Is there a way to mark all topics as read?

Is there a way to mark all topics as read in the new engine? I’d like to be able to see which topics are actually new in the “Latest” tab.

Also a different question - why do I sometimes find old topics without new answers in my “Latest”? Most recent example - I found the following topic from Apr '22 with just one message, no replies, in my “Latest” tab.

I’m not a moderator so I can’t confirm but I suspect the OP edited their post and it bumped it. In the picture below it shows that post was edited twice.

1 Thank

That was my guess but I didn’t spot any “Last Edited recent’o’clock”, didn’t know about the icon, thanks!

And as for the “Mark all read”?

1 Thank

I don’t know of a way to read all in the “Latest” category but in “New” you can “Dismiss New” which will make all topics in the New Category disappear.

Before Clicking “Dismiss New”:

After Clicking “Dismiss New”:

As far as I know, there is no way to do this, though I wish there were.
I am not Mr. Admin, the only moderator on BLF, but this is how I understand things here at BLF. :slightly_smiling_face:

I found those, but that didn’t help much unfortunately. Thanks for the tip though :slight_smile: Maybe I’ll just click through all the topics to mark them read :woozy_face: