Introduction from "J Team"

J Team has been created by some BLFers, who you will recognise soon, to introduce some interesting products, otherwise not available direct to the consumer, at special BLF-only prices.

Negotiations with a renowned manufacturer are already making excellent progress.

We think you will like the first one, which we hope to announce soon.

And if you do, and it is well received, there is the prospect of some unique, BLF inspired developments, to come, once the team is up to strength.

PS: this is not a commercial undertaking for us, it is in the best spirit of a true BLF “Group Buy”.

We just want to see first-class products, made by serious people, that can be bought by BLFers with confidence.

And availability will be limited.

Watch this space !

Edit: The first product will be for modders only. :wink:

Edit: J is just j, or i

Group buy: Jaxman Z1 host.

To clarify:

The Miller and I have been working hard behind the scenes with Jaxman to put this group buy together.

Think of him as “business” and me as “technical”, but the roles are fluid.

It was my idea to start a “teaser” introduction, whilst we were putting the final details together.

We had expected to launch today (Monday) but Jaxman worked with us all through the weekend, so we kicked this off right away.

The Miller and I are EU based, so we have a large time-window with China, during which we can all chat together, and I have to say we have been very impressed with the responsiveness this has enabled.

Though I have had to start getting out of bed earlier, which is no bad thing.

This will be as simple and drama-free as we can make it.

And we would appreciate everyone’s help in keeping J Team threads drama free too.

Although “J Team is initially offering a purely Jaxman product, we have some ideas about introducing some new BLF specific components too. But plans for these will not intensify until The Millers Q8 project has delivered.

As soon as Jaxman has everything set up perfectly, we will post the official links to his store, from where you can place your orders. We are working together to try to minimise the shipping costs, but the process is still a little mysterious at the moment.

Their standard products are mostly sold through a distribution chain, but for us, they will be direct from the factory, using AliExpress.

This will be very soon.

“J Team” personality will only be used for official announcements, and a signature will be added to identify members. We will try to keep these at the start of threads, so they can be easily found.

Posts on “J Team” threads by The Miller or me should be regarded as official.

Our posts elsewhere are our personal ones.



Hello J Team, I suposse you are different from Kronos Team? Would like to know who are the members!

“Interesting products otherwise not directly available to consumers…” That’s a very bold claim.

Now I’m interested…



Ooh what’s to come!?
Who’s doing it!?
Questions, answers
How will this unfold?

Hmm, this has the potential to be really cool or a pathetic mess. Now where did I put that popcorn emoji???


What does J stand for?

The unknown team that makes interesting unknown products in collaboration with unknown manufacturers for special unknown prices. :party:

I’m intrigued, but by what??


Expect a full selection of tints to be made available.

So, who are the members?

+1 (And why the cloak and dagger?)

Ok… lets hear it!

Gah another “team” ready to peddle lights? I thought the kronus team had the monopoly.

I can’t answer for the J-team. But, I can tell one logical reason why some BLF member(s) might want to start a “team” for bringing new products around, without divulging who the members are: Anonymity. And when you’re dealing with hundreds of potential customers, anonymity can definitely help you sleep better at night. :wink:

Come on, lets give them the benefit of the doubt. Lets try to stay positive, we can always shoot them down later if need be.