Huge half off sale at DealExtreme!

Well, where I come from, we call it “Verarsche”…

I can’t see why. For me they did exactly what they announced. No ‘Verarschung’ involved.

Yeah, but they announced the ultimate uber-event and offered mainly crap. That´s enough to be upset.
Imagine “Media Markt” announcing a big “Riesiger 50%-Rabatt-Aktion” and all you can get is some USB Sticks.

When Media Markt announces anything, I know that they rised their prices the months before. They are proven scammers.

I have only seen this ad from dx
Maybe they had an more promesing ad before? Then I can see how someone gets disappointed.

So you think that leaflet matched the 5 minute sale we were given? 40000 items sold it 5 minutes? You have very low expectations dave, I have to say.


5 Minutes is a huge exaggeration.
I opened all Items of interest in a new tab and read all product descriptios, did internet research on the COB modules etc. After that the only item that was gone was a bike light.

Very low expectations? DX is not a small unkown trader. Everyone in my age group I know oders stuff there. I expected there to be way more customers on the hunt than items to buy. I also expected a cross section of their normal goods, which means lots of ultra cheap plastic stuff, adapter cables and ugly lighters.
I am used to low stock sales being over in under 1/4h, that’s nothing new.
If you expected more, it may just have been not very realistic.
Hope you don’t get disappointed next time - I surely will not.

5 minutes is not a huge exaggeration compared to the 15 minutes you say it took. Looks like I wasn’t far out!

I won’t be disappointed next time as I will be expecting a scam like this and will get one.

Glad you are happy though, even if you are the only one. :wink:


I hope you are pleased with yourself. I sold my house , wife and children so that I would have a supply of cash to spend on this sale.

But there was nothing worth buying!

And now my house, wife and children have been sold on to someone else and to buy them back is going to cost more than I have.

Are you happy now, JohnnyMac? Are you? ARE YOU??


Hey, there are several people here who were pleased with what they got, not just me. :wink:
I went to work ~4:30 I think (started at 4 here) and lots of things like the android sticks were in stock then.
Sure, it would have been great if some of the popular flashlights had been in the sale instead of all those different bike lights and plastic crappy things. I don’t know what kind of offering the disappointed people had expected.
Or maybe im am used to much to chinese style exaggeratory marketing by now? I may reflect on that later.


+1 I wasn’t able to get all the 5 items I wanted to buy but I’m happy with the 2 that I got - a bike light and a cigarette lighter light. I went through all the SKUs first taking note of the things that I like and when I decided to make a purchase, 3 SKUs were no longer available. :slight_smile:

Don’t beat yourself up about this JM.Remember, no good deed goes unpunished!I’ve never bought anything from DX, and it looks like I never will after this.-Rick


I expected nothing, I tried for no bargains, and I got none. I’m happy as a clam - and expecting a nice package in the mail from FastTech. :bigsmile: Good stuff at fair prices is all I need….and if FastTech or International Outdoors doesn’t have it, I reckon I can do without it. Neither of them has ever screwed me over.

I know the Baofeng is available on Amazon UK but it costs more, especially when you add in the programming lead. I don’t know how much it sold for in this sale, but it appears to be back in stock now.

I am not upset about this sale. I’m mainly glad I did not stay up late for it. I was excited by the same advert that Dave posted, at the possibility of 40,000 SKU’s. But I know DX sell a lot of junk, and any business is going to want to move stock that doesn’t sell so well.

I expected it to be like Boxing Day shopping in the West End; first come first serve; nightmare. So I did not have too high expectations to begin with.

Next sale, I will know better. It’s not strictly bait and switch, since they were not lying. They baited us with clever marketing, just like many Western companies do. Think about how the big cosmetic companies sell products (4 out of 5 women found our product helpful (only a small handful of testers, probably P&G employees), or the psychologists they hire to tailor adverts to appeal to our insecurities.

It isn’t Johnny Macs fault that DX sale wasn’t what was hyped up to be all he did was try and pass some information he thought we’d all appreciate good prices which is what this forum is supposed to be budget lights like thw saying goes don’t shoot the messenger personally I appreciate when some one tries to give mw a heads up when I might save some $$

A sale,

but not the sale of the decade for us flashaholics that we were hoping for.

I have to say we are lucky as we know western people’s thought before doing this kinds of big promotion.

But personally, I have to still remind that “Playing ‘tricks’ to make something seem greater than it” is common in the promotion of Chinese online store. So, do not put too much expect on it when you meet next time.

I agree with Kevinlee. Having 3-4 items at 50% off is a good joke. The first 3-4 buyers get 50% off, while those who come last find there’s literally nothing on sale anymore. Something they could do to improve the website is ‘REAL-TIME’ quantity and also pitch how much of each is left ‘REAL-TIME’. I’m sure 50 of us wanted that electronic helicopter for 8 bucks too. Only to find 2-3 people got if off at that price and whomever really have an itch will pitch 30-50 dollars to get it on ‘off’ sale prices.

Their goal obviously wasn’t to sell a lot of product in the sale . . . my guess is they wanted to attract attention hoping word of mouth and internet ads would translate to new accounts, which they probably hope leads to new customers over a longer future. That’s what a company looking for new investors does, anyway.

Personally, I’d rather invest in business run like FastTech.