How the post office broke my package

So, I received an enameled Dansk Fondue Pot today,

unfortunately the post office damaged it:

there is a hole in the box:
(flashlight content, I used a TS10 to shine through the hole, lol)

after contacting the seller and providing a dozen photos of the damage…

I went online to see if mail handling machines have spikes on them, they do not

but then I found a pic of a guy using a long pole to help the machine move boxes

and I found another photo with a (not very clear) pic of the end of the pole:

I would not have thought that the pole would have a point on the end, but, it sort of looks like it does

go figure…
buy an expensive machine with no spikes on it, so it cant break stuff, then give a guy a pole whose bent tip is pointed enough to put a hole in a box, to help the machine break stuff

pending resolution
package was insured…
Im expecting a drama free refund,
once the seller has a chance to file the claim w USPS

now for the $57.50 question… will I get to keep the pot?.. LOL

3 Thanks

Wow, that’s terrible!
Shame on the post office.

(sorry in advance for taking your quote out of context…)
I’m not a huge fan of Limp Bizkit, but I like their song “Break Stuff”.
It has plenty of swearing in it, so I’m not going to link to it.
(Also, I don’t think many BLF members like that type of music.) :thinking:

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Great song!

1 Thank

Crazy enough, they performed live at Aftershock earlier this year. I’ve never been much of a Limp Bizkit fan, but good to see they still got a following. Before this, the only time I ever heard them mentioned was by listening to 90s and 00s hiphop, specifically Eminem’s The Real Slim Shady track.

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I have their first four studio albums, and their EP, but not their two newest studio albums.
I like a handful of their songs, but most of their music isn’t all that great, in my opinion.
(I didn’t even know about their 2011 or 2021 studio albums until just now.) :musical_note:

The hole looks to small for the stick end, besides it is difficult to get enough power to actually break through cardboard with them imo.
Not saying it’s not possible, just that there are a lot of steps of handling where it could have happened.
Mostly packages break, because of other baldy wrapped packages, so the content stick out.
Like there was once a big cardboard box with literal steel rods in it, without any wrapping. Just freely moving around
Immediately when the box went down the rods punctured it’s own cardboard, thankfully there was no damage like the pictures to any other parcel.

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I find lots of times Sellers don’t properly package heavy items — I have had several instances of heavy packages being damaged — One that stays in my brain – A $5000 pair of SET amps ( 75lbs each) just wrapped in bubble wrap — One amp was so racked out of shape, tubes broke off

As a retired UPS employee of 33 yrs I can say there are many ways your package could of been damaged. I doubt if that pole did it. To me it almost looks like the box was shot by a 22 cal bullet or something. I’d check inside the box and pot for fragments.

1 Thank

I did check
the only fragments are the chips of red enamel, no pebbles, no bullets, no other foreign objects

there are many ways your package could of been damaged

such as?

I once got a 75lb, X-Y table for my drill press. Packed in two thick layers of cardboard.
One corner was chipped off the table.
Called the seller. Return shipping label sent.
The replacement table had a divot in the top. The exact match for the corner of the first table! Warehouse guy was sure on top of things.
Return label sent.
Third times the charm. Lord knows what they lost on shipping those heavy suckers.
All the Best,

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You would think anyone can pack an item. Absolutely not. You need to know the specifics of the item, the shape, the weight, any delicate areas. Then you come up with a plan to pack it. For this pot, I would have wrapped it 3-5 times with bubble wrap or thick paper. Then take the box, fill it one quarter with peanuts or something similar, then place the item in the box, then fill the box with the same peanuts. The item should be floating in the box and not sitting at bottom. It should have 5 inches of peanuts on every side including top and bottom. The box should be overfilled with peanuts.

You follow these instructions and you can throw it off a three story roof.

Packing a pot is completely different than packing a stereo receiver for example.

Like I said, to do it right you need to understand the item you are packing.

Expect the shipping company to throw and kick it around and pack it accordingly.

1 Thank

where I worked we had long aluminum poles with a hook on the end for braking up jammed up pkgs on the conveyor belts.Kinda looked like a shepherds crook with no sharp pointy ends. USPS is probably uses something similar. In the big processing centers or hubs there are miles of conveyor belts sometimes stacked 2 stories high. Coming off of the belts are chutes and slides that feed the pkgs into the trailers and trucks. Maybe your pkg was at the bottom of a slide and a heavy pkg with something like a axle,shaft,or steel rod sticking out of the side came down the slide next and slammed into it. I’ve seen bicycle,tricycle,wheelbarrow,lawnmower and other types of axles protruding out of boxes. Also anything with a shaft like a electric motor,gearbox etc. Steel rods also. Another likely scenario is a overworked pissed off Christmas hire took something like a ski pole and threw into your pkg as a spear. It’s crazy this time of year. :rage:

like this?:

do you think that tip could cause this:

and this:

or maybe it was some other metal spike in another package…

Brother works at a very large industrial plant and works 3rd shift alot. He has shot at pigeons in the open buildings with a high power BB gun. This damage looks like velocity hit to me because that area of the pot should be very strong near a bend in surface such as this.
Just a guess. Something hit it with force that is for sure.

Had an Epay idiot ship me a Technics cassette deck naked in a box about 3 times the size of the deck and it just ping ponged inside the box, lid was bent, sides damaged, real mess.
Think he was pissed cause I was the only bid and he started it real low.
Anyway good luck with next one.

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My biggest shipping fiasco was ordering a motorized standing desk frame from Amazon. Fedex straight-up lost it. (More than likely they destroyed it so completely that they just marked it lost)

Rule of thumb, the bigger and heavier the package the more likely it will get damaged in shipping.

The pole in your picture is similar to the ones I’ve used long time ago. The one in your picture does seem to have a bit of a pointy end but looking at the damage to the pot I think someone would of have to swing hard like a golf club or baseball bat to maybe do that kind of damage. Also the hole in the box looks pretty uniform and small. If the hooked end of the pole went through the box someone pulling on the other end of the pole would probably of torn the box or at lest elongated the hole. If it wasn’t some kind of projectile then something must of went hard or fast straight in and straight back out to do that kind of damage. All just speculation at this point though. Good luck with your claim.

2 Thanks

I agree. The divot in the metal sure looks like a pellet strike or maybe even a .22
All the Best,

I agree.
The Slider Forensics team measured the hole at 0.21", but no projectile was found inside the box.

Whatever it was, it pierced the box, and the bubble wrap around the pot, and after slamming into the pot, made a clean escape :wink: