Is the Acebeam H30 the only light that can run sustained 1100 lumens?

I want a headlamp that can run sustained < 1000 lumens for under $150 and no external battery pack. From the searching I have done it seems like the H30 is one of the few that can do it. The other are either too expensive or liars.

If there is a good enough breeze and low enough ambient temperature, the Thrunite TH30 v2 can sustain a similar brightness according to the testing by zeroair

Again, please note this test was done with a fan on the light:

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Also, check out this post. This legend of a man had 65 headlamps and was nice enough to list them all and highlight his favorites.

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Wouldnā€™t that at some point burn a hole in your forehead?

That many lemons would get hot.

I agree, that would kill more brain cells than chain smoking Marijuana joints.

In my neck of the woods weā€™d be glad for the heat.

Around 100 now atmšŸ˜

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Any significant updates on favorite headlamps?

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Yeh, exactly.

I still remember my tailstanding S2+ (2.8A, maybe 5min tops) getting so hot I literally couldnā€™t bap the switch to turn it off. Needed to grab a shirt to use like a potholder and even then could only grab it long enough to turn it off and drop it again.

And that would only be, what?, 800lm or so? 10W at the LED, at a rather generous 80lm/W?

The H30 is impractical as a headlamp. It does not have a battery charge indicator. (and when the battery is almost empty, it starts blinking constantly (at a brightness of 1000 lumens it will last 30-40 seconds and turn off). Other flashlights have a double blink - a pause of 30 seconds, which is more practical + they take a step down, and do not drain the battery until the last minute like h30).
H30 cannot be charged with usbc-usbc cables, only usba-usbc.
Well, its beam is square and wide, about 100ā°. Next to other headlights (with a more uniform and narrow (bright) light), it stands out only due to its mass. And the mule light hit h30 with a wider and more uniform light + hicri.

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Hankā€™s DW4 with disabled overheat protection .

Maybe by your criteria. None of the things you mention seem like dealbreakers to me.

  • Maximum light till turn-off is a feature if youā€™re trying to get work done and just carry a spare cell.
  • Charging cable? Iā€™d use an external charger 99% of the time.
  • Wide beam vs narrow beam benefits depend on your usage.
  • It stands out only due to itā€™s mass? This thread is about sustained output which this light has in spades.

My interest in this is that Iā€™m also shopping for a headlamp. Been kicking around several models for a long time now and Iā€™d put the H30 near the top of the list. If you know of a mule light that can sustain 1100 lumens for an hour or two, or 380 lumens for about 7 hrs Iā€™d be interested to hear about it. For me the selling points of the H30 are not how nice the beam looks or how pretty the tint (70.2 gonna be green). Iā€™m looking for runtimes and efficiency.

Yes the emisar d2 is definitely my favorite, I use it as a headlamp.Got 4 of them with each different leds/optics
The Nitecore HC68 is also a great headlamp

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[quote=ā€œCollectEverything, post:14, topic:221542, username:CollectEverythingā€]
If you know of a mule light that can sustain 1100 lumens for an hour or two, or 380 lumens for about 7 hrs Iā€™d be interested to hear about it.
[/quote] Has that been tested?
1LUMEN has tested the armytek C2 pro Max and that showed 375 for 7 plus hours. And with a spread of 150Ā° that seems like a better choice if you want a wide beam.

ā€œThe Nitecore HC68 is also a great headlampā€

Yeahā€¦More runtime liarsā€¦ All graphs show lumens below 400 at 5 mins not 2hrs like specs show. I was ready to buy it then looked at runtime graph, wow horrible!

ā€œHankā€™s DW4 with disabled overheat protection .ā€

Sorry, not on first name basis here, who is ā€œHankā€ and what is a dw4?


The dw4 is very heavy for a headlamp.
I havenā€™t used mine very much so far

Yes, but he want mooor lumens. So this is the way. Boost driver with disabled or raised to 50- 60 dgr. heat protection. Ugly 6500K led can do even mooor lumens ;)) And its like 50$ so for 150$ you can get x3 .

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