I need an easy to work non flashy EDC (AA) High only or High/Low with an easy to find switch for presents.

Tacticool ?

i frequent a lot of forums. i must say the people on this forum are up there with the nicest and most helpful. Mr. SparkyMcsparkler is absolutley an exception and does not represent the general attitude of the folks here. i hope this is an isolated incident however it was amusing to read his multi paragraph rants.

To quote an old song from Sesame Street “one of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn’t belong”

Just my opinion, it’s how I feel after reading this nonsense

You guys are taking my comments the wrong way.

I gave the member the benefit of the doubt right at the beginning by saying I would be sorry if I found he was a genuine BLF member, so the outcome was conditional by saying sorry if I am wrong in advance.

I stated at the start that I would be sorry if I found out he was genuine and helps members and was not an idiot trying to upset me as I have never heard the word ’TACTICOOL” used on any other lighting forum.

I said at the start in post No 8 that the sorry to him was a conditional one based on what I find out about his character by the way other members came to back his character up.

If no members jumped in to back his character I would probably think he was in the wrong for saying what he said in the first place.

THE and I have kissed and made up now and there is no more rubbish going on so let’s just move on as I am hurting from being on the whipping post for too long.

Are you saying that every member on BLF behaves well and never makes other members upset.

I know it is not a perfect world we live in and everywhere you have to be careful on forums that you carefully say what you want to get across to the other member without any sly hits disguised as jokes as that can also get out of hand.

You would have the idiot types here now hiding or waiting to find a victim and most probably BLF members have been kicked out for doing careless or stupid things for their own warped idea of fun.

Let’s all get back to the reason we are in this forum.

LIGHTS, LIGHTS and more LIGHTS please.

Unrelated but a curiosity, how long do you spend writing your replies in this thread Sparky?

This flashlight sir,is the epitome of “tacticool”!!!

I stated at the very start in Post No 8 that what I was saying about being sorry was conditionally based on what came out of my reply back to THE.

It was a misunderstanding and it has been sorted out and I know he is a big collector of lights and must know his stuff by now.

His loyal member friends came to the front line to back THE up and launched some pretty good comments at me over this misunderstanding.

I will let all comments not be taken seriously in future and it will be like water off a ducks back, it will not stick to me on a personal level.

In time I will see by the posts who helps who the most on BLF and I will be more informed on who is just joking a bit or being a stupid member.

So let’s get on with the main reason we are here.


I fail to see how even if tacticool was used negatively how it would be a big deal. At least you didn’t get called a shiller! :slight_smile:

I have plenty of time because I was injured at work and left my workplace and have been in a workers compensation situation for the last five years and my back and feet hurt so much when I walk that I spend a lot of time at home on my PC.

I have been watching what goes on here at BLF for years while I was mainly a member of the ELITIST CPF otherwise named by me Counter Productive Forum.

I am glad to be here and I am sorry that his issue came up but I have seen already who helps who the most and I will quickly learn who is the most helpful here at BLF.

Let this incident rest in peace and let us all move on and put it down to my inexperience on this forums members.

I still have my Learners Lisence on this forum.

Cheers and I am over all of this episode.

THE is a nice guy. He took time to reply and respond. He is always helpful and friendly here.

I would recommend SK68 also.

I had bought about 15 sets for my colleagues and friends and parent. They love it. A little bit of Epoxy bond would solve the zooming issue.

Make it waterproof more even…

Just my 2 cents worth.

Hi Sparky,

misunderstandings can always happen and we try to work things out here. But keeping an overall nice tone and atmosphere here is a very fragile good and since BLF has very little moderation people might be a little overprotective from time to time. I would do the same for you if I thought you were treated unfairly. Carry on with the flashlight subject at hand.


P.S.: My father has now 3 Romisen G2 and loves them. I also gave him a Solarforce L2R 2AA 3 mode... but he likes the G2s better.

I do not know that song and I am not quite sure of what you are trying to say but have not got the willingness to say it directly.

Again this is possibly another member not liking me over the issue that has already been put to bed and possibly is implying something or it has a hidden mesage to me.

Say what you really want to me as this is a friendly forum I keep getting told.

Write back to me and share your thoughts on why you picked that song and those words because I for one cannot get the drift of it.

Isn’t it a lovely world we live in, you never know what to expect in life and some people just like to hide behind words that act as a decoy while all of the time this person could be wanting to say something he really means to say but does not want to look like a bad member and uses these song words or other well planned attacks that are cloaked in mystery that only they know the real meaning of.

Please, allow me to clarify:

The sesame street song reference is implying that you're purposely ostracizing (look it up) yourself.

Here's why:

* Like a dog with a Frisbee, you just won't let go. So there's no confusion, this is what I mean: Even after you got over your comment from _the_ , the raving still continues.

* Generating new drama with other members.

* Multi-paragraph rants trying to expain the above mentioned drama.

Btw, as a heads up anyone following this thread can tell when you've gone back and edited a post (#17). Not specifically what was edited, just that it was.

So, going forward I see two options:

1.) Type out yet another multi-paragraph rant in response to this post.


2.) Respond with a one sentence reply calling me an a$$hole/wanker/blowhard, then thank everyone for the fine advice they've given you.

Personally, I'd go with option #2. Folks here will nod and laugh (i really can be a prick at times), then forget all this nonsense. Like you stated earlier....water off a ducks back!



p.s. - Thanks Soytnly....now that song is stuck in my head!

I have to back both of you up on the Uniquefire AA S1. The best no nonsense light you can get!

I’m sorry, cone. (Offered just so nobody here is in debt. And certainly not because I’m jealous of somebody else possibly getting a cake.)

So true. Amazingly this image has the and Sparkymarky together in it. :slight_smile:

Welcome to BLF!

I'm glad I missed this thread until now because I probably wouldn't have been as civil as _the_. :P Either way sparkymarky you just need to calm down and continue enjoying BLF. :D


Mark. Unfortunately, you missed the trunite deal but it got a t10 AA with a ti AAA thrown in. Powered them up earlier and for the size, on supermarket rechargeable’s I was impressed. I got one set for my 62 year old mum (she’s into conservation and spends most weekends on residential’s so I figured they’d be a good Christmas present with a charger and cells).

I wish I’d ordered two sets because either would have done me for edc duty but I think mum will be pleased, the t10 is twist on twist off/on low/high, the ti is minute and twist on/twisting harder low/high.

Don’t shoot me but they maybe too small for your intention, but they are very impressive, I have obviously not long term tested them as I only got my hands on them Saturday night and only powered them up to ensure they worked, they are now back in boxes to torment me for the next four months :frowning:

Wait! What? GottaZoom is the one orchestrating the secret meetings? Are you saying you want cake too if you win #23? This is going to cost me. I can see it on the horizon now.