Huge list for sale (L2X now listed) (price drops updated 7-15 and complete list in OP)

By the way the conversion of the Dereelight DBS V3 aspheric to an XP-G2 S4 2B with a FET driver is complete. I’ll be testing output soon. No collar yet.

I did my nightmaster v2 (same 50mm lenses as in old DBS) with same IO XP-G2 S4 2B emitter driven at 3,85A nanjg, and I got 280 kcd. But I had pleasure to choose among over 200 same batch lenses.

My fingers crossed. Please report.

I like “Budget Lights”. :bigsmile:

216kcd without a collar. I’m thinking my meter is a low reader though. If it really does read 20% low then it’s more like 260kcd. It’s higher than a Jax Z1 measures with an XP-G2 on my meter(204kcd @ 4.6A with S3 3C).

Hmm... Tailcap switch bridge is hard in this flashlight I don't know if you managed to do it? It should bump performance for 20%.

You’re not kidding about it being hard, I managed to bridge from the top to bottom of the spring but wasn’t willing to unglue the board from the brass ring so I could solder it to the board directly. That was done before measuring.

Considering that it’s probably pushing almost an amp less current to the emitter than the Jax Z1 I mentioned, the higher output is impressive.

Yes. That switch is weakest point of this flashlight. I don't know if you could try properly bridged switch from other flashlight?

Or maybe you could do this mod (drill through brass switch holder):

This flashlights should push more lux than that... Saabluster had his own(Osts Nightmasters) that did 200kcd with 1,8A driven XP-E2.

New set of lights for sale, discounts in the first post apply to only those lights, discounts as they become available for this set will be listed in this post.

Discounts on these lights: $2 off the listed prices.

**Must buy a minimum of 2 lights from the lights in this post. If you want only 1 light from 2 different groups you can combine the base prices plus shipping to get the total. I.E. 1 from group 1 (\$12), 1 from group 2 (\$8), plus shipping (\$6), for a total of \$26.**

Group 1:

The lights in the first picture all retail for around $25-$30 each. I’ll be selling them 2 for $30 or 3 for $40, USPS Priority shipping in either a padded mailer or small flat rate box included. That works out to $12 or $11.33 each plus shipping, or $15 or $13.33 each flat out, depending on if you buy 2 or 3. All are in very good condition except the Kobalt which has light cosmetic wear.

16. Keygos M10 SOLD
17. Kobalt 3 emitter SOLD
18. Keygos KE-5 SOLD
19. Keygos KE-5
20. Ultrafire M3-T60 (cool lens on this one, some sort of TIR)
21. Fandyfire C10
22. Yezl Z1 (Not in picture, see picture 3, had it in the wrong group)

Group 2:

The lights in this picture all retail for around $15-$20. I’ll be selling them 2 for $22 or 3 for $27, USPS Priority shipping in either a padded mailer or small flat rate box included. That works out to $8 or $7 each plus shipping, or $11 or $9 each flat out, depending on if you buy 2 or 3. All are in very good condition.

23. Ultrafire WF-980L
24. Ultrafire WF-980L
26. Keygos KE-2
27. Keygos KE-2
28. Ultrafire C8
29. Aurora AB CREE XR-E Q5 SPF

Group 3:

The lights in this picture all retail for around $10-14. I’ll be selling them 2 for $14 or 3 for $18, USPS Priority shipping in either a padded mailer or small flat rate box included. That works out to $4 each plus shipping, or $7 or $6 each flat out, depending on if you buy 2 or 3. All are in very good condition.

30. Ultrafire G4 MCU
31. Ultrafire G4 MCU
32. Ultrafire G4 MCU

Group 4:

The lights in this picture all retail for around $5-10. I’ll be selling them 2 for $13 + $2.50 for each additional light, USPS Priority shipping in either a padded mailer or small flat rate box included. That works out to $3.50 or better each plus shipping, or $6.50 or better each flat out, depending on if you buy 2 or more. All are in very good condition except the Lifegear light which has some cosmetic wear.

34. Lifegear
35. Ultrafire 501A SPF
36. SkyRay G5
37. SmallSun ZY-308
Yezl Z1 (This belongs in group 1)

Lens view of lights.

Updated price drops.

Received the UniqueFire UF-F10 this morning. I’m happy with it. Nice little light.

I’m going to be leaving town for about 2 weeks as of Monday at 6am. If anyone is thinking about a light, pull the trigger soon because shipping will be on hold from 6pm 6-28-15 through 10am 7-10-15.

Received my beautiful L2R at a great deal!
Thank you!

Now to find a smooth bezel to replace the ugly crenellated bezel. LOL

More than half of the PM’s I’ve gotten have been about the Solarforce L2X. I haven’t sold it because I had no idea what it’s current value is, but thanks to jmpaul320 selling one in a couple hours I at least have an idea now. Maybe if I sell it people will pay more attention to what is actually listed for sale.

Solarforce L2X, in original box, with a 1 mode Solarforce 3-18v XP-G2 R5 high output dropin. It’s in perfect condition.

Let’s start at $90 shipped USPS Priority. First I’ll take it gets it.

Picture of the L2X and box.

You might do well to list the L2x in the title

You’re not kidding. Pretty much everything I’ve listed at 50-60% of retail (or retail and upgrades) if it’s in like new condition, and it’s like a graveyard. I’m wondering if I’ll even make my money back in a year. I definitely won’t if my time is factored in.

Some of the group lights have sold. Anything that sells in the next 8 hours will ship today, anything after that will be after 7-9-15 when I get back from Florida.

Today only price on the L2X, $75 shipped.

How much are you willing to part with the P20a2?