How the post office broke my package

Another “magic” bullet? LOL

Due to the lack of a projectile inside the box, What about that sorting pole, but with the hook removed? (Theoretically, loosening those 2 set-screws to remove the hook and expose the tip would make it easier for the user to position packages as needed.)

Also @jon_slider, watch out for a PM regarding flashing A2, probably later today if you don’t mind!

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Might be as simple as a spiked - something - that pushed through a poorly wrapped package that stabbed your innocent box.
Then ran away to disappoint another recipient.

if I get a full refund, and get to keep the damaged pot… I wont be too sad…

Sucks for our Postal shipping costs overall thought… We fund the fancy package handling equipment (not with tax dollars, but by paying for postage), and their system mashes, and smashes stuff. Then our shipping costs go up, some more.

The post office has been on life support for the past twenty years. 20 years from now they will just be a bad memory.

My prediction is thay Amazon is going to take it over.

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Amazon? They’re a leech when it comes to shipping. I can’t imagine them being the backbone of the national postal service.

How do you figure leech? They pretty much pioneered taking the picture as proof of delivery.

I agree the USPS has problems.
The alternative to the Post Office?
Here’s a buck-fifty.
Deliver this envelope to Seattle and this one to Miami.
Or take this one down to the Big Bend Texas area - where kids are bussed 2 to 4 hours to get to school.
Just saying…
All the Best,

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A few things don’t add up. Why didn’t it have its own box? Was this used or open box/missing box stock? It MAY have happened while it was in possession of the post office but it’s possible that the hole was created before being handed over to the post office and they didn’t notice it depending on how the package was presented to them. I’m not so sure you can blame the post office. I seriously doubt that the post office is using any tools that puts holes in cardboard boxes. I have no guesses as to what made the hole.

Thought I read that some of USPS’s woes were related to a glut of packages from Amazon for rates that make no sense for shipping business to accept. In other words, I’m under the impression that the USPS provides government subsidized cheaper shipping for Amazon.

USPS is not govt subsidized

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I wish I could find back the article I read. Wondering what it was really about now…

this article says USPS stopped being taxpayer funded in the 1970’s

I’m just wondering what was going on with the article I read–did it have explicit misinformation or did it just strongly imply things that weren’t true? Could have been an anti-Amazon hit piece. I read a ton of stuff and some of it from link aggregators like Hacker News. (in the past Reddit too). Sure makes it hard to figure out where you heard things from lol

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I googled Amazon USPS subsidy and found this article that may be what you read

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Looks like it is probably more accurate than what I read. But I’m sure what I read was a reaction to the same news story. Nice find!

EDIT: That article seems pretty even-handed. I’m going to have to read more CNBC for news

I tried to google things having to do with USPS experiencing difficulties due to Amazon and found this just now:

thanks for the link, I read it, and my conclusion is that there is a shortage of mail carrier personnel during the holidays. I blame USPS MisManagement, not Amazon

as the article put it:

“a high package volume always has the potential to interfere with the flow of letter mail, regardless of where those packages originated.”

I suspect some pissed off USPS package handler may have brought a gun to work, and took a “Pot Shot” at my package… Im glad no humans were harmed…

Well, it’s a little weird that they aren’t allowed to mention Amazon by name.

I agree though, the problem with USPS is mainly bad management. I’m sure that USPS was originally optimized for letter carrying but that’s no excuse. It’s been almost 2 decades since Amazon was founded and online commerce took off. Their failure to pivot is on them. The “real” news story is really that USPS management seems to be expecting their workers to simply shoulder the burden of impossible workloads when they should be redesigning their workflows.

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I bought two CV axles for one of our cars from Autozone once. They weren’t in stock so they had them shipped from another store to my door. When they arrived they were both damaged. The box had perfect cuts where the axle dust shields had cut through. The dust shields on the ends were smashed and bent. Thanks FedEx. They had to spnd them back (these are big, heavy items) on their dime and wait for backordered replacements. Sent the wrong ones the 2nd time. Go figure.

I had two good friends that both worked 20+ years for the USPS. The tales they told of gross mismanagement were many and epic.
I mean many millions of dollars spent to expand facilities, buy and install equipment that they never used and ended up scrapping…
On several occasions. I was shown dumpsters full of state of the art computers… which they wouldn’t even allow the employees nor anyone else to touch. If it was a private company they would have tanked years ago. It is complicated. They are a US government agency, but sort of independent. They actually do get subsidized in various ways.

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Believe everything you say here.
Having said that, here goes;

They are but a kindergartner to the biggest waster of ordering things and paying for them in full with our Tax dollars and then scrapping the program.
Of course I speak of the USA Gov’t Military.
We could balance the budget like yesterday if not for the wanton waste/mismanagement /grift that goes on. Everyone knows it and shrugs their shoulders and life goes on.

Rant Off.

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