I’m gonna soak ’em in alcohol right outta the package before messing around with them.
Hope the LEDs, drivers, etc., can survive Maker’s Mark for 24 hrs.
PS. If I have any suspicions they’re still Wuhan Doozies off they go to Boaz or Lightbringer. Those cats will play with anything warm, hard, and cylindrical they can hold in their hand.
PS. THIS is where an overheating torch on turbo could be a GOOD thing. :+1:
Quote” For human beings, skin exposure to germicidal wavelengths of UV light can produce rapid sunburn and skin cancer.[14] Exposure of the eyes to this UV radiation can produce extremely painful inflammation of the cornea and temporary or permanent vision impairment, up to and including blindness in some cases. UV can damage the retina of the eye.”
LOL being that the first documented case in the USA (Snohomish County, Washington) is less than 30 miles from me, I get it. Its hard to tell if it has spread because there is also the regular flu/cough going on around here and the symptoms are similar. Going to the mall today I start seeing folks wearing masks too. Folks are definitely on alert.
Viruses can’t survive long without water, bio-protein living organic matter, or a host to live in. 30 days in the mail on a metal flashlight, no virus can survive that long without water or organic matter. If you are really worried about that, then open the package with latex gloves outdoors, then spray & wipe down the light with lysol.
I actually do wipe down every light or item I get by air mail from China with disinfectant wipe before using, always have done. Often there is a surprising amount of dirt on the wipe when you are done. And for IP rated lights I rinse under the tap after as well. Factories are not clean places, plenty of nasty metal dust and dodgy chemicals going around.