Black Friday price 8,95. Plus 5 bucks shipping.
if you don’t buy anything else. Like yours truly.
One per customer, so gather the family, hehe.
Black Friday price 8,95. Plus 5 bucks shipping.
if you don’t buy anything else. Like yours truly.
One per customer, so gather the family, hehe.
Yeh, 14bux seems a bit spendy, but curiosity got the best of me.
You can always buy the MS18 or the like and the shipping will be free.
I know. It was a chore to be able to pay for it.
Grand total said 8.95 free shipping. and it wasn’t going thru.
Tried with 3 cards and PP.
Finally the shipping charge appeared.
And ended up paying with the little cash I have in my PP account.
I screw ’em at the end. Was it worth my time?. Not sure.
After all, the light is only 29.95. But it was personal satisfaction
what I was after. And got it. Order confirmed.
First time I buy anything directly from Imalent.
And I have 9 in hand and 4 on the way.
Yes!! I screw them royally. Not only today. But always.
Huh…1200 lumens from such a tiny light? And having a display on the light is pretty unique!
However, I really ought not to buy any more lights that I probably won’t carry around…
I have 9 with no problems. Of course, I don’t really use them.
The only complaint I have is that the switches in the old lights
DN70, DN35, DT70, DT35 and even in the DX80 are
impossible to find in the dark.
The MS12 and the MS18 are much better.
Otherwise is my 3rd favorite brand.
After GOD Surefire and Angel Acebeam.
And, believe me, they are not even making 9 dollars in the 8.95 lights. Hahaha.
By the way, it's the Imalent LD10 not the Imalent DL10.
Well whichever the nomenclature is, I got it. And You?.
I have an LD10 and, personally, wouldn’t buy another even at $9. The charge leakage is ridiculous. Full charge lasts about 3 days without any usage. Won’t go a full day if I decide to use it at all. I love the LD70 and carry it quite often but I wouldn’t thank you for another LD10.
This is my experience from a limited sample size of 1 so interested if anyone has a different experience. (But I suspect this may be reasonably common by the fact that they’re reduced to $9)
Yikes, that’s a bit concerning especially considering the non-replaceable battery. Thanks for your input!
6500K, magnetic charging, and non-replacable batteryand just enough to decide not to buy. Plus, I saw a promotion this light was bundled with a new flashlight and until now they give it away for 8.95 + 5 for shipping. BIG NO!
The LD10 is not a new light. Was there no revision correcting the high standby drain?
Yikes, I don’t mind if a flashlight works or not.
I’ll never use it. It will go straight to the Imalent shelf.
To me, most of this Chinese lights are toys.
When push comes to shove, the only brands I would carry
are Surefire or RovyVon.
I have 3 RovyVon on me or in the keychain all the time.
Those are not flashlights, but illumination devices.
BTW I haven’t needed a flashlight in years.
Only to read menus.
And it’s more of a show. Not a need.
I live in Miami Florida. Not in Miami Ohio.
Where light pollution is so great,
that you need sunshades at night.
So this little bugger will go straight to my Imalent collection.
Working or not.
No good deed goes unpunished.
Can anyone confirm this? I’ve read a couple of review threads but there was no mention of an especially high stand-by drain.
Also, has anyone tried to open this light?
I bought 3. We’ll soon find out.
Glad i missed it.
I may collect things i don’t really need or use a lot but it’s important to me if it can function properly.
By the way I’ve received 5 spams from these assholes for not completing checkout.
How dare you add items to cart and not buy them?
I thought they had a limit of one. Might’ve gotten multiples to lower the average shipping cost. But yeah, could’ve sworn they had a limit.
I bought 3. How?. Very carefully.
By the way I’ve received 5 spams from these assholes for not completing checkout.
Some people have all the luck. You most be very important to them. 5!
I only receive emails from companies that I’m registered with. Maximum filters.
Come to think of it………….Ali sometimes sends me “The items in your car have a lower price now.”
I guess it must be because…………. I always have many items in my cart.
Can anyone confirm this?
I’m also keen to hear other experiences. As I mentioned, I have a sample size of 1 so mine may just have been built Friday afternoon. Hopefully mine is just a once off dud. My LD70 works great and I regularly carry it.