Picking up on MoreHiCRILumens message above
Step 1: From Off or On quickly tap the switch 10 times to enter Programming Mode. A dim slow blink will initiate.
Step 2: Tap the Deck number. A dim fast blink will initiate.
Step 3. Tap the number of mode group. A double blink & 1stmode in group will initiate.
Circuit Temperature Sensor - 10-10-F (Default 160F) - F1= Off, F2 = 105F, […]
Trying to simplify the instructions:
- If you are using a light with Forward Clicky Switch, you will have to do half clicks not pressing the switch till the end (a full click).
- From OFF, do those 10 half clicks/taps, without ever doing a full click. When you see the “dim slow blink” you will enter step 2.
- On step 2, you will have to do again 10 half clicks / taps, without making a full click. When you see the “fast dim blink” you will enter step 3.
- On step 3, since you are choosing to disable the turbo, you will only have to do 1 half click/tap. After that, the light will make a double blink and will shut off. Now you will have your temperature sensor disabled. In case you want to define 1 value from the available ones, you need to do the number of half clicks/taps (from 1 to 12) to choose a preset temperature level from 105ºF to 200ºF.
OFF >>> 10 half clicks = dim slow blink >>> 10 half clicks = fast dim blink >>> 1 half click = double blink = light shuts OFF
If you are using a flashlight with Reverse Clicky Switch, the process is similar, but instead you need to turn the light on before initiating the process, an when the lights shuts OFF, you need to make the full click to physically turn the light OFF (closing the circuit).
I hope this helps. BTW, this is based on my experience with the driver with firware guppy3drv from DrJones, sold by MTN electronics, which works in similar way to Vinh’s driver.