Current price drop: Current prices in this post reflect all current discounts
Shipping USPS Priority to the US included in the prices. International shipping will be actual cost -$6
All lights now listed in first post to clean up thread
Well, everyone has been very patiently waiting for some of rikr’s collection to become available to the Mid-westernly challenged of our members. I’m going through the collection and have 123 lights, headlamps, and lasers of the 150 listed in rikr’s thread (two lasers were not listed but in the ones I have). I’ve done a rough sorting and got some set aside for me to keep, some to modify, and the rest I’m going to sell.
With that in mind, I will be updating this thread as I make more available for sale so I don’t become overwhelmed trying to ship to people in a timely fashion. I’ll ship USPS priority anywhere in the US and pack as much into the box as can safely fit to save on shipping if you buy more than one light. I’ll make sure things are well padded. If you are an international member and want a light, please PM me and I’ll give you my address so you can see what shipping will cost. Anyone already buying a light I have listed for sale is welcome to make offers on others on the BIG list at the end of this post. Anything not struck out is still potentially available.
(sorry for the upside down picture, Flickr randomly rotates some pictures if they’re really big and you link them here, I haven’t figured out why)
Every light in this list is in nearly new condition except for maybe some dust on them, feel free to ask for more info or pictures if there is a light you are interested in.
1. L2T XM-L2vn DD, 1 mode drop-in, AR lens, L2 packaging, vn laser etched ASKING $70 shipped
2. L2T XP-E2vn (DD), 1mode drop-in, AR lens, L2 packaging, vn laser etched ASKING $68 shipped
3. L2T XM-L2vn, 1 mode drop-in, AR lens, L2 packaging, vn laser etched ASKING $70 shipped
4. L2T XP-G2vn, 1 mode drop-in, AR lens, original packaging, vn laser etched ASKING $70 shipped
5. L2T XP-G R5 Solarforce 1 mode drop-in, AR lens, L2 packaging ASKING $19 shipped
6. L2T (in L2P box) “Super Bright XM-L T6”, 3 mode drop-in ASKING $20 shipped
7. L2T XM-L2 IO, 2mode drop-in, AR lens ASKING $20 shipped
8. L2N XM-L2 Solarforce, 1 mode drop-in, original packaging ASKING $23 + shipping
9. EagleTac T20C2 Cool White, Original Packaging, includes holster ASKING $52 shipped
10. EagleTac P20A2 Cool White, Original Packaging, includes holster ASKING $42 shipped
11. Uniquefire UF-F10 in box, good but not great condition ASKING $14 + shipping SOLD
12. Shadow TC6 in original box with all accessories, reflector isolator is a bit off center but LED appears to be centered and beam isn’t effected. ASKING $33 shipped
13. Sunwayman T20CS in original box with all accessories, perfect condition ASKING $58 shipped
14. Dereelight DBS V3 aspheric, in original box ASKING $75 + shipping Removed and Modded, I’ve decided I like it enough to keep it
15. Fenix E35, in original packaging ASKING $27 shipped
What everyone keeps asking me about. Solarforce L2X. It’s mint, with original box and a Solarforce XP-G High Output dropin (3-18V). $72 shipped OBO
Must buy a minimum of 2 lights from the following lists. If you want only 1 light from 2 different groups you can combine the base prices plus shipping to get the total. I.E. 1 from group 1 ($10), 1 from group 2 ($7), plus shipping ($6), for a total of $23.
Group 1:
The lights in the first picture all retail for around $25-$30 each. I’ll be selling them 2 for $25 or 3 for $35, USPS Priority shipping in either a padded mailer or small flat rate box included. That works out to $9.50 each plus shipping.
16. Keygos M10 SOLD
17. Kobalt 3 emitter SOLD
18. Keygos KE-5 SOLD
19. Keygos KE-5
20. Ultrafire M3-T60 (cool lens on this one, some sort of TIR)
21. Fandyfire C10
22. Yezl Z1 (Not in picture, see picture 3, had it in the wrong group)
Group 2:
The lights in this picture all retail for around $15-$20. I’ll be selling them 2 for $19 or 3 for $25.50, USPS Priority shipping in either a padded mailer or small flat rate box included. That works out to $6.50 each. All are in very good condition.
23. Ultrafire WF-980L
24. Ultrafire WF-980L
26. Keygos KE-2
27. Keygos KE-2
28. Ultrafire C8
29. Aurora AB CREE XR-E Q5 SPF
Group 3:
The lights in this picture all retail for around $10-14. I’ll be selling them 2 for $12 or 3 for $15, USPS Priority shipping in either a padded mailer or small flat rate box included. That works out to $3 each plus shipping. All are in very good condition.
30. Ultrafire G4 MCU
31. Ultrafire G4 MCU
32. Ultrafire G4 MCU
Group 4:
The lights in this picture all retail for around $5-10. I’ll be selling them 2 for $10.50 + $2.25 for each additional light, USPS Priority shipping in either a padded mailer or small flat rate box included. That works out to $2.25 each plus shipping. All are in very good condition.
34. Lifegear Given to wife
35. Ultrafire 501A SPF
36. SkyRay G5
37. SmallSun ZY-308
Yezl Z1 (This belongs in group 1)
List of potentially available lights. Ones I decide to keep for sure will be removed from the list. Some will get modified and then listed. I’ve put a \## next to lights that I really want to keep for myself or to modify but might be willing to sell, I’ll warn you up front that I won’t be cutting once in a lifetime deals on the marked ones.
Energizer 3-LED Headlamp Given Away
Energizer Penlight
ebay 6-led
LedLenser-V2 Dual Color
LedLenser- V2
Streamlight- Enduro Headlamp
EagleTac P20A2 MKII
Fast Tech 3W
Fenix TK41 ## want to modify for MT-G2 & 14500’s
Hugsby P2
Nitecore EA4
SIPIK SK68 (2)
Small Sun ZY-308
Aurora Q5 SPF
Cree Q3 3W mini focus light
Kobalt 500L SOLD
LumaPower-IncenDio V3U XM-L T6 Limited Edition w/GT Upgrade kit
Richuang P36
UltraFire-501A (2)
Brinyte XM-L900
BTU Shocker vn CW ##
Convoy C8 XM-L U2 ##
Conqueror MX-008 Keeping
Dereelight DBS V3 Aspherical Head flashlight Keeping
Dereelight DBS-T “M” Aspherical Flashlight, EZ900 LED Keeping
DongRui DR-820 5-mode Headlamp
EagleTac T20C2 MKII
Ebay-light 1-18650 3-mode
Ebay-light 2-18650 5-mode
FandyFire C10
FandyFire STL-V6
Fenix E35
Fenix E50 ##
Fenix PD32 UE
Fenix TK75vn ##
Jacob A60 (2) (Keeping 1)
JetBeam BC-40
JetBeam BC-40W
K40 – Vihn mod Keeping
KD-C8 (3)
Keygos KE-2 (2)
Keygos KE-5 (2)
Keygos KE-7
Maelstrom G5vn Keeping
Olight SR51 Keeping
Olight M3X ##
Palight WF-1200L
Romisen RC-T601
Romisen RC-T601U2
Shadow TC500
SkyRay-G5 (1 complete, 1 host)
SkyRay STL-V2
SkyRay S-R5 (1 complete, 1 host) Keeping
SkyRay 1JC8 Q5
Small Sun ZY-T13
Small Sun ZY- T08 ##
Solarforce L2
SolarForce L2n
SolarForce L2r SOLD
SolarForce L2T (7 total, 4 vn modded)
SolarForce L2x
SolarForce Skyline-1 Keeping
SolarForce S1100 Keeping
Sunwayman T20CS
Sunwayman T40CS ##
Sunwayman V60C ##
TrustFire C8-T6
TrustFire TR-3T6 Keeping
UltraFire 502B XM-L
UltraFire WF- 980L (2)
UltraFire G4-MCU Q5 (2)
UltraFire M3-T60
UltraFire WF-008 (host)
UltraOk Cree Q5
UltraOk 7w VS-03
UltraOk 7w VS-05
UniqueFire UF-2220
UniqueFire V1
UniqueFire UF-V3 XM-L U2
UniqueFire UF-F10 SOLD
XinTD C8 V3 XM-L U2 ##
ZebraLight SC-600
3-mode zoom Q5 Focus Headlamp
Cyclone C88
Ultrafire HD2010 Keeping
Keygos M10
Shadow JM26
Shadow SL3
Small Sun ZY-T16 SOLD
TrustFire TR-J12 Keeping
UltraOK A105T6