I need an easy to work non flashy EDC (AA) High only or High/Low with an easy to find switch for presents.

the relationship between secret meetings and cake is classified

The Cake is a Lie!

How long do you take to find these amazing welcome pics? I don’t know why but I always get a childish kick out of them. I think what I find so amusing is the mental image of some guy searching the net for just the right pic that has the words “Sparky Marky” in it! LOL!

When I have a bad day I enjoy seeing that some people still have enough silliness in their hearts to do things like that. It’s great and makes me smile for some reason.

How DARE you!!! |( You are banned from Cake! Plus, you are now on Mrs. Cone’s Poop list. You are in a lot of trouble my friend… a lot of trouble!

(I was going to say, “If cake is a lie, why am I getting more aerodynamic?” but I was afraid you guys would just pile on)

I'm not sure how GottaZoom does it, but I use Google Images. ;)

The picture in question can be found on the first page of this search.

Seriously, anybody who says they don’t want cake is fibbing. I’ll take the 5th on the secret meetings; they are secret after all.

PS - I used the same image finding method as RC has done so expertly . . sometimes they are sooo funny.

PPS - BLF family pile on, cone how could you think that . . or maybe it was a request?

Funny when selfbuilt himself says he may have used the term “tacticool” in a review.

you are meddling in some major corporate interests, you dare not interfere in our cake for lumen program, lest we dispatch our greatest weapon upon thou, the lawyers!

No you don’t deserve to be called a part of the human anatomy as that is reserved for HUMANS.

I just shows how idiots like you can’t go off and leave this thread alone after it has been done to death and put to rest by the two members involved.

And I have learned something out of it and I am now getting back to doing the main thing that the sensible members of this or any other Forum should be doing.

And that is looking for others to help and finding more information about new products, reviews, writing sensible posts and ready and willing to offer advice to those where you can no matter whether they are new members or long-timers who may be asking about the very thing you guys and myself have a bit of knowledge on.

If you guys can’t move on then this Forum is doomed and will eventually find itself with a bad reputation in due course.

How old are some of the whackos that cannot leave this thread (topic) alone and have not got a life or any sense of what is correct practices on a good Forum?

Yeah, I know that some will say look at your own Forum practices first.

I did say from the outset in my first reply that I would be sorry if I was wrong but that is just not enough for some of the more volatile members of this Forum.

I apologised to THE and as far as I know we both have moved on from it.

Some of these members who did and still are throwing rocks at me prove that they act like they are only just out of primary (little school) or still in it by the way they post these ongoing cheap shots at somebody that had an opinion about the content of what sounded like a POSSIBLE slur to me.

How many times did I have to say that my response that if there was any possibility I was wrong I included a conditional basic apology in the first paragraphs in case I was wrong.

Ok guys you saw an opening to come to the aid of a well supported member because the “WORD got around the GRAPEVINE” you all had your say while I was already beaten and laying on the ground.

But now some of you cannot get over the fact that the unfortunate punch up is over, but there are idiots like some of you guys in every Forum that want to keep the action going because you are now “bored out of your tiny little minds.”

And yes there is safety in numbers and doing it with the protection of an ALIAS name behind a computer screen makes me and others looking on that you guys are just cowards in real life as well as on here.

Does your BOSS or TEACHER give you a hard time through the day and when you come home you COWARDLY look for someone on the Internet to take out your frustrations on?

Small minds are to be found everywhere and even here at this great Forum that I like a lot and think it does a great job of educating those members and non-members that are really here for all the right reasons.

I can see why members would come to THEs aid if he was not responding for himself at that time but it is OVER now.


This is my last reply to on this topic and I am not coming back to it, so thanks to the Genuine guys that did answer my original question with some good advice and pointers to possible solutions without adding your ten cents worth on to to have a cheap shot while you could about the terrible way I treated one of the top beloved members on this Forum that was apparently a misunderstanding by me.

*If there is a good Moderator on this Forum looking on as I know there would be, at this Fiasco (FUN TO SOME) please close this thread (topic) for the overall good of the Forum because I do not want to be continually hit with cheap shots anymore on an issue that has come and gone and everyone that wanted to throw their rocks at me but enough is enough.*

Non-members looking on at this crap may have reservations about becoming members of a possible unfriendly and abusing Forum after following this assault on a faily new member who dared to say what he thought at the time about another members term or word used in his reply to me.

Cheers to those that deserve it.

The others can just vaporise into the sky as far as I am concerned.

I will save my long-winded advice for those that have a genuine need for a solution to something and just maybe they can actually go away with some good information to make an informed purchase, build or modify a flashlight because they looked at all of the collective advice that is available here on this great Forum.

Don’t have the courage to read your 100-like rows answer, but this fact only speaks…

I believe this thread should be closed, it’s getting boring AND out of subject~!


The fact that you’re also EDITING your LONG posts^(was 76 rows!!! - you deleted about 40!!! after 10 minutes), also says something (as someone also wrote earlier)…


It’s TURKEYS like you that take it off subject and I have just sent an edited version as something was wrong with the Copy and Paste when I sent the “Last Response” on this topic.

But it just shows that I do care to read even my own comments for correctness.

Most of the turkeys that have the cheap shots on BLF can’t even spell and look uneducated as if they were still in Primary School or Little School or whatever Junior Education is called in the other Countries that may be reading this.


You chose option #1 and thereby proving you're bat-spit crazy.

So don't let the door hit ya where the Good Lord split ya....!

And you can’t begin paragraphs with the word and.

Give this man a promotion....I like the way he thinks!

Whats even funnier then his super long posts that get all blurry with nonsense after 3 paragraphs is that he never officially appoligized except indirectly unless it was in the “blurry” sections of his posts. It was a conditional apoligy??

Edited grammer

Worse yet is you complain about the continuation, then throw in 6 last minute insults inviting even more…An then claim to not return. Like your a stupid head, and I’m getting the last word neener neener! While telling us to grow up an get a life :stuck_out_tongue: Pot->Kettle Bah! I’m not helping either. Where’s my damn flashlight and knife orders.

What’s more telling is that despite some people trying to ignore the firework’s and give suggestions to the original question, these appear to be totally ignored in favour of more sabre rattling and soap box pounding. So Mark, are you more interested in potential torch based presents for your family or in having a blazing row?

I’ll add my vote for the RC-G2! It’s a great flashlight for non-flashaholics!

:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

Yeah, that light is the one that got me into this madness :slight_smile:

You are way out of line. BLF’er “the” uses the term tacticool to describe a light he is recommending for consideration. Not everybody wants a light with strike bezels, sharp edges, cigar hold grips…etc, and so he was just citing that as one of its drawbacks. I think that is all he was getting at.

I was directed here by the other thread you started, and the link to here that you posted. By doing that you have re-opened that aspect of the discussion.

Anyways, the Fenix L1T and E21 are two lights I loan out to people all the time. They are very easy to use and run fine with Alkaline AA and even better with Eneloops.