Is there a bike light that keeps the light angled down?

Much like automotive headlights. I like a decent amount of light but keep the output relatively low so as not to aggravate other cyclists and drivers. If there was a product that had a beam pattern like that of a car that would be great. Are there any?

Fenix BC30R

I did some research on the topic a couple of years ago. At that time I was able to find two models with good cutoff - Philips Saferide and Busch & Muller IXON.

+1 Outstanding bike light w/clever mount.

Honestly the beam pattern on the fenix doesn’t look that impressive on the pc. It just looks like one led is facing down while the other is up.

The two that sneym321 mentioned look interesting

Busch & Muller Ixon

Funny :smiley: PC image test!
My opinion was based on hundreds of uses of the fenix bc30 and bc30r, not a PC image.
Your results may vary. I’m confident there are other fine choices.

Yes well I don’t want to buy all of them just to make the comparison :smiley:

Boro have you used other lights?

Sharpie looking forward to the review.

Check this DIY for Solarforce, found that on bike forum, consists of hose clamp, small spring and polished section of beer can :slight_smile: :

Beamshots form rider perspective and from afar are there for comparison .

Even cut out diffuser does work well (for Convoy S series I believe):

In both versions the reflected light is directed towards front wheel so is not wasted and lets you see near road features better.

I use the elliptical optics available from a variety of places, e.g.

Canada: Elliptical Lenses
US: 20mm - Carclo LED Optics

I use these both on the bike and walking.
There’s a variety of light patterns available, from mildly oval to very long oval

I was also going to suggest the elliptical TIR optics. See a couple beamshots here.

The optics linked to in the post above and in the link I posted will fit a convoy S2+.

Elliptical optics look interesting but I would need to research what light to use it on then build it. I have made up one or two hoods before but it erks me that I’m blocking light therefore it’s wasted (in my mind). I wonder if I could slice off a section of reflector and lay a piece of polished metal/mirror in it’s place to act as an in-built hood?

Would the light being reflected of the mirror down to the lower part of the reflector then get reflected back up?

Hey mate Excuse my ignorance but cant you just angle the light down?

I ride trails here and i use a headlamp now…

MRsDNF you may be right, it was just an idea.

everydaysurvivalgear I like to have a bit of throw on the road bike. When I’m fit I average over 30km/h (so comfortable stretches = 32-36km/h). Having the light point down too much is hard on the eyes and concentration.

The link altonx posted above is actually the best design I’ve seen, and pretty simple:

The whole idea is to project your beam as far as possible, while keeping the hotspot and spill below the eye level of on-coming pedestrian or motorist.

That is why a shade above the lamp helps.

So lens hoods really are the way to go then….

I think the hood is more effective on the two led light, largely because of the smaller diameter reflectors. There seems to be a defined part of the beam that is cut off. I was about to mount it to the bike when I realized the light mounts upside down therefore the hood would be as well :person_facepalming: Easily fixed since I made the hood out of tape :laughing:

Not sure how effective the hood will be on the supfire but I suppose it’s better than nothing.

Since i’m taking pics of the bike I thought I’d show you what a bikelightwankster I am. Pic was with handheld phone so quality….

Please tell me that you made the GITD/UV rims by yourself

Yep. And it’s easy too.

Glow tape. 3-5mm wide, the thicker it is the harder it is to curve around the rim.

UV lights

And some double sided tape to fit the lights.