So I recently got a Rayovac Indestructible 2AA so I can mod it with extra o rings, glass lens, P60 reflector with XP-G2, only I can’t get the darned thing apart even with holding the body in a vice and twisting the head with all my might.
My question is: are there any other un-muscled nerds out there that have found some better techniques to beating the glued threads? Or do I just need to get myself a gym membership or split some firewood and try again in a couple months.
yes, submerge the part to be opened in hot water for a few minutes then try unscrewing. If the part isn’t waterproof, put it in a zip lock bag first. I didn’t read the thread above but it should essentially say the same thing.
If boiling alone doesn’t work, then try freezing and boiling. Then try more heat - heat guns are useful devices. Just try not to set stuff on fire with it.
Great force often helps.
Baking to 250-300C will denature most organic material (Make sure to remove everything you can first.) and every glue I know of is organic. It will also turn the anodising an interesting colour.
What other flashlights have you used that anti-adhesive on? Has it always worked?
Any chance the jar says what its made of? I see a bunch of adhesive removers on amazon but no idea which is actually good.
So far it hasn’t failed, I’ve used it on a number of flashlights with SS bezels including the Trustfire A8, once applied it comes off very easily without any excessive force. As for what to get, not entirely sure but the stuff I’ve used is nothing special, cost the equivalent of 50c from a local store. Any hardware store would sell the stuff. Certainly a much easier and safer way without damaging your lights than using heat. Just be careful when you apply it as it can get messy, and have some paper towels handy.
If acetone or toluene (or benzene if you can buy the stuff - it’s a known carcinogen) or di-tri-chloroethane/ethene (Which is what any adhesive remover will contain) do the trick they will cost way, way less.
But I doubt they will penetrate far enough to kill the glue.
Dichloromethene (Ethylene chloride) or trichloromethane (Chloroform) or tetrachloromethane (carbon tetrachloride - a known carcinogen) will do better.
Thanks for the feedback, I’ll probably try the strap wrench first since the head is plastic coated with rubber. I knew there was another excuse for me to buy some more tools
Looking at the photos in your thread the “glue” appeared to have a white color, so its probably not a true thread locker. Have you encountered red, green, black or blue “thread-locker” that the anti-adhesive has worked on? I know it has already been asked, but can you please translate the ingredients on the label?… if that is what is actually listed in Vietnamese.
Don’t think I’ve encountered other “thread locker” colours, but I’m considering being brave enough to try it on the Nitecore P25 which I’m sure has the highest grade adhesive. My Vietnamese is pretty bad and I’d need help to get it translated, but I know it’s not heavy duty. I’ll give google translate a go when I get some time.
O.k, here’s the results when using anti-adhesive with a nitecore P25 bezel:
Looked like there was a blackish residue on the threads, although I wouldn’t call that conclusive if trying to determine what kind of “thread lock” was used on it. Only required some moderate force between my index finger and thumb. I’m sure using anti-adhesive is much easier than using other methods and will save people a lot of time and effort. I’ll try and translate the contents of what I’m using a little later.
Thanks for looking into your anti-adhesive for us.
I don’t own any Nitecore myself but in Old-Lumens Nitecore EA8 teardown thread he said ‘The bezel comes off easily’. The head to body threads were the ones covered in a ton of red thread locker.
Perhaps your Nitecore P25 also wasn’t glued much at the bezel?
The stuff is sticky and a little irritating, but doesn’t damage the anodising (at least what I’m using doesn’t) and just needs a bit of firm wiping after you’ve finished. I’ll try and translate what I’ve got and update the thread.
That may well be the case, the only time I’ve used it on locked body threads was for the JM07 and that too may have used a normal adhesive, so perhaps the solution may not work for heavily glued threads with high class locktite. It may well assist however if it doesn’t work on it’s own. I don’t have any applications right now I can test it on other than a handful of bezels I’ve already removed from budget to mid-range lights.