Introducing XinTD X3 XM-L2 3*AA Flashlight

I replied here to Bort's post, that you cannot get more than 2.1A even without a carrier, I am not talking about the XinTD in the OP or how many amps the Eneloops can do. From personal experience I know they can do more than 2.1 in a carrier, in this case the carrier made by me, and I even read as high as 3.47A with another driver. So what I want to say it's 3 Eneloops in series can go over 2.1A in a carrier.
I made 2 video because actually I had a problem fitting the cells into the c88. It's a 2.8A driver.

Please do not post how the voltage will drop, that is not my point.

very impressive, i’m assuming thats the T6 you mentioned, and also i used second gen eneloops with the white labels, not the 2500mAh ones you are using

It's actually another T6 yes, this one is 3C. On my old tests I have used the 2000mAh ones, but I do not have them anymore as I sold them and got these XX black ones last week, HR-3UWXA.

The U2 has a higher forward voltage then the T6, and so will an XM-L2, but if those batteries you have can get full output on this new light then i am very interested

I have shown you an U2 2C that I have and it's VF compared to a T6 1A, 0.01V higher, so doing that test won't change much. I do not know if you saw that post.

I did, and i found the post i was referring to earlier

parenthesis are info added by me so you don’t have to read the whole thread to get the info

Those are driver values, use an 18650 or whatever you want based on what Relic38 says the driver will not draw 2.8A anymore at those voltages. When I have the time and I will measure some VFs at higher currents than I did on the same LEDs.

Testing the KD V2 driver with a T6 1A I have found that it did not outputted 3A at 3.4V

surely thats the point, eneloops will only start at 3.6v, at 3.4v they are below regulation voltage, hence using a 4th cell, it might look better on lithium primaries.

Graph for the same setup, with the same cells you saw in the video, no more charging, cells as they were.
Active cooling, flashlight on horizontal position, fan heavy blowing from above, just to show that these cells can really do it. Body temperature 36Celsius, ambient 28Celsius. Of course without active cooling such thing is should not be possible.

1.2V is the nominal voltage, they don't start at 1.2V

Looks great! How much?

How about a nice introduction promotional offer Hank? :)

I second that motion :smiley:

If you ask me nicely I will accept one, and publish a review :smiley:

Hell, they can whip me, flick my nipples and call me Shirley - I’ll still accept it (and publish a review).

Not side switch? No XM-L2 U2 as option?

My data being used to compare XM-L T6 to an XM-L U2 contains a lot of noise when used that way. For starters, they are two different hosts. In fact everything is different. There is too much changing between tests to conclude anything there. To compare bin to bin, change only the emitter and leave everything else the same.

One thing that has been shown, with tests and datasheets, is the higher Vf of an XM-L2 compared to an XM-L.
Based on this, I suspect there will be issues with getting full drive current from 3xAA (especially NiMH) for very long in this light.
The 26650 should hold for longer if the current path is low resistance.
Still, this is all assumptions and speculation. Actual results have not been published anywhere yet.

46x40mm reflector? i like the sounds of that!

would have been nice to see it just a couple mm wider in the tube to fit a 32650, but then i would have to get a few new cells lol

If the quality is that of the other XinTD’s be one heck of a light.