aren’t so bulky and cluttery.

I love the size of the DQG AAA for a keychain light but I’m not happy with the light itself.

The tint is green, the threads are scratchy, the engraving wasn’t done the way I had asked.

But the AA I bought previously had a nice tint (both are supposed to be 3B) and the threads are smooth and the engraving was done exactly how I asked for, not happy about it.

I also bought a titanium AAA, I hope its not as dissapointing as this one.

Sorry to hear that, ezarc. Hopefully the Ti one is better quality!

The other day my mini carabiner which basically constituted the 'keychain pendant' broke, just like that. I wanted to pull out the bunch of keys from my pocket, usually i do that by pulling at the Thrunite Ti, and then the carabiner fell apart.

( mouse over )

now i need a new replacement carabiner, maybe an original Sunwayman Titanium clasp:

btw, the clip on the Thrunite Ti is the original P-7 suspension clip by TEC. highly recommended.

My neck lanyards have the same clip. I haven’t seen one fail before.

I had a very similar experience there at EDC forums. They stealth deleted at least one of my posts, too, so I PM’d the owner asking what my crime was. He didn’t seem too interested in the issue so I told him I wasn’t coming back, and haven’t been back since. Some of these sites make it clear that the advertisers are more important than the users. Seems a bit shortsighted to me…

The paracord and gerber are to add weight just in case I have to use the keys to defend myself. The few on the lobster claw is the minimum keys I can carry out the house when cycling.