in all flavors and all forms leaking all over the dam* place and ruining electronics. In fact I’d rather mess with the lowliest rechargeable Ni-Cad than buy the best alkaline out there.
As far as I’m concerned, alkaline manufacturers have been getting away with murder in that regard. They can stick it. NiMh, NiCad, Lithiums, anything but overrated POC alkalines that leak more often than a 110 year-old bladder - and this includes those ‘top-name’ you know which brands. By now, you nimrods should’ve been able to come up with a pretty much leak-proof battery and I don’t care how long the thing was sitting in a torch or a nose-clipper. The amount of corrosion damage these things cause is ridiculous.
No excuses for this kinda BS in this day n’ age of advanced technology. I bet it has something to do with maximizing profit margins too. :cowboy_hat_face: Thank G we have here in torchland alternatives that smoke these grocery-store piles of doo-doo. As a consumer you’ve abused me enough. You’ve ruined the last deal for me alkies. I’m leaving ya for good. J)
Lumatic, I’m curious, are there certain scenarios you find them leaking? I’ll admit, that if I load a torch w/ alkalines and leave that thing pretty much unused in my garage for a year or two, I’ll probably find them leaking (Sacramento summers, 100-110 degrees). Once I loaded up my wife’s 3C LED wax candle w/ Lowe’s Utilitech (made in China) alkalines; and they leaked after 2-3 months’ usage inside the home. But w/ single AA wall clocks, I’ve never had a problem. I’ve found better results using Made in USA Duracells, Ray O Vacs, and CVS Brands. Please elaborate usages/scenarios, I must not be the only one that is wondering???
ruin from radios to wall clocks. It doesn’t really matter. It can be sitting there in perfect temps too for less than a month and they still leak depending on whichever apparent manufacturing screw-up of chance happens to befall the consumer’s fanny. They’ve been getting a free ride since I can remember.
When’s the last time any product that has lasted this long and still does what it did 30 years ago - all the while commercials tout how wonderfully improved the crap is since last year’s version? I sure as h*ll don’t see low-technology SLA (Sealed Lead Acid) batteries leaking after 2 months much less 2 years in an exhausted condition. They may swell if overcharged but I don’t see em’ leaking, nor do I see the same with even NiCd’s. These @$%!&$ alkalines to this freakin’ day will leak whenever the flying h*ll they feel like it and the consumer has to take it up the wazoo. Where are all the class-action lawyers on this dealie? Apparently out on martini lunches getting energized.
I’m tellin’ ya it’s been a consumer-abusing product since inception. And we’ve been apparently conditioned to accept this abuse somehow. And all these manufacturers whether made in China or made in the U.S.A have been getting away with it. It’s absolute BS that of all the class-action crap ya hear about day in and day out regarding $0.20 worth of injury to the buying public from some vague warranty provision in a 40 page instruction manual that wasn’t completely black and white clear and then ya got this fat-as*sed elephant in the room which somehow magically has been able to trample on consumer safety much less egregious product damages since forever.
In short, there is no dam* true rhyme or reason why these abominations do what they do no matter what the so-called higher ‘quality’ of such and such name brand that gets air-time on the boob-toob. But I think I know exactly what it’s about: greed.
They’re all disasters of consumer abuse as far as I’m concerned. And I’ve had enough, witnessed by the green vote that comes out of my wallet from now on. |(
Fuji also known as Fuji/Novell. 10 years never had one leak, any size. The only place that sells them is Big Lots
(Big lots Odd Lots in some areas) Manufacturer is FDK corperation. Still the worst for me has to be Rayovac.
I thought as long as the battery isn’t expired, manufacturers will pay for your damaged electronic device. Regardless, I don’t use alkaleaks. Eneloop, duraloop, all of the way.
with bureaucracy whether corporate or not? Who wants to have to go out and try to buy another of the same great product which is now discontinued?
Why not make a product that doesn’t leak an acid except if overcharged or overheated in the first place? Alkalines leak whenever they feel like leaking and will apparently continue to leak even if they’re as Mercury-free as you could ever imagine. It’s amazing what they can achieve technology-wise when they put their little technical minds to it. In the meantime and way too often we still get a potential cylinderized Alien encased in every buy. |(
I have had only one alkaline leak in my life and that is because I did not take care to change it when it ran too low. My fault, as far as I am concerned. I guess if you want to put a battery in something and "forgetaboutit", it might be much easier to just buy everything with a cord and plug in into 110v, so you don't have to be concerned about batteries. Car batteries will corrode, Alkalines will corrode. NiMH will go bad, I have seen them. The battery is only as smart as the person's knowledge about using them...
I change all of my household clock batteries once every 6 months. The same with the indoor/outdoor thermometer and any flashlights using alkalines (even if I am not using the light). I don't have any leaks, since I change them before they slow discharge enough to leak. If I run them down using a flashlight, I change them with fresh. I only use Duracells.
Lumatic, you might be a lunatic but I agree with you. Alkalines by all manufactures are garbage! That stupid date they print on the battery is an absolute joke, just a scam to make the average joe think he is getting a quality product. Just had (4) 2016 Rayovacs puke all over a set of external MP3 speakers.
why do they leak in the first place if left in a discharged state too long? And what’s too long mean? Well it depends. I’ve had batts leak on me after a month in something that wasn’t even used. And if it discharged because of issues beyond the batt’s control why is that ok? I don’t think it’s ok. I think it’s consumer abuse.
Like I said, I also have never had an SLA battery leak on me no matter how discharged, nor a NiCd, nor a NiMh, nor a lithium. But somehow the world’s most commonly used battery-format the alkaline, leaks. It’s not cool in my book.
Furthermore as one poster mentioned……
If this is true, why is that? And if a Fuji has the technical expertise to do it then why isn’t it getting done industry-wide as a consumer-safety issue at minimum?
I know for a fact that I have had all the major brands leak before their expiration date. OL might be on to something in throwing them out after 6 months whether they have been used or not - then that makes you wonder why bother with them in the first place
I am steadily replacing any alkaleak in my home with eneloops. I've only had a few alkies leak on me, but that was enough. Last one was a single cell in an unopened 8 pack of Duracells.
Not to long ago I went to use my Canon PowerShot but it would not start, so I continued to look in the battery compartment to test or change the batts only to find a nasty mess, 2 of the 4 alkalines leaked into my camera :Sp They were less than 2 months old.
I have had two Mag lites hosed by Rayovacs however I sent the lights to thhem and they sent me a check for more than the lights cost. I too hate having to check things with alkalines in them to be sure they are ok. Darn near anything I have that uses AA or AAA has Ni MH in them.
Or in reality after all’s said and done, and your time spent to storefront buy or re-order online new ones, were you still hosed or truly fairly compensated?
Hmm, Costco has the 10 packs of AAA and AA Eneloops (1500 cycle ones) on special at $15.99 through the 16th of the month I believe. At $1.59 a piece, I might give some thought to phasing out the bulk of my alkaline usage…Does anyone have any input on the latest version Eneloop powering a typical single AA wall clock in terms of runtime in months?
after just reading these brief posts. At least enlightenment for me. That is, alkalines today are like Extra-Heavy Duty Zinc batteries of yore. The great question is, why do the masses still use them? The answer: because they haven’t been educated about the other types of vastly superior batteries out there.
We here on BLF know better. And because we know better we really have only ourselves to blame the most for using this POS outdated electronic device destructive technology considering the other superior alternatives, to wit smarter-choice alternatives we have at our fingertips out there. Bottomline IMO, we’re being sold deliberately defective product. Which is a consumer-safety issue just as much as and more than a bunch of other so-called items that have been recalled. That’s BS.