Image Boss! (no politics, no sexy pics) Have fun. ❤️

While I would be more afraid of cooties hiding in the knurling, I can see many fearing this.
Your go leestrong.

Thanks for picking me cohoer :smiley:
Please share with us images of genius ideas/designs.

Here is one

Bonus pic!

I have an irrational fear of Jodi Arias.

Sure, she has a pretty face, but she's a cold-blooded killer.

She's currently locked up in Arizona, close to where my family and I might move in a few years.

I followed her trial very closely when it was all over the news, and even though she's in prison, I am deathly afraid of her or anyone like her.

Here's a genius idea that I approve of.

It's the Squatty Potty.

It helps you use the restroom.

It's not that complicated of an idea, but I think it's great!

Ummm, what would really help her to use the restroom would be to take off those pants, no?

Anyhoo, these doodads are handy if you use ’em. Pull open doors, open bottles, etc.

After upgrading our lowboys to the taller models…now we need booster stools to lower the squat ratio?

The first assisted opening knife was designed by Blackie Collins in 1995 and was named the "Strut-and-Cut"

(The only knives that I buy right now are assisted openers, so this knife is a genius idea to me.)

Re-usable candle - for those with too few flashlights…

I like RC’s idea the most, simple and very practical, I can see myself using it.
Honorable mention to Lightbringer’s exoskeletal finger, a timely gadget in this pandemic time; as well as northbeard’s infinity candle :+1:

Thanks, leestrong!

I'd like to see dangerous animals that actually exist.

(No fictional creatures.)

Hopefully arachnids count. Redback spider from Australia (Aussie 5¢ coin for size comparison, roughly the same size as a US 5¢ coin)

Still a really dangerous and potentially lethal bite.

Sure, arachnids count.

Any dangerous animal will do, except no humans.

(I forgot to mention that part.)

Grizzly bears…


Highly venomous cone snail

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Saltwater Crocodile, native to India, Vietnam, and Australia

Mosquitos (malaria) kill 1 million people each year, making them the most dangerous animal.