looking at all the dropins and wondering if there are any photo how to build your own pill. I did a search and am not coming up with anything. I am not new to electronics just flashlights, I used to put chips in the playstations for a long time so not scared of the boards or blowing up a few drivers or pills trying to learn just need some guidance. And I just ordered a tangsfire 2010 hd and read some of the problems so want to be ahead of the game.
Welcome hhjester. If your looking for a dropin for a P60 you can buy it as a complete unit in about a million combinations. If your looking at making a basic pill search for Old-Lumens here and most of his mods have pills made without the use of a lathe. Other wise a lathe is really handy. Copper is the best material with aluminium next in line.
Uh, the “build” is literally: press 3 things together and remember to hook up the two wires. It’s self-explanatory if you look at any pill.
I should have added not totally new to flashlights either but new to trying to piece one together. I actually ordered a p60 droping with a 501 shell but would like to delve a little deeper and wondering if there are any photo guides. thank you for the quick response
The “pill” is just the metal part that has the emitter in one side and the driver on the other. Commercial pills are often made of brass or aluminum and threaded to screw into either the host or the reflector. It is not uncommon to see pills made if copper from those who do not have access to a lathe. CNQgoods has threaded brass pills available if that’s what you want or p60 reflectors with the pill and springs included can also be had from most of the chinese sellers(DX et al). Malkoff makes a higher end drop in available from Illumination Supply. Don’t know where to get the drop ins that thread directly into the host but I’m sure they are available as well. Hope this helps.
There are lots of reviews on this forum of hosts that you buy and then add your own driver and LED of choice. For example,
If you want to build your own again there is lots here on this forum. Another example,
The search function on the top left hand side works very well as does the forum link.
Check here:
thank you thats what i was looking for.