How many lights do you carry?

For those of you who keep lights in the car, aren’t you worried about heat ruining the batteries? Or do you store them in some sort of insulated container?

Wow, you’re even crazier than I am. :smiley:

EDC a holstered ’502 with 1-mode NW (5000K?) XP-L. That’s my go-to light for most things.

Sometimes a green S2+ with warmer XM-L2, 3-modes for when/if I’d want lower brightness, and/or a floodier light. Usually deep-carry clip in a pocket if I’m indeed pocketting it.

3buk MicroCenter beat-to-Hell “bobofett” light that wrings out the last juices from spent AAs. Usually in the same pocket as change, keys, etc., hence its beat-to-Hellness, but never failed me. That’s my “moonlight” light from moribund AAs, not any real moonlight mode. :smiley:

Bag, the S2+ when I’m not pocketting it.

Bag, Barbie-pink Xtar WK50, for whatever reason. Dunno, I just wanna have it with me.

Winter-time, bag, my go-to C8 for longer-distance snooping. 4300K XP-E2, 1-mode. I’m really liking my XM-L2 HI C8 for more “reach”, but I think I’m keeping the XP-E2 as my carry-with.

My “theme” is that I prefer simple on/off 1-mode blazers for brighter lights, and smaller lights for lower-brightness if/when I want it. I’ll probably be leaving home my S2+ at some point. 3 modes is handy, but the blink-on-low just pisses me off.

I’d make do with the ’502 and bobofett at a minimum. WK50, S2+, C8… not sure which I’d “need” as adjuncts.

Y’know, I was just looking for something like that, as different keyrings seem to be spontaneously growing in my pockets, and I wanted to modularise things a bit.

Any other recs?

Just one usually. Shorty S2+ with an S2 reflector crammed in it. Sometimes I’ll throw my Balder BD04 with XHP50 on the seat. Not sure why…

NiMH batteries, eneloops work great

Do ya mean XP-L HI :slight_smile:

That’s why I generally don’t keep flashlights in the car, at least not any with Li cells.

I’ve been known to stick in a batteryless AA light, and have the working set of AAs wrapped around the light, and optionally a set of new spare AAs in a separate wrapping.

With all the Li-based lights I usually have on me, though, I’ve left the dedicated in-car lights home.

Someone recommended eneloops as heat-tolerant cells for in-car use. Never used ’em, so dunno.

Yeah, probably. It’s after midnight, and I can barely keep my eyes open… :stuck_out_tongue:

Funny thing is, I know they both have the same exact chip inside, and was just drawing a blank as to which package the HI uses.

Hopefully a little sleep will cure that. :smiley:

Two to four:

During the day, two: Olight S2 Baton and Acebeam EC50vn. Very soon, EC50vn to be replaced by P60vn light engine quad XHP35 16 volt, 4*18350 body.

At night, especially during my two hour nightly walk: Acebeam K70vn and Fenix TK75vnQ70 Driver VnX2 dome on. Very soon, K70 to be replaced by Acebeam X65vn.

Left pocket : Olight S-mini (High CRI)

Backpack : Olight S2 (Warm tint), Skilhunt H03 (High CRI) and an Acebam M10 (219C) on the webbing if someone needs to borrow me one (side switches tend to confuse muggles…)

Motorcycle jacket : I3S raw brass (219B)

Casual leather jacket : CNQG Brass Beauty triple 219A

Astrolux A01 on keychain;
BLF A6 in jeans;
Lumnitop pen in bag or backpack;
BLX X6 in bag or backpack;
Skilhunt H02 in bag or backpack;
Convoy L2 or L6 in car;
and some other lights leaving in car;

I usually carry a BLF A6 with short tube. When I know I need some more light I carry a Eagle Eys X6 XP-L triple. Still relatively small but able to light a larger area if needed.

im surprise to see many of you all carry so many lights!

two is one, one is none, my main flashlight gets switched out pretty often due to the technology improvements, right now im carrying Klarus XT11GT, with Armytek Partner A1(running on 14500) as backup and Olight I3S being a backup of a backup.

I carry 1 or 2 lights, my wife likes to give me grief about my flashlight hobby so I asked her how many lights she carries… 6 she says, what about the one on your phone I said, ok 7… :smiley:


(unless you count flashlight app on my phone)

If I know I’ll need one, I’ll bring one. But otherwise I have several in my cars and have never been left wanting.

Thanks for asking as i didn’t even think about it…
How much of a problem can it be?

Well the glovebox itself is somewhat insulated form the outdoors…

I don’t keep any 18650 lights in the car. In each of my cars I have a small headlamp and a AA sized light loaded with Energizer lithium primaries (which handle temperature swings very well). I also keep a larger light like a 3D Defiant loaded with alkalines. In Iowa we have everything from over 100°f ambient (much hotter in the car), down to –20°f, and even the alkalines have not failed me yet.

However the one time I left an 18650 in the car in the winter, it would not power a light until I warmed up the cell.

I’m cutting back these days :person_facepalming: , but current flashlights I EDC are:

On my key fob I carry a small SAK and a Jetbeam Mini-1. Sort of a micro EDC.

Deep in right cargo pocket is a Fenix HL10 2016 that I have in a case for organization. The HL10 gets used daily. I arrive at work while it’s still dark out and there is no lighting on the path I take to my office and I’m usually carrying my pack, a cup of joe and a few other things. Also, I like being able to get my hands on a quick, small headlamp for hands free operation. Bright enough for most up-close tasks and good enough to get me into my pack where I have a Nitecore HC30 and/or Skilhunt H15.

Clipped to the back of the same pocket, Nitecore MT10a or Manker T01 (sometimes Klarus Mi7, sometimes BLF A6 w/ 18350 tube). This is where I’ll carry something with decent throw.

Deep in my front right pocket, usually a Xtar WK50 or Jetbeam MK-1, running old primaries I’m trying to drain. Something I won’t mind losing, should the alkaline leak. Everything else I run is rechargeable. Either Li-Ion or NiMH.

Usually clipped to the placket of my shirt, BLF 348 w/ a few magnets loosely attached to the clip.

I also carry a Nitecore Tube UV, attached to a belt loop via spring clip.

I generally keep my 18650 lights in my pack. Most of what’s on me is AA or AAA these days.

That’s like my little bobofett light, 3bux at MicroStore:

which wrings out every last bit of juice from AAs, even those so spent they won’t even power a wireless optical mouse.

Yeah, I’ve kept it going ’til the AA started oozing. Unless you neglect it to the point where it forms rock-candy on the springs, it’s fairly easy to wash out.

And yeah, it’s only 3bux, just in case.
